
The man was born with a broken palm, he helped the old man carry the coffin, and the old man said not to go to the grave tomorrow

author:Little Red Riding Hood, who loves to be funny

【Title】The Mystery of the Broken Palm: The Mystery of Carrying the Coffin and the Treacherous Warning of the Old Man

In the northeast of us, there is a small mountain village, and there is a young man named Li Ergou, who is a little evil when he is young, and he was born with a broken palm. The old men and old ladies in the village all said that this child has something in his life, and this life will not be simple. But Li Ergou himself, he doesn't take it seriously at all, he is happy all day long, like a nobody. He was always the first to rush forward in the village, and his strength was as great as a cow.

One day, the old birthday star in the village, Old Man Zhang, lived for ninety-nine and was about to celebrate his 100th birthday, but overnight, he said that he was gone. Old man Zhang has no children or daughters in his life, and he relies on the help of the villagers. As soon as Li Ergou heard this, he didn't say a word, picked up the hoe and rushed to Old Man Zhang's house. He pondered in his heart: "Old man Zhang usually treats me badly, and I have to send him off this last journey." ”

The man was born with a broken palm, he helped the old man carry the coffin, and the old man said not to go to the grave tomorrow

When I arrived at Zhang's house, the courtyard was already crowded with people, all of whom came to help. Li Ergou squeezed into the crowd, walked to the coffin in a daze, and without saying a word, he lifted the coffin with a few other strong men, ready to send it to the cemetery on the mountain. This way, the mountains are high and the road is far away, but Li Ergou is like being beaten with chicken blood, and he didn't stop in one breath, and sent the coffin to the place steadily.

After burying Old Man Zhang, everyone was about to disperse, but Li Ergou was stopped by Old Man Zhang's friend before his death, a tall and thin old Wangtou. The old king said: "Ergou, you have done a great favor today, and the old man Zhang was most worried about you when he was alive." However, there is something I have to bring to you for Old Man Zhang, and he said: 'Ergou, don't go to the grave tomorrow, it's good for you.' When Li Ergou heard this, he chuckled in his heart and thought, "Old man Zhang, what do you mean by this?" Why don't you let me go to the grave? Is there anything to say? But he didn't ask much, just nodded and agreed.

That night, Li Ergou lay on the bed, tossing and turning and couldn't sleep, his mind was full of Old Man Zhang's words. He thought to himself: "Old man Zhang is usually so good to me, there must be some deep meaning in these words." Could it be that there is something unclean in this cemetery? Or is it what do I say about this severed palm? The more he thought about it, the more bottomless he became, Li Ergou simply didn't sleep, put on his clothes, quietly slipped out of the house, and decided to go to the cemetery by himself. After all, he is a master who does not believe in evil.

The man was born with a broken palm, he helped the old man carry the coffin, and the old man said not to go to the grave tomorrow

Under the moonlight, the mountain road looked particularly gloomy, and Li Ergou walked with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and his heart was up and down. As he approached the graveyard, he suddenly heard a strange sound, like someone whispering, like the wind whining through the woods. Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he secretly thought: "Where did the crying come from in the middle of the night?" It can't be bumping into something unclean, right? He was bold and approached quietly, only to see a woman dressed in white sitting in front of Old Man Zhang's grave, with her head bowed and whimpering and crying. Li Ergou's heart was excited, and he was about to open his mouth to ask what was going on, when the girl suddenly raised her head, her eyes were crying like peaches, she stared at him directly, and asked in a low voice: "You, is that Li Ergou?" Li Ergou was stunned, nodded in response, and was even more confused in his heart, who is this girl? Why do you know me? The girl sighed and said slowly: "I am your old Zhangtou's daughter-in-law who has not passed through the door, when the war was raging, I was forced to run away from home, and then come back, he..." Li Ergou listened, and his heart was not happy, it turned out that Lao Zhangtou still had such a sad past. He was just about to say a few words of comfort, when suddenly a cold wind blew, he shivered, and when he looked again, the girl was gone, leaving only the white flowers in front of the grave, which looked particularly desolate in the moonlight. Li Ergou rubbed his eyes and muttered in his heart: "What's going on?" Is it a dream? But it feels too real. He shook his head, and was about to leave, when suddenly the words of Lao Zhangtou sounded in his ears again: "Ergou, don't go to the grave tomorrow, it's good for you." At this moment, Li Ergou seemed to understand something, he turned around suddenly, walked away from the cemetery quickly, and secretly pondered in his heart: "Old Zhangtou, don't worry, I will definitely not go to the grave tomorrow, but the secret behind this, I have to figure out sooner or later." ”

