
Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

author:Nongnong Cultural Society
Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless
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Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

In the dazzling screen world, there is such an actress, she used to be radiant, but now she is alone. 66-year-old Zhang Yu was once the peerless beauty of "Lushan Love", but now she has no children and no daughters, and has never remarried.

Although she has achieved great achievements in her career and even ranks among the invisible richest people in the film industry, the emptiness in her heart has never been filled.

Zhang Yu's life is like a movie with ups and downs: from obscurity to fame, and then to fading out of the film industry; From love to marriage, to separation and divorce. What kind of choice made this once dazzling star go to such a lonely old age? Let's walk into Zhang Yu's life and uncover the little-known story behind her.

In 1980, the Chinese film industry ushered in a revolutionary change. "Lushan Love" is like a dazzling new star, shining dazzlingly on the screen.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

This work not only caused a sensation in China, but also swept the whole of Asia and became a cultural symbol of the era. In this film, Zhang Yu, who plays the heroine Zhou Yun, has become a high-profile new movie star in one fell swoop with her innocent and moving image.

Zhang Yu's rise is not accidental. As early as the casting stage, director Huang Zumo was attracted by Zhang Yu's unique temperament. Among the many candidates, only Zhang Yu's rare innocence and romantic temperament perfectly fit the role of Zhou Yun.

As it turned out, Huang Zumo's discerning eye brought unexpected success to the film.

Zhang Yu performed Zhou Yun to the fullest, and her performance not only infected the audience, but also wrote a new chapter in the history of Chinese cinema. The "First Kiss" and "Screen CP" that appeared in "Lushan Love" created a precedent for domestic films and made the audience crazy.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

The success of this movie is like a pair of invisible wings, which pushed Zhang Yu directly from an unknown young actor to the peak of his acting career. With her outstanding performance, she won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress in one fell swoop, realizing her gorgeous transformation from a third-tier actor to a first-line star.

However, Zhang Yu did not rest on his laurels. Taking advantage of "Lushan Love", she starred in three movies in a row, bringing surprises to the audience every time.

Her acting skills grew more and more exquisite, and her popularity grew, and she soon became one of the hottest actresses of her time.

In that era of shining stars, Zhang Yu was undoubtedly one of the brightest new stars. Her success lies not only in her excellent appearance, but also in her deep understanding and delicate expression of the character.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

Every character created by her seems to be infused with a soul, making the audience unforgettable.

However, just when everyone thought that Zhang Yu would continue to shine in the entertainment industry, her life ushered in an unexpected turn. This turning point not only changed the trajectory of her career, but also completely changed her life.

Standing at the pinnacle of her career, Zhang Yu made an unexpected choice that took her into a new journey in life.

When Zhang Yu's career was in full swing, an unexpected love affair quietly sprouted. Her acquaintance with the young director Zhang Jianya was only due to her admiration for Jiao Huang, a senior in the film industry.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly, and this chance encounter turned out to be a key moment that changed the trajectory of their lives.

With the deepening of the relationship, the relationship between Zhang Yu and Zhang Jianya gradually warmed up. Although Zhang Jianya was still a little-known rookie director at that time, far less famous than Zhang Yu's, this did not prevent the sincere feelings between the two.

They admired each other, supported each other, and soon fell in love. After two years of love, they finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand and became the most watched celebrity couple in the entertainment industry at that time.

However, married life was not as happy as they had hoped. After only a year of marriage, Zhang Yu made a decision that shocked everyone - she wanted to study in the United States.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

This decision was not only opposed by her husband Zhang Jianya, but also puzzled by many people. After all, choosing to leave at the height of your career is a difficult decision for anyone.

Faced with his wife's firm determination, Zhang Jianya finally chose to support. They agreed to trust each other and work together to maintain this marriage that spanned thousands of mountains and rivers.

In this way, Zhang Yu embarked on a journey to study in a foreign country alone, while Zhang Jianya stayed in China to continue his directing career.

Life in the U.S. has not been easy. Zhang Yu needed to overcome the language barrier and adapt to a new environment, while also juggling her studies. She learned English from scratch and worked hard day and night to gain a foothold in this strange land.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

Although she and Zhang Jianya kept in touch through letters, the trajectory of their lives became more and more distant as time went on.

At the same time, Zhang Jianya's directing career in China is booming. He has successively created popular works such as "The Story of Sanmao in the Army" and "Desperate Life", and has gradually become a high-profile cutting-edge director.

Zhang Yu, on the other hand, is fighting alone in a foreign country, working hard to realize his dream.

However, the geographical distance eventually evolved into a spiritual divide. When Zhang Jianya traveled thousands of miles to the United States to visit Zhang Yu, the two were surprised to find that they used to talk about everything, but now they can't find a common topic.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

This meeting became a turning point in their marriage.

Soon after, Zhang Yu filed for divorce. She believes that instead of consuming each other, it is better to give each other a chance to start over. Despite his reluctance, Zhang Jianya still respected his wife's decision.

In this way, a marriage full of love came to an end because of the pursuit of personal ideals.

This decision had a profound impact on Zhang Yu's life. She gave up a happy marriage in pursuit of self-improvement, but she also lost the best opportunity to start a family.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

This choice became one of the biggest regrets in her life in the future.

