
The master and apprentice took shelter from the rain, and when they saw that there was no mud under the soles of the woman's shoes, the master said, "Hurry up."

author:Serious train I8

Oh, friends, let's talk about a story that has been circulating in the north and south of our country. At that time, the world was chaotic, and the heavens were not beautiful, saying that if he changed his face, he would change his face, and the heavy rain would come. There is such a pair of masters and apprentices, an old man and a young man, the two of them go south and north, relying on their skills to eat. One day, the master and apprentice came to a small village in the middle of nowhere, the sky was getting dark, and the dark clouds were overwhelming. The two of them looked around, trying to find a place to shelter from the rain, hey, coincidentally, there was a brightly lit house not far away, so they quickly quickened their pace and knocked on the door to ask for accommodation.

"Knock knock", the old man knocked on the door a few times, and as soon as the door opened, a bright girl stood there with a little surprise on her face. "Girl, our master and apprentice are in a hurry, look at the sky, I'm afraid the rain is coming, can we stay here for a night?" The old man said as he arched his hand, his face full of sincerity. The girl looked at them, saw how dusty they were, nodded and let them in. The room was clean, with a few simple pieces of furniture and a spacious kang. The girl brought two bowls of hot tea and asked the master and apprentice to warm up first.

The old man took the tea, said thank you, and sat by the kang with his apprentice and chatted with the girl. Chatting and chatting, the old man's eyes were sharp, and he suddenly found that the embroidered shoes under the girl's feet were spotless and there was no mud. His heart tightened, and he felt that something was wrong. You think, this village is remote, surrounded by muddy paths, how can you walk without getting muddy? But the girl's shoes were as clean as new. The old man knew what he knew, but his face was still silent and continued to talk to the girl.

The master and apprentice took shelter from the rain, and when they saw that there was no mud under the soles of the woman's shoes, the master said, "Hurry up."

The apprentice was young and didn't notice these details, just drinking tea and listening to the master and the girl. At this moment, thunder was rolling outside, and heavy rain was pouring down. The old man took the opportunity to stand up and said to the girl, "Girl, thank you for your hospitality, this rain is too heavy, we will not bother, and we will leave." When the girl heard this, her face changed slightly, but she quickly returned to normal, and said with a smile: "It's so late, and the rain is so heavy, you better stay for one night." The old man shook his head and said, "No, we still have urgent matters, so we won't trouble you." After saying that, he pulled his apprentice and was about to leave.

The apprentice was a little confused, and didn't understand why the master suddenly wanted to leave, but he still stood up with the master. Seeing this, the girl did not stay any longer, but sent it to the door. As soon as the master and apprentice left the house, the old man whispered to the apprentice: "Hurry up, this girl is not simple, we have to get out of here quickly." When the apprentice heard this, his heart tightened, and he quickly quickened his pace. The two of them braved the heavy rain, trotted all the way, and soon left the village. After running for a while, the rain gradually thinned out, and the master and apprentice stopped and found a stone pier to sit down and rest for a while. The apprentice couldn't help but be curious, and asked the master, "Master, how can you see that there is something wrong with that girl?" The old master sighed and said, "Don't you see the shoes on her feet?" So clean, how can this muddy path not get muddy? This girl is definitely not an ordinary person, let's not mess with it. Only then did the apprentice suddenly realize, and he secretly admired the master's vision and insight.

The two rested for a while, and then continued on their way. This is the story we are going to tell today, a folk tale about a master and apprentice who take shelter from the rain and spend the night, but accidentally find that the girl has a strange nature. This world is always full of all kinds of bizarre and strange things, and we ordinary people still have to be careful so as not to get into any trouble.

The master and apprentice took shelter from the rain, and when they saw that there was no mud under the soles of the woman's shoes, the master said, "Hurry up."

The master and apprentice continued on their way, and the master pondered the strangeness of the girl as he went. I wondered in my heart, where did this girl come from? Why is it so clean? Could it be a monster? But this monster also has to be a little dirty, how can it be so muddy? The apprentice looked at the master with a serious face, and didn't dare to ask more, just followed silently.

