
Two turtles and turtles were accidentally dug up to build a road, and the old man said, find a donkey

author:Serious train I8

In our northeast Nagada, there is such an inconspicuous hill called Qingshi Mountain. This mountain, not high, but the terrain, tsk, dangerous like something, the mountain road is twisting and turning, when it rains, the muddy, take one step and slip three times, to our people travel a lot of trouble. When our village chief saw that this was not going to work, he had to do something, so he summoned the strong men in the village, and planned to level the mountain, build a road, and leave some blessings for our descendants.

On the day of the start of construction, the lively energy, the gongs and drums were noisy, and the firecrackers were ringing in unison, and our villagers were full of energy. Everyone had hoes and hammers in their hands, and the mountains were very busy. But just when I was halfway up the mountain, hey, something happened - two big turtles were dug up! These two turtles and turtles, one was as green as jade, and the other was shining gold, as if wearing golden armor, and they were frighteningly large, taller than the two of them. When the villagers saw it, they were all stunned and gathered around to discuss. Some say that it was sent by the mountain god and could not be moved; Some say that this is a good sign, and our village is about to develop.

While he was discussing, a white-bearded old man walked over, holding a dragon's head cane in his hand, wearing a cyan robe, and a fairy wind and bones, he was not an ordinary person at first glance. The old man walked up to the turtle and turtle, looked at it for a long time, and then said slowly: "These two turtles and turtles are spiritual creatures that have been guarding this mountain for hundreds of years. It is providential that you have dug it out today. However, they are old and cannot return to the water. You have to find a donkey and carry it down the hill and put it in the river at the edge of our village, so that our village can be safe." ”

Two turtles and turtles were accidentally dug up to build a road, and the old man said, find a donkey

When the villagers heard this, it was difficult to do. Near this bluestone mountain, there are donkeys, but they are all wild and untamable, and it is difficult to find a docile one. But when they thought of the safety of the village, everyone decided to fight and find a donkey. The village chief took the lead, followed by several young and strong villagers, and went up the mountain to find the donkey. They walked through the woods, crossed streams, trekked through mountains and rivers, and finally found a donkey in a dense forest. Although this donkey is not big, his eyes are very kind, he walks steadily, and he has a good temper at first glance.

The villagers were overjoyed and hurriedly stepped forward to take the donkey and prepare to descend the mountain. But at this moment, the golden turtle suddenly spoke: "Slow! It's so easy for you to carry us down the mountain. We are thousand-year-old creatures, how can we listen to you so easily? You have to promise us one condition before you can take us away. When the villagers heard this, they were dumbfounded, and they all looked at the old man. The old man smiled slightly and said, "Tell me, what are the conditions?" The golden turtle said slowly: "We have been guarding this mountain for hundreds of years, and we have feelings for the mountain spirits and water monsters here. We're leaving, and I hope you can treat them well, and don't cut them down indiscriminately, and don't hunt and kill them indiscriminately. "If we can do this, we'll leave steadily." When the villagers heard this, they nodded their heads one by one, and understood in their hearts that this was not only a promise to the two turtles and turtles, but also a respect for our natural ancestors. Everyone worked hard and carefully put the two turtles and turtles on the donkey's back, and returned to the tunzi smoothly all the way. When the turtles and turtles settled in the small ditch at the head of the village, they seemed to feel a new home, and they swam so happily. The villagers looked at this scene, and the stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground, but they didn't expect that these two turtles and turtles that were accidentally dug up would bring such a great blessing to our tunzi.

But just when everyone thought that this matter was over, the old man suddenly said: "Do you know, these two turtles and turtles are not ordinary treasures?" Before the old man could finish speaking, a gust of wind interrupted. The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder was roaring, and looking at the posture, it seemed that something big was about to happen. When the villagers saw this formation, they exclaimed one by one, and their hearts were full of joy. "Oh mom, this wind is blowing, like the winter in our Heilongjiang, cold, and drills straight into the cracks of people's bones." One by one, the villagers craned their necks, their eyes widened, and they looked at the rolling dark clouds in the sky, and their hearts went up and down.