When he got home, Li Ergou didn't close his eyes all night, and the next day, he deliberately avoided the crowd and didn't go to the cemetery. When the villagers came back from the grave, they were all talking about it, saying that Lao Zhangtou's grave was overgrown with grass overnight, which was more lush than the surrounding graves, and there was an indescribable fragrance. When Li Ergou heard this, his heart was even more up, and he decided that this matter had to be investigated, otherwise, Lao Zhangtou's words would become a stone in his heart. So, he began to ask around, ask the old people in the village, talk to old friends, and even went to the town's bookstore and picked up those dusty old books. The hard work paid off, and finally, on a stormy night, Li Ergou found clues in a dilapidated "Feng Shui Cheats". It turned out that a person who was born with a broken palm had a special personality and was easy to provoke yin and evil, and the woman in white in front of the grave that night was actually the "tomb keeper" specially invited by Lao Zhangtou in order to protect him, which was used to dispel the bad luck that might surround him. As for the grass that grew overnight on the grave, it was a good omen in feng shui, indicating that there was a master to help and avoid the omen of great evil.

When Li Ergou saw this, he had mixed feelings in his heart, it turned out that Lao Zhangtou's sentence "Don't go to the grave tomorrow" had such a deep friendship and calculation behind it. He secretly swore that he must live a famous life, so that Lao Zhangtou's spirit in the sky can also rest assured. As for the secret of the cemetery and the true identity of the woman in white, Li Ergou decided to bury it in his heart first, after all, there are some things that it is better not to know if you know them, isn't it? So, Li Ergou began to run around, first found the old carpenter in the village, used the best wood, carved a lifelike tombstone for Lao Zhangtou, and then invited the scholars in the village to write a touching inscription, every word is full of admiration and nostalgia for Lao Zhangtou. Oops, this matter has to be so neat, Li Ergou, this kid is really warm-hearted. He not only repaired Lao Zhangtou's dilapidated house, but also turned it into a small ancestral hall, so that everyone had a place to remember. After this thing was done, Li Ergou felt a little more steady, but he always felt that it was almost meaningful.

The man was born with a broken palm, he helped the old man carry the coffin, and the old man said not to go to the grave tomorrow

He patted his thigh and remembered that Lao Zhangtou loved the rice wine he brewed himself when he was alive, and he had to give him a whole pot of good wine and put it on the grave, so that his old man could be happy over there. He ran to the mountain, picked the best glutinous rice, and found the master who made wine in the village, and the two of them worked together. Steaming, fermentation, filtration, and tossing, finally, a pot of fragrant rice wine was brewed.

Li Ergou carefully put the wine into a blue and white porcelain vase, wrapped it tightly in red cloth, and planned to send it to Lao Zhangtou early the next morning. Early the next morning, Li Ergou brought rice wine and came to Lao Zhangtou's grave. He gently put the wine on the grave and muttered, "Old Zhangtou, I brought you your favorite rice wine." You have to drink slowly over there, don't choke. After saying that, he also kowtowed on the ground three times, which was considered to be the fulfillment of this heart.

It's strange to say, since Li Ergou did these things, the people in the village said that the grass on Lao Zhangtou's grave has grown more vigorously, and even the crops around him have been harvested better than in previous years. Everyone said that this was the blessing of Lao Zhangtou's spirit in the sky. As the days passed, Li Ergou also married a wife and had children, but he never forgot Lao Zhangtou. Every year during Qingming and Zhongyuan, he will bring his family to sweep the tomb of Lao Zhangtou and tell him about the new things in the village, just like Lao Zhangtou is still alive.

The man was born with a broken palm, he helped the old man carry the coffin, and the old man said not to go to the grave tomorrow

Until one day, an old Taoist priest from all over the world came to the village, and when he passed by the graveyard of Lao Zhangtou, he suddenly stopped, circled around the grave several times, and still recited words in his mouth. Seeing this, Li Ergou hurriedly stepped forward to talk: "Dao Chief, what do you think there is in this cemetery?" The old Taoist priest squinted his eyes, looked at Li Ergou, and said slowly: "Young man, your broken palm is a natural blessing, and it should have a bad fate, but looking at the feng shui of this cemetery, someone deliberately changed your life, and this person must have a deep friendship with you." ”

When Li Ergou heard this, he chuckled in his heart, isn't this just talking about Lao Zhangtou! He hurriedly told the old Taoist priest about what happened to Lao Zhangtou before his death, as well as what he did later. After hearing this, the old Taoist priest nodded, and sighed: "Rare, rare!" Your severed palm was originally a sign of yin, but Lao Zhangtou used the tomb guard spirit and the feng shui layout of this cemetery to block a lot of disasters for you. And after he died, he used this lush grass to continue to shelter you, this friendship is really closer than a brother! ”

