
17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

author:Seriously Haiyan looks at current affairs

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17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

On July 1, it was reported that in the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships held in Indonesia, Chinese 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during the game and died after being sent to the hospital for treatment.

When I saw the news last night, I didn't pay attention to it at first, but the statement that followed made me have to complain.

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

The statement said, "I was sent to an ambulance and taken to the hospital within 2 minutes", and my first reaction was, this is too fast, right?

2 minutes to the hospital? Is the hospital next to the site?

Later, after watching the whole video, I realized that it took 2 minutes to send the person to the stretcher, and the person was still in the arena [awkward laughter]

As can be seen from the video, the team's handling was a mess, and the first responders entered the stadium with a lot of friction; There is basically no first aid, and that's it.

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

From Zhang Zhijie's sister's voice, it can be seen that in the game on the afternoon of the 30th, even the contact with the family was a mystery, and the family was not contacted until half past 9 in the evening.

People were not saved, and family members could not be contacted, so what did this event team do? Is it a grass platform team?

The rescue team is too amateurish?

Video playable [flash of inspiration]


The same cardiac arrest, see how the football game is handled.

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform
17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

According to reports, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground during the game, and it was nearly 30 seconds after he fell to the ground before rescuers entered the field.

What happened in those 30 seconds?

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

First, are the ambulance crews playing with their phones or dozing off? I didn't even come forward to check it out for the first time.

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

Second, the coach is inexperienced. The Chinese coach saw that it was inappropriate, and he also climbed over the fence to enter the field, ready to rescue, but he was called to stop!

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

Thirdly, the referee was very unprofessional. Unexpectedly, it was the referee behind him who signaled him to step back, and this referee was sure that he was not a bastard? People are like this, and they still prevent rescue [crying silently]

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

The other referee didn't say anything, as if nothing had happened.

I don't know if the coach is inexperienced or too timid, he actually followed the referee's instructions, and really didn't rescue, just gesticulating on the side, asking the rescuers to enter the field immediately.

In fact, the coach still has a certain responsibility, but this is your player, does it really matter?

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

Fourth, the equipment and first aid skills are too poor! After the incident, some said two minutes, some said 30 seconds, and the first wave of rescuers arrived late, and the equipment was very rudimentary, and they only brought a first-aid kit.

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

It is also a rescue team, looking at the rescuers in the football game, they are well-equipped, and the uniforms are also a lot more professional!

Not to mention the equipment, not only with external defibrillators, but also with other first-aid equipment.

The most important thing is that people are indeed professional, in this case, it should generally be considered as cardiac arrest, and the best treatment is on-site first aid, even if there is a lack of instruments, CPR should be performed as soon as possible, which is commonly known as artificial respiration.

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

On the other hand, in the Indonesian arena, the second wave of rescuers brought stretchers, and there was no first aid in the whole process, and the task of the rescuers was to lift people on stretchers and send them directly to the hospital to announce the end of work.

In that case, what is the role of rescuers? Sending to the hospital is something that anyone can do!

The whole rescue process is speechless!

You must know that saving people is like fighting a fire, it takes two minutes just to carry a stretcher, and then send it to the car and then to the hospital, at least more than 20 minutes.

However, the best time to save people is the golden 4 minutes, and it was delayed in vain, this is a living life! He was only 17 years old, and his life withered before it could begin.

During the whole process, the referee prevented the rescue; The coach is hesitant; Rescuers are too slow to enter the scene, and they are not even equipped to provide first aid. Every mistake adds up to a human life!

It's hard to imagine that this is an event organized by the Asian Badminton Federation, how amateurish!

Sister Zhang Zhijie spoke out

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

Now it seems that this two minutes is really ridiculous

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

My sister can't accept this result, and her words are right, it's true that the medical team is too bad!

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

I don't know what to say! This university certificate is really uncomfortable and makes you want to cry!

Netizens condemned one after another

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform
17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

The medical care is really too watery, and I wonder if there is a professional qualification certificate!

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

The organization of the event was terrible!

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

Will the medical staff really not do it?

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

Hey, I don't know how to say it!

Personal opinion

As we all know, even in sports competitions, there are high and low.

The top is the football game, because of the high commercial value and large attention, so the logistics of the football game is the most perfect.

Badminton has a low level of attention and is not as commercially valuable, but this is not an excuse for the poor medical team.

Or as netizens say, a bad event procedure is tantamount to murder!

17-year-old genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly? It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire logistics support team is a grass platform

According to netizens, Zhang Zhijie's background is very pitiful, his father died early, and he was raised by his mother.

He happily went to the game, but he was out of his mind, how can he accept this result?

I still hope that the relevant parties will give a reasonable explanation and give justice to the family!

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