Two turtles and turtles were accidentally dug up to build a road, and the old man said, find a donkey

Seeing this, the old man was not in a hurry, he stroked his beard, took a deep breath, and said loudly: "Folks, don't be afraid! These two turtles and turtles are thousand-year-old beasts, and today they are gone, and they have their own world. Let's just wait and see what happens, and keep a heart of awe. As soon as the words fell, a crack suddenly opened in the sky, and a golden light shot down from the opening, shining directly on the two turtles and turtles. The villagers were stunned by this sudden vision, and they did not dare to come out. I saw that in the golden light, the bodies of the two turtles and turtles slowly became transparent, as if they were about to disappear in this golden light.

At this time, the green turtle turtle suddenly spoke, and his voice was loud and solemn, like a call from ancient times: "Folks, we are the essence of heaven and earth, and we have been guarding this mountain for hundreds of years. Today, we are going to conform to the way of heaven. But you have to remember that all things have spirituality, and only by being kind to nature can you last as long as heaven and earth. The golden turtle also went on to say: "Only by being kind to nature can you get good rewards." May you pass it on from generation to generation and always protect the peace of our tunzi. As soon as the words fell, the bodies of the two turtles and turtles completely disappeared into the golden light, leaving only a brilliant afterglow, reflected on the small river at the edge of the village, sparkling and beautiful. The villagers were speechless by the miraculous sight, and stood one by one, as if they had lost their souls.

The old man smiled, he turned to the villagers and said, "Folks, these two turtles and turtles are divine beasts, and when they are gone, they have left us the most precious lesson - be kind to nature." "From this moment on, we should cherish this land even more and protect our homeland." The villagers nodded in agreement. They realized that the turtle and turtle they stumbled upon not only brought auspiciousness to the village, but also made them deeply understand the importance of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. However, when everyone thought that everything had subsided, the golden turtle reappeared on the river. It floats on the surface of the water, surrounded by a faint golden glow, and looks sacred and solemn. When the villagers saw this, they were all so surprised that they opened their mouths, wondering why this mythical beast had returned again. The golden turtle looked at the surprised faces of the villagers and smiled, "Fellow villagers, I haven't really left. I left my true body in this land, nourishing it with my divine power. And I will continue to protect this land that I love so much in another form. After speaking, the figure of the golden turtle gradually became blurred, and finally turned into a golden light and merged into the river. Since then, the river has become crystal clear and full of fish and shrimp, making it the village's most valuable resource. In order to commemorate the gift of these two turtle and turtle beasts, the villagers built a temple by the river to enshrine the statues of the two turtles and turtles. During festivals, the villagers gather in front of the temple to pray for the protection of the sacred beasts and hope that the village will be safe and prosperous. And that small river, nourished by the divine beast, became even more beautiful and charming. It is the most dazzling sight of the village and attracts many tourists. The villagers have also developed tourism and their lives are becoming more and more prosperous. The old man, who had gained fame for this magical experience, was revered as the "Divine Turtle Dao Chief". He often taught Taoist culture in the village, teaching the villagers to be kind to nature and respect life. His teachings touched the hearts of the villagers and made them cherish the land and all the life on it even more. This is the story of Qingshi Mountain and the two turtle and turtle beasts. This story not only shows the importance of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, but also allows us to appreciate the profound influence of Taoist culture. May we all follow the example of those two turtle and turtle beasts and use our actions to protect this beautiful land and all life. After that, the story of Qingshi Mountain quickly spread through the village, spreading like wildfire. In their spare time, the villagers always like to gather under the big tree at the entrance of the village to talk about the two magical turtles and turtles, as well as the mysterious "Turtle Daoist". "Have you heard? Those two turtles and turtles are not simple, they are divine beasts in the sky, and they have come to the earth to protect our village. Zhang San said mysteriously while munching on melon seeds. That's right, what I saw with my own eyes that day, the golden light shimmered like the gold of our northeast. Li Si's eyes widened, and he seemed to have returned to that incredible day. I heard that the Turtle Daoist is not only powerful, but also good at divination. Aunt Wang excitedly shared the new things in the village, "The little king of our village went to him not long ago to calculate a hexagram, and the Taoist chief calculated that he could marry a beautiful bride this year, and the result was really as he said, Xiao Wang really married!" Her face was full of joy, as if she had been stained by it. In this way, the reputation of the Turtle Taoist gradually spread, and not only the people of his own village admired him, but also the people of the neighboring villages came to ask him for guidance. The Turtle Leader always listens patiently and gives sincere advice to everyone. However, when the Divine Turtle Michicho's reputation reached its peak, he suddenly and mysteriously disappeared. Some say he traveled all over the world, some say he has become an immortal, but in any case, he never appeared again. Despite this, the wisdom and teachings of the Turtle Sect are deeply rooted in people's hearts, reminding them to be kind to nature and respect life.

