
How to prevent company drawings from leaking? 5 measures for the confidentiality of company drawings

author:Li Xiang, Enterprise Security Engineer

In today's competitive business environment, the confidentiality of company drawings is essential to maintain a competitive advantage as an important intellectual property and trade secret. Leaked drawings can not only lead to financial losses, but can also damage a company's market position.

How to prevent company drawings from leaking? 5 measures for the confidentiality of company drawings

Five key measures for drawing confidentiality

  1. Strengthen physical security: Ensure all drawings are stored in a safe place, restrict physical access, use lockers or secure rooms for storage.
  2. Use access control: Implement strict access control to the electronic version of the drawing, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access and edit the drawing.
  3. Implement data encryption: Encrypt drawing data in storage and in transit, even if the data is illegally obtained, it cannot be easily interpreted.
  4. Monitoring and auditing: Regularly monitor access and usage of drawings and record detailed audit logs to track liability in the event of a breach.
  5. Employee training and awareness improvement: Conduct confidentiality awareness training for employees, emphasize the importance of drawing confidentiality, and improve employees' awareness of confidentiality.

Insight into the application of the MIT system in drawing confidentiality
How to prevent company drawings from leaking? 5 measures for the confidentiality of company drawings

How to prevent company drawings from leaking? 5 measures for the confidentiality of company drawings
How to prevent company drawings from leaking? 5 measures for the confidentiality of company drawings
How to prevent company drawings from leaking? 5 measures for the confidentiality of company drawings

The Insight Eye MIT system is an advanced data security solution that enhances the confidentiality of drawings by:

  1. Intelligent Behavior Analysis: The Insight Eye MIT system learns and identifies patterns of behavior in the normal use of drawings, and automatically alerts when abnormal behavior is detected, such as frequent replication or access requests.
  2. Real-time monitoring and response: The system provides real-time monitoring functions, which can instantly detect potential security threats and take corresponding preventive measures.
  3. Fine-grained access control: The Insight Eye MIT system allows companies to set fine-grained access rights based on the roles and responsibilities of employees to ensure that access to drawings is tightly controlled.
  4. Data tracking and auditing: The system can track the use and propagation path of drawings, record detailed audit logs, and help enterprises quickly locate the source of problems when drawings are leaked.
  5. Integration and scalability: The Insight Eye MIT system can be integrated with other security tools and systems to form a comprehensive security protection network and improve the overall confidentiality capability.

Expand your knowledge

  • Digital rights management (DRM) :D RM technology can limit the copying, printing and editing of drawings, ensuring that drawings are difficult to illegally disseminate even when they are used under authorization.
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN): A VPN provides a secure network environment for employees who remotely access drawings, preventing data from being intercepted in transit.
  • Watermarks and metadata: Embedding watermarks or metadata in drawings allows you to track the source and usage of drawings, making it more difficult to copy illegally.
  • File permission management: With the file permission management tool, you can control the read, write, and execution permissions of drawing files at a granular level.
  • Security Audits and Compliance Checks: Conduct regular security audits and compliance checks to ensure that all confidentiality measures are effectively implemented and comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.