
Alipay received 2 million, and the people who made and received the money were shocked! Will you answer six or seven phone calls?

author:The little fish is dumbfounded

Source: Internet

Editor|Xiaoyu is dumbfounded

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Alipay received 2 million, and the people who made and received the money were shocked! Will you answer six or seven phone calls?

2 million from the sky, are you surprised or frightened? Is there really such a good thing in the world?

The beneficiary, Aunt Wang, said that the phone number from Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, called her six times, and she did not answer because she was worried that it was an elderly scam.

Alipay received 2 million, and the people who made and received the money were shocked! Will you answer six or seven phone calls?

As soon as Aunt Wang answered the seventh time, there was a cry on the other end of the phone. "Auntie, my loan accidentally hit your account" This money is not to say 2 million, even 20,000 is carefully transferred, how can it be wrong?

Alipay received 2 million, and the people who made and received the money were shocked! Will you answer six or seven phone calls?

The cautious Aunt Wang is worried that it is the new fraud method of the criminals. So they found the local Ministry of Public Security, and both of them arrived at the police station, and the transfer records of the payer's mobile phone information were turned over by the police, and the amount matched, and this batch of money was indeed the real income of Ms. Tian, the payer.

Alipay received 2 million, and the people who made and received the money were shocked! Will you answer six or seven phone calls?

Aunt Wang is very good, although this is her duty, but it is already very good, to be able to do this. Aunt Wang transferred all the money back to Ms. Tian, saying that this is what she should do, after all, it is not easy for everyone!

Aunt Wang's honest duty is worthy of all of us' admiration! If you are touched by Aunt Wang's morality, then give me a thumbs up or a comment. Forward this article to let more people know about it!

That's the end of this sharing, thank you for reading!

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