Two turtles and turtles were accidentally dug up to build a road, and the old man said, find a donkey

Qingshi Mountain is even more mysterious and sacred because of the legend of the turtle and the two turtles. People are starting to pay more attention to protecting the environment, no longer cutting down trees or killing animals. The vegetation on the mountain is becoming more and more abundant, and the species of animals are increasing, creating a vibrant ecosystem. The river is also made clear by the nourishment of the sacred beasts, and the abundance of fish and shrimp in the river attracts many tourists to fish and play. With the help of this small river, the villagers have developed tourism, opened farmhouses and homestays, and their business is thriving, and their lives are becoming more and more prosperous.

One day, a young tourist heard about the legend of Qingshi Mountain and the turtle and turtle beast, and decided to visit it himself. He climbed along the newly built mountain road, full of anticipation and curiosity. When he reached the top of the mountain, he was amazed by what he saw. On the top of the hill stands a magnificent temple with two huge turtle statues in front of the temple, which are the legendary mythical beasts. He looked closer and saw that the statue was made of a metal he had never seen before, and it glowed brightly. He walked into the temple, reverently bowed to the statue of the Turtle Chief, and then carefully observed every corner of the temple. Suddenly, he noticed bizarre symbols and patterns carved into the walls of the temple, and although he couldn't understand their meaning, he could feel the mysterious power they emanated. As he prepares to leave, he feels a strong attraction coming from the depths of the temple. Curious, he walked and found a mysterious stone door in the deepest part of the temple. He gave him a gentle push, and the stone door slowly opened. He walked in and found that it was a huge cave, full of exotic flowers and rare animals, like a magical fairyland. As he walked into the depths of the cave, he suddenly heard the melodious sound of a flute. He followed the sound of the flute all the way to the end of the cave, and saw a graceful figure dressed in white sitting there, playing the flute. He took a closer look, oh my god, this is not the Turtle Dao Master! Seeing him, the Turtle Daoist nodded happily, and then warmly invited him to sit down and drink tea together.

The two of them chatted like this, and the Turtle Taoist shared with him a lot of dry goods about Taoist culture and life philosophy. Time passed in a flash, and the Taoist finally gave him a mysterious charm and a jade pendant, saying: "This charm can keep you safe and sound, and the jade pendant is my blessing and expectation." I hope you can pass on my words and benefit more people. ”

Two turtles and turtles were accidentally dug up to build a road, and the old man said, find a donkey

The young visitors were moved to tears and said goodbye to the cave. Back in the village, he told the villagers about the amazing experience. When the villagers heard this, they were all surprised and excited, and they all said that they would cherish the teachings of the Divine Turtle Daoist even more and pass them on.

Since then, the story of Qingshi Mountain and the Turtle Daochang has spread more widely and deeply in the hearts of the people in the village. People not only remember to be kind to nature and respect life, but also learn to cherish and pass on traditional culture and moral values. Bluestone Mountain has also become a mysterious and legendary place, attracting countless tourists to explore and make pilgrimages.