
Outrageous! The ambulance is live streaming drag racing at high speed, and the driver and fans interact intimately and eat the bitter fruit!

author:The big ship of Six-Six

Recently, an ambulance driver in Shenzhen drove a live drag race on the highway, which attracted widespread attention.


Video source: Xiaoxiang Morning News

Judging from the exposed live broadcast footage, the driver drove an ambulance to cross the line back and forth on the highway to overtake, and also released a bold statement "I overtake him like a play, do you know?" ”

Outrageous! The ambulance is live streaming drag racing at high speed, and the driver and fans interact intimately and eat the bitter fruit!

Some viewers kindly reminded him not to go overboard, and he said nonchalantly, "Oh, it's okay, let's play, there are no patients in the car, who can do that with patients"

Outrageous! The ambulance is live streaming drag racing at high speed, and the driver and fans interact intimately and eat the bitter fruit!

Not only that, but the driver also has the strength to spoil fans, saying, "I listen to the opinions of fans, fans say that they are super him, and fans give me courage!" ”

Outrageous! The ambulance is live streaming drag racing at high speed, and the driver and fans interact intimately and eat the bitter fruit!

The driver's behavior was too much, although there were no sick people in the car, but this kind of drag racing disrupting the traffic order was obviously illegal. And he still drives an ambulance, isn't this a sign of using privilege to satisfy his desires? Just imagine, although there are no patients in the car, but his attitude is difficult to reassure people what kind of work he will be in when he pulls patients?

In this regard, some netizens said that the traffic rules were almost violated by the driver, which not only endangered public safety, but also damaged the public's trust in the hospital!

Outrageous! The ambulance is live streaming drag racing at high speed, and the driver and fans interact intimately and eat the bitter fruit!

Some netizens said that the driver's brain must be not good, and he doesn't know what he did? still dares to start a live broadcast, this is not clear about digging a hole for himself.

Outrageous! The ambulance is live streaming drag racing at high speed, and the driver and fans interact intimately and eat the bitter fruit!

In the end, the driver also paid for his actions and was invited to tea. I don't know if he regrets his actions.

Outrageous! The ambulance is live streaming drag racing at high speed, and the driver and fans interact intimately and eat the bitter fruit!

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