As the two walked along, the apprentice suddenly groaned and almost fell on his head. The old master hurriedly supported him, and when he looked at the ground, it turned out to be a stumbling block. "You rabbit cub, you don't look at it when you walk!" The old master scolded, but suddenly stopped. He crouched down and scrutinized the stumbling block, only to see a few faint handwriting carved into it. The old master took a closer look, and his face suddenly changed. "Let's go! We can't stay in this place! The old master picked up the apprentice and ran deep into the mountains and forests.

The apprentice was frightened by the master's action, but he didn't bother to ask more, so he could only follow. The two of them ran out of the road for a few miles in one go, and the old master stopped, gasped and said, "We almost suffered a trick just now." The apprentice looked dazed and asked, "Master, what's going on?" What's the name on that stone? The old master sighed and said, "The word 'forbidden land' is engraved on the stone. I guess that girl is the monster in this forbidden place, and she deliberately lured us in so that she could eat us. ”

The master and apprentice took shelter from the rain, and when they saw that there was no mud under the soles of the woman's shoes, the master said, "Hurry up."

When the apprentice heard this, his face turned pale with fright, and he stammered, "Then, what should we do now?" The old master thought for a moment and said, "We have to find a place to hide, and then we will find a way to do it at dawn." So saying, the two of them found a hidden cave, made a fire, and dealt with dry food for the night. Early the next morning, the master and apprentice left that dangerous place. They walked cautiously along the way, for fear of encountering any more youkai. In this way, after walking for a few days and nights, I finally came to a bustling town. The master and apprentice set foot into the town and found an inn to settle down. The master instructed the apprentices to go out to buy food and drink, while he himself took a short rest in the inn. Soon after, the apprentice returned with a few local snacks and a few jugs of wine. He enthusiastically recommended to the master: "Master, you try this, this is a special snack in the town." Then he put the wine and food on the table and poured a full glass of wine for the master. After tasting it, the master felt refreshed and immediately proposed: "The environment here is good, we might as well stay here for a few more days." The apprentice readily agreed, and the two began to enjoy a sumptuous dinner.

After the meal, the master asked the apprentice to go around the town to see if he could find some job opportunities. The apprentice went out in response, while the master stayed in the inn to think about his next plan. As night fell, the apprentice returned with a wad of silver tickets and a few items, and excitedly reported to the master: "Master, I have found a job!" The rich people in the town needed to repair their houses and invited us to help. Here is the deposit and blueprint they give. The master took the silver ticket and the drawings, and after reading them, he expressed his satisfaction: "Then let's do some work here for a few days." In the next few days, the master and apprentice were busy repairing the rich family's house. With their exquisite skills and hard-working attitude, they quickly won the appreciation and trust of their owners.

One evening, the host hosted a banquet for the master and apprentice, and asked them where they came from. The master recounted his experience with his apprentice, but deliberately avoided things related to women and forbidden places. After hearing this, the master expressed sympathy and admiration for the experience of the master and apprentice, and raised his glass to salute: "You master and apprentice are really rare, you can still maintain your heart and act chivalrous in troubled times." Come, I'll toast you! The master and apprentice raised their glasses and drank freely. After three rounds of drinking, the master thanked the host: "Thank you for your hospitality and trust, we will continue to work hard to complete the repair work as soon as possible." The host nodded in agreement and poured them a glass of wine again.

The master and apprentice took shelter from the rain, and when they saw that there was no mud under the soles of the woman's shoes, the master said, "Hurry up."

In this way, the master and apprentice settled down in the town, not only completed the renovation of the house, but also made many friends. As time passed, they gradually forgot about the dangers and strange things that had happened before, and began to enjoy this peaceful and beautiful life. The story of the mysterious woman and the forbidden place gradually faded into their hearts as time passed. They have come to believe that there are more good people than bad people in the world, and that with good intentions and unremitting efforts, they can live happily ever after.

