
Zuoquan County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

author:Hello Left Right

On July 1, our county held a commendation meeting for outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers, and advanced grass-roots party organizations to carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit the spiritual genealogy of communists, and educate and encourage the county's grass-roots party organizations and the majority of party members to take advanced party organizations and outstanding party members as benchmarks. Shi Yong, secretary of the county party committee, attended the meeting and made a special party class, Wang Yadong, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and head of the organization department, presided over the meeting, members of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, representatives of the "two excellent and one first" commended by the county party committee, secretaries of the party (work) committees of townships (urban areas), and the main persons in charge of the county units attended the meeting at the main venue. Members of the party (work) committees of townships and towns (urban areas), the "two excellent and one first" objects commended by the county party committee, and some village (community) party organization secretaries attended the meeting at the branch venue.

Zuoquan County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

The meeting read out the "Decision of the Zuoquan County Committee of the Communist Party of China on Commending the County's Outstanding Communist Party Members, Outstanding Party Workers and Advanced Grass-roots Party Organizations", and commended 80 outstanding Communist Party members, 40 outstanding Party workers and 40 advanced grass-roots Party organizations.

Zuoquan County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

On behalf of the county party committee, Shi Yong congratulated the commended advanced collectives and outstanding individuals, extended holiday greetings to the majority of party members who have been fighting on all fronts for a long time, and called on party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members to take advanced models as benchmarks, transform the power of role models into a strong driving force for overcoming difficulties, forging ahead, working hard, and having the courage to fight, and jointly promote our county to create new achievements and create new brilliance in the new journey of high-quality development!

Zuoquan County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

Shi Yong from the direction of "learning to know the discipline, in the "learn to understand, learn to understand thoroughly" to enhance the discipline consciousness; Establish rules with learning and discipline, and correct deviations in "fearful and stoppable"; In order to learn and abide by the discipline and upright atmosphere, in the three aspects of "the unity of knowledge and action, hard work" to hand over the qualified answer sheet", for all party members to teach a special party class on discipline.

Shi Yong pointed out that studying and abiding by party discipline is an inherent requirement for comprehensively and strictly administering the party, and it is also a compulsory course for every party member and cadre to strengthen the cultivation of party spirit. It is necessary to accurately grasp the six major discipline rules, always maintain the political nature while strictly abiding by political discipline, and always take a firm position and be loyal to the party; Practice the "four obediences" in strict observance of organizational discipline, and always obey the party's command and keep the same pace; Strengthen self-restraint in strict adherence to integrity and discipline, and always be honest, clean and innocent; Stand firmly on the people's position in strictly abiding by the discipline of the masses, and always keep the masses in mind and benefit the people; In strict compliance with work discipline, we should firmly carry our responsibilities and missions, and always be diligent and dedicated, and take responsibility; Cultivate noble sentiments in strict adherence to life discipline, always be upright and upright, and use party rules and party discipline to correct thoughts and actions.

Zuoquan County held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first".

Shi Yong emphasized that as a member of the Communist Party, political identity is the person of the party, the party's mission and tasks are the lofty ideals of party members, and the party's discipline and rules are the norms of behavior of party members. It is necessary to truly learn the bottom line determination, through the study of discipline, accurately know discipline, consciously understand discipline, and strictly abide by discipline. It is necessary to truly learn to serve the people, adhere to close ties with the masses, strive to do a good job in people's livelihood, and earnestly safeguard the interests of the masses. It is necessary to truly learn to take on the mission, combine compliance with rules and disciplines and change the style of work, and stimulate greater development momentum with a better development environment; Combine compliance with rules and disciplines with boosting spirits, and gather stronger work synergy with greater responsibility; Combine compliance with rules and disciplines with implementation, take greater reform as a way to accelerate the revitalization and development of leftist power, and hand in a qualified answer sheet to the Party Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee, the Municipal Party Committee and the 140,000 people in the county's old areas!