
"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

author:Zhuxi Literature
"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life
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"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

In the Chinese film industry in the 50s of the 20th century, a dazzling new star is rising. She is Song Xuejuan, an actor who conquers the audience with her unique charm.

From the gentle and touching Nawa in "Lusheng Love Song" to the witty and brave He Lanying in "Railway Guard", Song Xuejuan has created unforgettable roles with superb acting skills.

She was not only the dream lover in the hearts of countless young men at that time, but also the idol of a generation. However, what is less known is that the life trajectory of this screen goddess is far more ups and downs than the character she plays.

Let's unveil the mystery of Song Xuejuan's legendary life and explore how she went from the war-torn era to the star-studded stage.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

In 1935, Song Xuejuan was born in the stormy Liaoning Province. At that time, wars were raging and the country was in turmoil. The young Song Xuejuan traveled with her family to escape the haze of war.

However, the test of fate did not wear out this little girl's love for life. Whenever she arrives in a new environment, she can quickly adapt and blend in with her innocent smile.

In the midst of frequent relocations, Song Xuejuan has shown amazing adaptability and artistic talent. No matter where she is, she always finds a stage to express herself. Singing, dancing, and acting became her way of expressing her emotions.

At that time, Song Xuejuan was like a flower that grew tenaciously in adversity, stubbornly blooming with her own brilliance.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

The gears of fate quietly turned, and at the age of 14, Song Xuejuan became a worker at the Fuxin Coal Mine. In that era when workers were regarded as pillars of society, she welcomed a new chapter in her life with a positive and enterprising attitude.

However, this is not the end of her life, but the beginning of her artistic path.

In 1951, the god of opportunity smiled at Song Xuejuan. She joined the Fuxin Coal Mine Art Troupe and officially stepped on the stage of art. Despite her lack of professional training, Song Xuejuan quickly rose to prominence on stage with her innate acting talent and love for art.

Her eyes flashed with enthusiasm for performance, and her gestures revealed her dedication to art. On the stage, Song Xuejuan is like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, blooming with dazzling light.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

Her acting talent was on full display and won praise from the audience and peers.

In 1953, Song Xuejuan ushered in the first peak of her artistic career. Her wonderful performance in the drama "Catch Up" won her the Silver Performance Award for the Northeast Regional Art Performance.

This award is not only an affirmation of her talent, but also strengthens her determination to pursue art.

Since then, Song Xuejuan on the stage is like a rising star, exuding dazzling brilliance. She used her own efforts and talents to carve out her own artistic path in difficult times.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

This flower of art that bloomed in the flames of war is preparing to bloom on a broader stage and write its own legendary story.

With the founding of New China, Song Xuejuan's acting career ushered in spring. In that era of emphasizing national unity, films with ethnic minority themes came into being.

"Lusheng Love Song" is such a work, and Song Xuejuan's Lahu girl "Nawa" played in the film has become an important turning point in her acting career.

The role of Nava seems to be tailor-made for Song Xuejuan. She perfectly integrated her youthful vitality and innocence into the role, creating a beautiful, moving, kind and amiable image of an ethnic minority.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

When Nava stood on the screen and looked at the audience with affectionate eyes, countless people fell for it. Song Xuejuan's performance not only showed the innocence and cuteness of ethnic minority girls, but also showed her perseverance when the characters encountered difficulties.

This delicate and nuanced interpretation made the audience fall in love with Nava and Song Xuejuan.

However, what really made Song Xuejuan a "young man's dream lover" was her role as "He Lanying" in "Railway Guard". This character is a combination of beauty and intelligence, with a gentle and lovely side, but also a strong and brave character.

He Lanying's image is deeply imprinted in the memory of a generation and has become an ideal partner in the hearts of young people in that era. Song Xuejuan vividly interpreted He Lanying's wit, courage and gentleness, allowing the audience to see a new female image.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

Song Xuejuan put all her heart and soul into each role. She would fill the script with annotations and delve into the inner world of the characters. Her performance is not a simple imitation, but fully integrates herself into the character.

Whether it is Nava's innocence or He Lanying's wit, they all shine with Song Xuejuan's unique personality charm. Her understanding and shaping of the characters goes far beyond the scope of the script, injecting fresh vitality into each character.

With the booming career, Song Xuejuan has participated in more excellent works. In "Sea Trial", Lan Ying played by her is closely connected with the story of the sea trial of China's first 10,000-ton sea vessel, showing the enterprising spirit of women in New China.

In "Sisters on Ice", she glides gracefully across the ice, showing the youthful energy of an athlete. In "Hong Yan", she created an ordinary and vibrant salesperson, making the audience feel the charm of ordinary laborers.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

Each role allows the audience to see Song Xuejuan's diverse acting talents. She is not only able to portray a soft and shy girl, but also a strong and independent woman, showing extraordinary acting skills and amazing adaptability.

From "Jiawu Fengyun" to "Young People in Our Village", from "Mountain Village Accounting" to "Yaoshan Spring", Song Xuejuan uses her performances to interpret the images of Chinese women in different eras and different identities.