This is the end of the story we are telling today. Although there are some bizarre plots in the story, we still need to firmly believe that good is rewarded. Okay, listeners, that's all for today's story, and we'll see you next time. Let's continue our conversation. The duo spent some time peacefully in the town, and as the fame of the craftsmen spread, more and more people came to seek their services. The master often stares into the distance, thinking about how to plan the future journey, while the apprentice devotes himself to learning the skills of the master, and life is ordinary but full of meaning. One day, while the apprentice was wandering around the town, he overheard a few passers-by discussing something. Curious, he approached and learned that they were talking about the same village where they had spent the night. It is rumored that there have been some anomalous events in the village recently, and the villagers can often hear unusual noises at night, and some people have witnessed unidentified objects wandering around the village. The apprentice's heart tightened, and he recalled the reminder of the woman and the master, and hurriedly returned to the inn to inform the master of the matter. After hearing this, the old master frowned, pondered for a moment, and said firmly: "We must go back and have a look." The apprentice was a little puzzled and asked, "Master, that place is so dangerous, why do we have to go back?" The master sighed and explained: "We are craftsmen, and we focus on the word 'righteousness'. There's an anomaly there, and we can't sit idly by. Also, I wanted to find out what the woman was all about. Although the apprentice was a little apprehensive, he finally decided to follow the master. They packed their bags, said goodbye to the innkeeper and his fellows, and set out on the journey to the village again. Along the way, they are careful to avoid accidents. Finally, in the evening, they arrived at the village. The village is still remote, but at this time there is a mysterious and eerie atmosphere. The master and apprentice found a hidden place to settle down, planning to explore further during the night. As night fell, the master and apprentice quietly entered the village. As they walked along the path, they suddenly heard a strange sound, as if someone was crying in a low voice. They followed the direction of the sound and noticed a faint light coming out of a dilapidated house. The old master motioned for the apprentice to be quiet, and the two approached the house lightly. Through the crack in the window, they saw a woman sitting in the room, the same one they had met earlier. The woman looked very tired, and her eyes were full of tears. The master's heart moved, and he said to the apprentice, "Let's go in and have a look." Immediately, the two pushed the door and entered. The woman was startled at first when she saw someone entering, but she quickly recognized them. Her voice trembled and she asked, "Why are you here?" The master did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically, "Who are you?" Why are you crying here? The woman was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "I am the guardian of this village, my name is Qing'er. Our village was infested by youkai, and in order to protect the villagers, I volunteered to stay and fight against youkai. But the monster is too powerful, and I'm no match for it. "I cry a lot every night, just because my arms and legs can't protect everyone in our village." When the master and apprentice heard this, they were shocked in their hearts, how could they have thought that this girl stayed here to protect the villagers. The old man scratched his head and asked, "What is the origin of that monster?" Why is it so powerful? Qing'er sighed and said, "That monster, it turned out to be a beast in the mountains and forests outside our village, which absorbed the essence of heaven and earth and became human. It fell in love with the aura of our village and the spirit of the villagers, so it wanted to occupy this place. Although I am the patron saint of our village, I am still overstretched to deal with it. The old man pondered for a while, and said, "We may be able to help." Qing'er's eyes widened and she asked, "Can you help me?" The old man nodded and said, "Although we are not immortals, we are also a bit of a master. As long as you tell us where the monster is hiding and its weakness, we'll have a way to clean it up. When Qing'er heard this, she was very grateful and said, "Thank you so much!" The monster lived in a cave outside the village, and every full moon night he came out to make trouble. What it fears most is fire and thunder. When the master and apprentice heard this, they smiled at each other and said, "Okay!" Let's meet it on the night of the full moon! In this way, the master and apprentice decided to stay and help Qing'er eradicate the monster. They helped the villagers repair their houses during the day, and at night they studied how to deal with the monster. When the people in the village learned about their intentions, they were all moved and expressed their support. The night of the full moon finally came, and the master and apprentice walked to the cave with Qing'er. After a fierce battle, they finally cleaned up the monster. The village has returned to its former calm and tranquility. Afterwards, the villagers held a grand celebration for the master and apprentice and Qing'er to thank them for saving their lives. The master and apprentice also left a good reputation in the village and became heroes in everyone's mouth. Since then, the master and apprentice have continued their journey, but every time they pass by that village, they always stop to look at the familiar faces and the peaceful land. And the story about the master and apprentice, Qing'er and the monster has also been passed down from generation to generation and has become a beautiful legend.