
Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

author:Zhuxiao Institute
Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

Just as Chen Gendi was about to lift the deadly bowl of porridge, a sharp knock on the door suddenly sounded. She froze, hesitated for a moment, put down the bowl, and shuffled to the door with heavy steps.

The moment she opened the door, she saw the concerned gaze of her neighbor.

This unexpected interruption became a turning point in Chen Gendi's life, and also unveiled a difficult but hopeful journey.

Chen Gendi's starting point in life was not bumpy. In 1949, she was born in Shanghai into a family of ordinary workers. In his youth, in response to the call of the country, Chen Gendi and other enthusiastic young people went to the countryside of Changfeng County, Anhui Province for labor training.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

When she first arrived in the countryside, she was overwhelmed by the unfamiliar environment and heavy farm work. But with her tenacious character and unremitting efforts, she quickly adapted to rural life and became a leader among the educated youth.

In the summer of 1974, Chen Gendi was awarded the title of "Advanced Individual in Hefei" for her outstanding performance. Standing on the podium of the Yangtze River Hotel in Hefei, she was full of pride and joy in her heart, and deeply realized the truth that hard work will eventually be rewarded.

However, the twist of fate began when she married Wang Chuanchun. When they first met, Wang Chuanchun was considerate of Chen Gendi and quickly won her heart. Soon after their marriage, they ushered in the crystallization of love - the birth of their son Wang Chengliang.

This small family should be full of joy, but Wang Chuanchun's temperament has changed dramatically after marriage.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

Domestic violence is like a haze that hangs over the family. The quarrels and beatings again and again made Chen Gendi feel painful. Once, because she did not bring water to wash her feet in time, she was punched and kicked by her husband by the hair, resulting in a broken finger.

Every time she was subjected to violence, Chen Gendi would hide in the corner and cry silently, but for the sake of her son, she chose to be patient.

The blows of life followed. Wang Chuanchun was diagnosed with diabetes and needed long-term treatment. Chen had to take long leave to take care of her husband, while also enduring his violent temper during his illness.

However, an even bigger blow is yet to come. In 2002, their son, Wang Chengliang, was diagnosed with uremia and required huge medical expenses.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

In order to save her son, Chen Gendi ran around, endured cold eyes and ridicule, and finally raised 500,000 yuan for treatment. Day and night, she stood by her son's bedside, using pain to stimulate herself to stay awake, her arms covered with scars.

However, fate seems to have played a cruel joke on the family.

In just one year, her husband and son passed away one after another, leaving Chen Gendi alone to face huge debts and endless grief. The blow of losing her loved ones almost destroyed her will, and it also gave her the idea of suicide.

However, life always has its incredible turn, and one ordinary morning, a sudden knock on the door changed the trajectory of Chen Gendi's fate.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

On that gloomy morning in 2004, 55-year-old Chen Gendi had already decided to end her life. However, a sudden visit from a neighbor interrupts her plans.

The elderly female neighbor handed her 200 yuan and said in a serious voice: "Sister, I know you are sad, but please be strong." It's not a lot of money, but it's a little bit of my heart.

This unexpected care, like a ray of sunshine in the dark, shone into Chen Gendi's desperate heart. She suddenly realized that she was still in debt of 500,000 yuan.

Throughout the night, Chen Gendi tossed and turned, setting off a fierce struggle in her heart. On the one hand, the pain of losing her loved ones made her feel loveless; On the other hand, the debt of 500,000 yuan weighed on her heart like a mountain.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

She thought of the generous creditors who had given up, and whose trust and expectation made it impossible for her to give up easily.

Early in the morning, when the first rays of sunlight poured into the room through the window, Chen made a difficult but courageous decision: she wanted to live and pay off all her debts with her own hands.

Although she had reached retirement age, she decided to re-enter the workforce and start a life of hard debt repayment.

In order not to forget her promise, Chen Gendi bought a notebook and carefully wrote down the name and contact information of each creditor. Whenever she thinks of her deceased husband and son in the dead of night, she always opens the notebook to remind herself of the responsibility on her shoulders.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

The decision was not an easy one. Every night, when Chen Gendi lies alone in bed, thoughts and sorrows will flood in. She often cried silently, her pillow soaked with tears.

But every morning, she wipes away her tears, cheers up, and prepares for the day.

Chan understands that re-employment at this age will face many challenges. But she told herself that as long as she had a breath left, she would work hard to pay off her debts. This is not only a promise to creditors, but also a value for one's own life.

