
Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County: Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead

author:Shaanxi era

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit the red culture, enhance the cohesion, combat effectiveness and appeal of the party organization, and guide the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, improve their party spirit, and build a strong sense of discipline. Zhangjiatou Town organized a series of activities of "Three Stresses, Two Views and Two Revisits" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County: Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead

The party secretary gave a lecture on the party

On June 28, Wang Tenglong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhangjiatou Town, gave a special party class entitled "How to be a good secretary of the village party branch under the new situation", and he stressed that the secretary of the village party branch should continuously improve his political ability, the ability to get rich, the ability to serve the people, the ability to make democratic decisions, the ability to prevent and control emergencies, and the ability to self-control. It is necessary to revitalize existing resources based on posts, strive for the support of superiors, activate the main role of the masses, develop and expand the village collective economy, and promote the high-quality development of the town's economy and society.

Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County: Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead

The branch secretary gives a lecture on the party

On the occasion of the party's founding day, the secretaries of the village party branches in Zhangjiatou Town respectively carried out party lectures on the themes of party member discipline education, party spirit cultivation, and rural revitalization, and guided the majority of party members and cadres to further consolidate their ideological foundation, build a strong sense of integrity, play a vanguard and exemplary role, and contribute to the development of the village. During the period, various themed party day activities were also held, which enhanced the happiness and sense of belonging of party members.

Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County: Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead

Party members and cadres are honest

On June 26, on the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, Zhangjiatou Town successfully held a speech contest of "Telling Honest Stories and Promoting Clean Trends". At the competition site, 18 contestants selected by each administrative village (community) shared the integrity stories around them based on the theme of the speech and based on their own reality. After intense competition and rigorous and fair scoring by the judges, the first, second and third prizes were awarded respectively.

Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County: Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead
Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County: Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead

In order to fully reflect the care and care for the old party members and solve the practical difficulties of the party members in difficulty, Zhangjiatou Town actively organized section-level leaders to carry out visits and condolences to the old party members and party members in difficulty, sent them the party's care and warmth, and sent medals to some of the old party members who were honored in the party's 50th anniversary, thanked them for their contributions to the cause of the party and the people, and extended holiday greetings and sincere blessings to them.

Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County: Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead

Watch the Red Stage Play

On June 28, Zhangjiatou Town organized party members to go to Yan'an Red Street to watch the large-scale red immersion drama "Return to Yan'an". The stage play tells the story of the little soldiers of the national flag class on the Red Army's Long March Road through the progressive performance of the four scenes of "a museum of memory", "a cluster of sparks that burn the prairie fire", "a long long march road" and "an immortal flag".

Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County: Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead

Relive the spirit of Yan'an

Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County: Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead

Relive the spirit of Yan'an

On June 28th, Zhangjiatou Town, together with the Project Management Department of Yanyu Railway YYZ0-8 Bid Section of China Railway 12th Bureau Group Co., Ltd., carried out the theme party day activity of "Town-enterprise co-construction to promote harmony, hand in hand and common development", during which party members visited the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall, the former site of the Yangjialing Revolution, and the former site of the Zaoyuan Revolution, listened to the on-site teaching of "Marxism-Leninism in Yan'an Caves", and revisited the spirit of Yan'an during the visit and study.

Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County: Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather the strength to forge ahead

Review the oath of joining the party

In the series of activities, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party in front of the party flag. By revisiting the solemn commitment and firm belief when joining the party, the party members re-examine their party membership, enhance their sense of belonging and identity to the party organization, keep in mind their mission, further enhance the party spirit, and clarify their responsibilities.

Through a series of activities, the vitality of the town's party members and cadres has been further stimulated, the sense of mission and responsibility of the majority of party members has been enhanced, and the cohesion, appeal and combat effectiveness of the party branch have been improved. In the next step, Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County, will continue to strengthen the leadership of party building, unite work forces, solidly promote the education of party members and the development of characteristic theme party days, and strive to contribute to the high-quality development of the economy and society. (Contributed by: Zhangjiatou Town, Suide County)

Editor-in-charge: Liu Pengtao

Editor: Fu Mingzhu