After Li Ergou listened, his eyes turned red, and he almost didn't shed tears. He thought to himself that Lao Zhangtou had to repay his love for him for the rest of his life. Li Ergou knew in his heart that he had to remember this kindness for a lifetime. Oh, this thing has to be so neat, we Northeast people pay attention to a reality. That Li Ergou, his mind is colder than the winter in the Northeast, but his affection is hotter than the kang head in our Northeast. He stood at the head of the grave and vowed to let Lao Zhangtou's reputation be resounding in our village, and to spread this love farther than the loudspeaker in the village. After that, Li Ergou became the "story king" of our village, and as soon as the night was dark, everyone gathered around his door, listening to him tell the story of Lao Zhangtou, and tell the exciting story of the broken palm.

The man was born with a broken palm, he helped the old man carry the coffin, and the old man said not to go to the grave tomorrow

As for the mystery of the severed palm, as well as the strange things about the cemetery, over time, they have become the history of the village, and they have become a mystery. But everyone in our village knows that behind this, there is a love that is stronger than blood, and a promise to fulfill with a lifetime.

At this point in the story, it's time for an end. In our northeast, there are no strange things? But this broken palm, it really happened in our black land, talking about the word "love". No matter what your life is, what you encounter, if you have feelings in your heart, if you have thoughts, you can overcome any hurdles, and you can enjoy any blessings.

Li Ergou became the "Second Dog Master", and the story of Lao Zhangtou spread in the village and became a beautiful conversation after dinner. But Li Ergou always felt in his heart that this matter was not over yet, and Lao Zhangtou's love had to be repaid in a more practical way. So, he began to think about how to make Lao Zhangtou's name louder in the village, and how to make this love spread farther.

The man was born with a broken palm, he helped the old man carry the coffin, and the old man said not to go to the grave tomorrow

He thought about it, and finally decided to build a school in the village, called "Lao Zhangtou Memorial School", so that the children in the village can learn knowledge and be a person here. Just do it, Li Ergou went around to collect money, find craftsmen, and was very busy. Finally, the school was completed, with green bricks and green tiles, spacious and bright, full of new tables and chairs, and the portrait of the old Zhang Tou hung in the most conspicuous place.

The babies listened to Lao Zhangtou's words, and they were stunned one by one, although they didn't quite understand what it meant to "return with learning", but they knew in their hearts that this school was a good place to go, which could make them gain knowledge. They nodded their heads like pounded garlic, and secretly vowed in their hearts that they would study hard. Since then, the Lao Zhangtou Memorial School has become a treasure in the village, the children learn culture, the adults learn crafts, and even people from other villages come to want to touch the light of Lao Zhangtou.

The man was born with a broken palm, he helped the old man carry the coffin, and the old man said not to go to the grave tomorrow

Li Ergou became the principal of the school, went to the school before dawn every day, swept the floor, put books on the table, and told the children the story of Lao Zhangtou from time to time, and talked about the love of the friend of life and death. In a blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and Lao Zhangtou Memorial School has produced many promising children, some have gone to college, some have become capable people in the village, and some have gone out of the mountains to go outside.

One day, a baby who came back from the city found Li Ergou and said that he would donate money to the school so that more children could receive a good education. Li Ergou listened, tears almost didn't fall, the excitement in his heart, Lao Zhangtou's love finally blossomed. So, he took the children to expand the school, and the new school has more classrooms and books, as well as computers and the Internet, so that the children can see the outside world.

The portrait of Lao Zhangtou is hung in the most conspicuous place, and a line of words is engraved below: "The friendship that is repaid with learning, and the memory that is passed on with knowledge." Over time, the reputation of Lao Zhangtou Memorial School has become bigger and bigger, and it has become the pride of the village and the educational benchmark of the surrounding area. Li Ergou is also known as the "second dog master in the education industry" by everyone because of his persistence and dedication.

The man was born with a broken palm, he helped the old man carry the coffin, and the old man said not to go to the grave tomorrow

Someone asked him why he insisted on running a school, Li Ergou always smiled and said, "What's so difficult about this?" Just for the love of Lao Zhangtou! He spent his life in exchange for this school, and we have to spend our lives to protect it and inherit it. This is not only a school, but also the soul of our village and the root of our Northeast people! ”

In this way, the story of Lao Zhangtou and Li Ergou's efforts have become a legend. The love of learning to repay is like the grass on the grave of the old man, the longer it grows, the more vigorous it grows, and the longer it grows, the more tenacious it becomes. It inspires the children to go out of the mountains and into the future, and use knowledge and wisdom to create their own brilliance. Lao Zhangtou's name has also been engraved on this black land forever and has become a spiritual beacon for future generations.