After the divorce, Zhang Yu did not return to China immediately, but chose to continue to pursue his acting dream in the United States. She completed her studies at California State University and then pursued her master's degree.

After completing his studies, Zhang Yu joined Hollywood with confidence, hoping to show his strength in the world film and television center.

However, reality gave Zhang Yu a blow in the face. In Hollywood, she is just one of many unknown actors, and the once brilliant achievements in the country are useless here.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

Whether it is fighting for supporting roles or extras, she has repeatedly hit a wall. This experience made Zhang Yu deeply realize that the difficulty of restarting her acting career in a foreign country was far beyond her imagination.

After some struggle and reflection, Zhang Yu decided to return to Asia for development. She first stayed in Taiwan for three years and participated in several TV series. Despite her efforts, these works have never been able to make much of a splash.

In 1993, Zhang Yu made the decision to return to the mainland, hoping to regain the peak of his career in a familiar environment.

However, after returning to China, the development was not as Zhang Yu had hoped. Once big-name stars can now only receive supporting roles, or even dragon roles. Faced with such a gap, Zhang Yu felt both frustrated and helpless.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

She began to question whether she had made the right decision to leave in the first place, and she was also thinking about how she could regain the audience's affection.

Just when Zhang Yu fell into a trough, unexpected help appeared. Her ex-husband Zhang Jianya, who has now become a well-known director, took the initiative to lend a hand. He invited Zhang Yu to play the heroine of "Mr. Wang's Burning Desire", which provided a valuable opportunity for her to return to the film industry.

This opportunity is like a long drought, Zhang Yu seized the opportunity and devoted himself to the role. Her professionalism and superb acting skills have been unanimously recognized by the director and the audience.

With the help of Zhang Jianya, Zhang Yu gradually regained his footing. She has starred in many works such as "Dream Broken Love Building" and "Sunfire", showing her charm and strength as an actor every time.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

In 1993, Zhang Yu finally ushered in his first important honor after returning to China - the "Golden Phoenix Award for Artist Special Contribution Award". This award is not only an affirmation of her perseverance over the years, but also marks her regaining recognition in the entertainment industry.

This experience made Zhang Yu deeply realize that the road to returning to the film industry is far more difficult than he imagined. But at the same time, her ex-husband's support also made her feel the warmth of humanity and the preciousness of her former feelings.

This experience not only exercised her will, but also gave her a deeper understanding and awareness of her acting career.

Although he has made some achievements in returning to the film industry, Zhang Yu clearly realizes that it is difficult for him to reach the peak state of his past. The path of being an actor seems to be getting narrower and narrower, and she is beginning to feel lost about the direction of her future development.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

This suggestion is like a beacon that illuminates Zhang Yu's way forward. With Zhang Jianya's encouragement and guidance, Zhang Yu began his career as a director. With years of acting experience and a deep understanding of cinema, she threw herself into her new role.

Zhang Yu's directorial debut film, The Sun Has Ears, unexpectedly won two awards for Best Director and Best Screenplay at the 6th Berlin Film Festival. This achievement not only allowed Zhang Yu to regain her confidence, but also opened up a new path for her career.

The transformation from the front of the stage to behind the scenes allowed Zhang Yu to see the other side of his potential.

In the following days, Zhang Yu continued to explore the path of directing. She has directed many works such as "Heavy Gold Defense Line" and "Chinese Films in Shanghai", each of which embodies her hard work and creativity.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

It is particularly worth mentioning that she also filmed the sequel to "Lushan Love" "Lushan Love 2010", which seems to be a review and tribute to her acting career.

This experience made Zhang Yu deeply realize that life is always full of possibilities. When one door closes, there is often another door open for you. The transformation from actor to director not only allowed Zhang Yu to find a new direction in life, but also made her re-examine her life value.

However, the success of his career did not fill the emptiness in Zhang Yu's heart. While enjoying the sense of accomplishment brought by being a director, she also felt more and more the warmth that was missing in her life.

The change of career has given her a new lease on life, but the loneliness of her personal life has always been with her.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

Today's Zhang Yu is a successful person with a successful career in the eyes of outsiders. She not only has a certain status in the film and television industry, but also has become an invisible rich man in the film industry with her keen business sense.

However, when the lights went out, the applause dissipated, and the 66-year-old faced an empty room alone, her inner loneliness intensified.

In a rare candid interview, when asked what she thinks about not having children, Zhang Yu expressed deep regret: "Not having children is indeed a big regret in life, and I feel very pitiful.

This sentence speaks to the pain in her heart, and also reveals the emptiness behind her seemingly glamorous life.

Actor Zhang Yu: I have no children and no daughters in this life, and I have no love at the age of 66, although I am rich but very helpless

In order to fill the void in her heart, Zhang Yu began to travel around the world frequently, tasting local cuisine. However, these outward pleasures were never able to heal the wounds in her heart.

Zhang Yu's story is like a mirror, reflecting the difficulties of many people's lives. It teaches us that every choice in life can lead to unexpected results.

Money and fame are important, but family and love are also an indispensable part of life. In the pursuit of career success, we should not lose sight of other good things in life.

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