However, fame did not make Song Xuejuan lose herself. She has always maintained a sense of reverence for art and refuses to appear in vulgar works. Even at the peak of her career, in the face of the temptation of high salaries, she insisted on choosing only excellent works that could show her talent.

This persistent pursuit of art makes her image even taller in the hearts of the audience.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

Song Xuejuan's acting career is a process of continuous breakthroughs and innovations. With her talent and hard work, she has left a strong mark in the history of Chinese film.

Every character she portrays is a microcosm of that era and a true portrayal of the image of Chinese women. Song Xuejuan's on-screen charm not only conquered the audience at that time, but also became an important material for later generations to study the development of Chinese films.

When Song Xuejuan's acting career was booming, love also quietly came. She met and fell in love with actor Liu Wenhua, who also worked in Changchun Film Studio, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

This marriage seems to be a perfect fusion of art and life, adding a new color to Song Xuejuan's life.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

There are two theories about their acquaintance. One is that they have been in love for a long time during their work together, and Liu Wenhua was deeply attracted by Song Xuejuan's talent and charm; The other is that the parents of both parties match each other, and only after in-depth understanding do they decide to marry.

Either way, it can't hide the deep affection between them. As Song Xuejuan said: "The origin of love is not important, the key lies in the love and harmony between them."

Liu Wenhua is a few years older than Song Xuejuan, and later changed careers to become a director. Their union is like a perfect fit for art. In family life, they support each other, work together on scripts, and exchange artistic insights.

Song Xuejuan's acting talent often brings creative inspiration to Liu Wenhua, and Liu Wenhua's directing experience has also made Song Xuejuan's acting skills to a higher level. Their daughter recalled: "My parents were always so loving and never saw them fight.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

They get along with each other as respectful as guests and as harmonious as a piano.

The love of this artist couple is also full of art. Their eldest daughter Liu Dongdong became a national first-class drama actor, the youngest daughter Liu Xiaohong is a national first-class makeup artist, and his son became a Changying lighting artist.

This family full of artistic atmosphere has become a microcosm of the Chinese film and television industry. Song Xuejuan once proudly said: "As long as our family stands on the stage, it is enough to complete all the work in front of and behind the scenes."

However, happy times are always short-lived. Liu Wenhua unfortunately died young, leaving Song Xuejuan to face the ups and downs of life alone. In the last stage of her husband's life, Song Xuejuan took care of Liu Wenhua with her usual strength and gentleness, and interpreted what true love is with her actions.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

The pain of losing a lover did not break Song Xuejuan. She still maintains her love for art and continues to shine on the silver screen. At the same time, she also devotes more energy to her family and carefully cultivates her children's artistic talents.

Song Xuejuan's life, just like the role she plays, has both a tender side and a strong and brave character. In her own way, she performed a moving love story of her own.

Song Xuejuan, who lost her beloved, was not knocked down by grief, but faced life with a stronger attitude. She passed on her love of art and passion for life to everyone around her, especially her children.

Under Song Xuejuan's influence, her family became a small art kingdom.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

Song Xuejuan has always maintained her persistent pursuit of art. Even at the peak of her career, she was never moved by fame and fortune, and always insisted on only taking on high-quality works. Her in-depth understanding of the role and her serious attitude have become a role model for future generations of artists to follow.

In addition to continuing to shine on the screen, Song Xuejuan will also devote more energy to social welfare undertakings. Even if it is a public welfare short film planned by a small local TV station, as long as it can spread positive energy, Song Xuejuan will gladly participate.

Her daughter once proudly said: "My mother is such a selfless person, as long as it is good for the country, she will do it without hesitation."

With the help of her children, Song Xuejuan started her second marriage. Although the marriage lasted only three years before ending with the death of her husband, it brought warmth and comfort to Song Xuejuan's later life.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

This experience also allowed us to see Song Xuejuan's positive attitude towards life, and she has always maintained her enthusiasm for love and life.

Song Xuejuan's attitude towards life deeply affects everyone around her. Her indifferent attitude towards fame and fortune, her persistent pursuit of art, and her sense of responsibility to society have become role models for future generations to learn.

She uses her actions to interpret what a real artist is and what it means to be a responsible social citizen. Song Xuejuan's life is not only a wonderful personal biography, but also a microcosm of the history of Chinese film development and social changes.

On May 3, 2012, 77-year-old Song Xuejuan passed away from this world due to breast cancer. However, her departure does not mean oblivion. Song Xuejuan left us not only a beautiful image on the screen, but also a kind of dedication to art and love for life.

"Railway Guard" "He Lanying": The goddess in the hearts of young men at that time, two marriages in his life

Song Xuejuan's life has experienced the turmoil of war, witnessed the founding of New China, and participated in and promoted the golden age of Chinese films. From Nava in "Lusheng Love Song" to He Lanying in "Railway Guard", every character she created has become a classic of that era.

She uses her talent and persistence to interpret what a true artist is.

Even after many years of leaving, Song Xuejuan's influence still exists. The characters she created live in the memories of countless audiences, and her artistic spirit has been passed on to future generations of actors.

Song Xuejuan, the haunting goddess of the screen, will always be a bright star in the history of Chinese cinema.

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