
The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

author:Shaanxi era

In order to enrich the cultural life of the masses, meet the cultural needs of the masses, build the brand of mass cultural activities in our county, and accelerate the pace of high-quality development of our county's cultural undertakings, on June 28, the second performance of the "Danzhou Group Art Collection" hosted by the Fu County Culture and Tourism Bureau and undertaken by the Fu County Cultural Center was successfully held in Kaiyuan Square.

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Moderator: Gao Haijiao, Lei Yajun

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Dance "Shandandan Blossom Red Yanyan"

The party kicked off with the dance "Shandandan Blossoming Red Yanyan", with songs, recitations, guzheng performances, dances, sketches, Qin dialects, instrumental ensembles, etc. The actors used their talent and enthusiasm to bring a wonderful performance to the audience, won bursts of applause and cheers, and the bonfire party pushed the event to a climax, all the participants and onlookers enjoyed it, and the event ended in a warm atmosphere.

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Song: "The Ballad of Lugou"

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Instrumental ensemble "Red Song Ensemble"

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Recitation of "Song of Cultural Defense"

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Dance "Dragon Prosperous Age"

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Guzheng performance "Yunshui Zen Heart"

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Song "Red Boat New Generation"

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Sketch "Peace Hotel"

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Qin Yan "Killing the Temple"

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Song "Through the Fragrance of Life"

The bonfire party set off a cultural boom!

Dance "Five-Star Red Flag"

This theatrical performance successfully combined the mass culture with the cultural life of the community, so that the residents could feel the charm of culture in their daily lives. In the future, the Fuxian Cultural Center will continue to give full play to its own advantages, innovate the form of activities, bring high-quality cultural services to more community residents, and promote the continuous development of community cultural construction. (An Yufang)

Editor-in-charge: Du Pengfei

Editor: Fu Mingzhu

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