She firmly believes that as long as she doesn't give up, there is always hope waiting for her.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

Chen Gendi's road to debt repayment is full of hardships and challenges. As a 55-year-old retired woman, it was not easy to re-enter the workforce. She walked the streets and alleys of Hefei City, asking for job opportunities from door to door.

After hitting a wall many times, she finally found a job as a handyman in a small restaurant.

Every morning at four o'clock in the morning, when the city is still asleep, Chen Gendi has already set off on her beat-up bicycle. She is always the first to arrive at the restaurant, carefully washing hundreds of greasy dishes, wiping down the tops and floors until the restaurant is brand new.

Her diligence and conscientiousness soon won the appreciation of her boss, who not only raised her salary, but also gave her the task of purchasing vegetables.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

In order to save money, Chen Gendi insists on commuting to work on foot or bicycle, rain or shine. Even in the cold winter, she wore only a thin coat, and her hands were red from the cold.

Sometimes the road was slippery and she accidentally fell, but she just gently patted the dust off her body and continued walking. Every day after work, she also picks up plastic bottles and waste paper along the road to supplement her living expenses.

In addition to her restaurant work, Chan also worked as a waitress and nanny. She cherishes every job opportunity and takes the initiative to ask for work without breaks. Sometimes she worked sixteen hours a day, and her legs were swollen like pillars, but she never complained.

At night, in the cramped rental house, she often reminisced about the past, and tears soaked her pillow. But the next morning, she would pick herself up again and continue her struggle.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

In the past ten years, Chen Gendi has always maintained integrity. Every year, she would take the time to personally explain the situation to the creditor, promising to pay off the debt. Her persistence and perseverance deeply touched the creditors, and many persuaded her not to rush to repay the loan and to take care of her body.

But Chen knows that time is precious to her, and she must redouble her efforts.

As time went on, Chen's memory began to deteriorate, and she often felt a splitting headache. But she didn't give up, but every night before going to bed, she looked through the notebook that recorded the information of the creditor, and kept her fighting spirit alive.

In the long process of repaying debts, Chen Gendi has also encountered many heart-warming moments. Some well-meaning customers will give her an extra tip when they learn about her story.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

Sometimes, the family of her part-time job will give her some leftovers, which for her is a life-enhancing delicacy.

Despite the hardships of life, Chen never gave up hope. She often told herself, "As long as I'm alive, I'm going to pay off this debt." This is not only a commitment to creditors, but also respect for oneself.

It is this perseverance that supports her step by step towards her goal.

After ten years of hard work, Chen Gendi finally saw the dawn of hope. Every time she paid off a debt, a surge of relief welled up in her heart. She knew she was getting closer to her ultimate goal.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

This long and arduous road to repay her debts not only exercised her will, but also allowed her to rediscover the value and meaning of life.

February 2015, an ordinary winter day, was an extraordinary day for Chen Gendi. After a full decade of hard work, she finally paid off her last debt.

When she crossed out the name of the last creditor in the notebook that had been with her for many years with trembling hands, an indescribable sense of pride and relief welled up in her heart.

At this moment, it was as if the mountain that had been pressing on her heart for many years suddenly disappeared. Chen Gendi stood in front of the window, looking at the bustling street outside, tears flashing in her eyes.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

She knew that she had finally fulfilled her promise to her creditors and had fulfilled her account to her deceased relatives.

Chen Gendi's story spread quickly, touching many people and attracting widespread attention from the society. A non-profit organization called "Orphaned Family" learned about her experience and reached out to her to provide her with help and support.

With the encouragement of the organization, Chen Gendi, who is 73 years old, started a new chapter in her life. She actively participates in public welfare activities, using her own personal experience to comfort and encourage those who have suffered misfortune.

Her story has become a vivid teaching material for others, showing the brilliance of humanity and the tenacity of life.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

For Chen, paying off her debts is not the end, but the beginning of a new life. She felt like she had been given a new lease of life and was looking forward to the future.

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Chen Gendi has a new understanding of life. She often said: "There is only one life, no matter how difficult it is, we must be strong to live."

This is not only her consolation to others, but also the profound understanding she has gained in exchange for ten years of hard work.

Today's Chen Gendi, although she has passed her prime, still has a resolute light in her eyes. She interprets the meaning of life with her actions and inspires more people to bravely face the challenges of life.

Her husband and son died of illness within a year, and a 55-year-old retired woman insisted on doing odd jobs and paid off her 500,000 debts in 10 years

In public welfare activities, she always patiently listens to the stories of others and uses her own experience to give them hope and strength.

Chen Gendi's story has become a moving hymn to life. It tells us that as long as we don't give up hope, life will always have the potential to work miracles.

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