
Yang Ying appeared in the live broadcast room, and Dandan's jokes were too much, which led to the escalation of the marital conflict between Xin Xue and his wife!

author:The little fish is dumbfounded

Source: Internet

Editor|Xiaoyu is dumbfounded

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Yang Ying appeared in the live broadcast room, and Dandan's jokes were too much, which led to the escalation of the marital conflict between Xin Xue and his wife!

On June 29th, the final battle of Kuaishou, Red Dragonfly Special, Dandan (Simba's Apprentice) live broadcast room specially invited Yang Ying, the brand spokesperson of Red Dragonfly, to sit down. It's not that the former top female star has fallen into the live broadcast room to bring goods, in fact, the average star Simba will not choose it, and she is a brand spokesperson, so it is normal to appear in the live broadcast room!

Yang Ying appeared in the live broadcast room, and Dandan's jokes were too much, which led to the escalation of the marital conflict between Xin Xue and his wife!

Yang Ying originally attended a live broadcast room and it was not a big deal, but Simba's apprentice Dandan has been guiding the rhythm in the live broadcast room. (1) In the live broadcast room, he openly said that his master was moved when he saw Yang Ying, and his face turned black. (This is the live broadcast effect, I can actually understand it) (2) Simba and Yang Ying were going to the office to talk about the brand, and Dandan asked what they were doing upstairs, and their expressions were still smiling. (3) After a while, he asked the people at the scene with a wicked smile why the two of them had been going for so long. (4) Wait and tell Xu Jie to go and tell the master to come down quickly. (5) When sending Yang Ying away, he also told the master not to leave for too long with a bad smile

Yang Ying appeared in the live broadcast room, and Dandan's jokes were too much, which led to the escalation of the marital conflict between Xin Xue and his wife!
Yang Ying appeared in the live broadcast room, and Dandan's jokes were too much, which led to the escalation of the marital conflict between Xin Xue and his wife!

This is a bit deliberately guiding the relationship between Simba and Yang Ying. Yang Ying didn't expect this to happen! But anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is Dandan's guide to the rhythm, and it has nothing to do with baby.

Yang Ying appeared in the live broadcast room, and Dandan's jokes were too much, which led to the escalation of the marital conflict between Xin Xue and his wife!

Hatsui Xue (Simba's wife) is not happy! I suspected that Dandan's leg with her husband Simba had a leg before, and now she is deliberately bringing rhythm. Chu Ruixue scolded directly in the live broadcast room, saying that Dandan was a little shameless, making it seem as if your master was single. If your master is single, it doesn't matter how you joke. But he's not single, he's a father of two, and you have the ability to persuade Simba to divorce! Leave, it doesn't matter what you say!

Yang Ying appeared in the live broadcast room, and Dandan's jokes were too much, which led to the escalation of the marital conflict between Xin Xue and his wife!

Dandan and Xin Xue had a bad relationship with each other, and for a year and a half, Xue mostly took care of her children by herself, except for the children looking for their father, they generally did not go to the company. I don't usually have much contact, but because of this in the past few days, Simba has been explaining that he has been in contact more. Xueda said that in fact, it doesn't matter what he thinks, that is, the bottom line is the child, and those who have been parents know it, but they don't want the child to be uncomfortable. Both of them love children very much, and hope that children can be surrounded by love and grow up well!

That's the end of this sharing, thank you for reading! What do you think about this? Hit the comment section!