
Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man


It is said that the eighteen changes in the female university, but now Bi Ling has changed too much!

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

The name "Bi Ling" may not be familiar to everyone, but her father has already become popular all over the country and has become a cordial "Grandpa Bi" in people's mouths!

Yes! Bi Ling is Bi Fujian's "biological daughter".

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

On June 29, Bi Ling rarely shared his recent photos on his social platform.

Judging from the view behind her, she should still live in Canada.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

From the photos posted by Bi Ling, it can be seen that she should be on an outing with her friends in the wild.

I saw that everyone was holding a wine glass in their hands, talking and laughing together, which looked very comfortable.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

As can be seen from the photos, Bi Ling was wearing a black short-sleeved dress that day, his hair on both sides had been shaved, not only wearing studs, but even a very thick necklace!

If you look closely, you can still see that she is wearing an oversized ring on the ring finger of her left hand!

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

It can be seen that Bi Ling's life abroad is still very good.

Not only did he enjoy sufficient material conditions, but he also made a group of good friends.

From his demeanor, you can see how happy she is about this party.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

When taking a group photo, I saw a blonde and blue-eyed beauty wearing a floral skirt standing on Bi Ling's left, and a handsome guy with good looks standing on her right.

Bi Ling stood between them, his hands on top of them.

It seems that the relationship is very good!

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

However, soon, netizens discovered that Bi Ling's figure was really a bit "burly"!

It can be seen from her upper body outfit that her figure belongs to the more "strong" type, although she is wearing a looser top, but the "bucket waist" is still looming.

And Bi Ling's lower body is wearing skinny jeans, which shows the "elephant legs" to the fullest!

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

I have to say that in the photo of Bi Ling and everyone, it is actually her "face plate" that is relatively large.

Coupled with that "neutral" outfit, if you don't look carefully, you really think that Bi Ling is a living "boy"!

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

However, fortunately, Bi Ling himself likes this kind of dress.

I saw her holding the wine bottle, and she stuck out her tongue at the camera very happily, looking very satisfied with her current state.

However, many netizens, when they saw Bi Ling's dress, also said: "I can't stand it, it's too much like a tomboy!" ”

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

In fact, as the "second generation of stars", Bi Ling's appearance has always been the focus of everyone's discussion.

For a long time, the "second generation of stars" has inherited everyone's expectations.

In addition, Mr. Bi Fujian's popularity is so great, so from childhood to adulthood, Bi Ling has been highly anticipated by everyone.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

It stands to reason that Mr. Bi's appearance is the kind of man who is gentle and elegant, and has a poetic and scholarly temperament.

Although Mr. Bi's appearance is not very handsome, fortunately, he is also decent, and he has a kind of "cultural person" temperament at a glance.

However, the appearance of his daughter Bi Ling is diametrically opposed to that of Teacher Bi Fujian, which is simply indescribable......

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

However, when Bi Ling was a child, she was still dressed more modestly.

I saw that at that time, she had long black straight hair, and wore glasses like ordinary students, like a "good student".

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

At that time, although her appearance was not outstanding, she also gave people the image of a "good girl".

However, for some reason, after growing up, Bi Ling suddenly seemed to be a different person.

Not only has his dressing style changed, but he also cut off his "long black straight" hair.

And now her column of operations is also considered by many netizens to be: "A manifestation of insecurity!" ”

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man
Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

Indeed, as early as 2004, Bi Fujian was exposed to the news of his divorce from his wife.

At that time, the young Bi Ling also followed his mother, and under the leadership of his mother, Bi Ling came to Canada.

From Bi Ling's previous photos, it is not difficult for us to find that since she went to live abroad, her personality and dress have changed greatly.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

She first cut her hair short and kept it short like a boy.

Secondly, her dressing style is becoming more and more "neutral".

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

However, after so many years, although Bi Ling's appearance has been changing, the only thing that has not changed is her love for "art"!

Although Bi Lingmeng looks like a "tomboy", you must know that her flexibility can kill many "girls" in seconds!

And this is inseparable from her practice of dancing day after day.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

Compared with his appearance, I believe that Bi Ling cares more about his artistic attainments.

It can be seen in her social platform that Bi Ling is born like eating the bowl of "art".

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

Perhaps, when she is abroad, she can put all her energy into the creation of art and the things she loves.

There is no need to worry about being ridiculed by others for your appearance.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

Perhaps, compared with other "second generation stars", Bi Ling's appearance is not too good.

But she is passionate about herself and doesn't care about the eyes of others.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

Living abroad, she is fluent in English and is able to hang out with her friends.

It shows that in addition to dressing up, Bi Ling has achieved the ultimate in every aspect.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

It is said that Bi Ling's future wish is to become a fashion designer.

In fact, it's okay, after all, with a look and personality like Bi Ling, if you want to inherit the star journey of your father "Bi Fujian", it will still be a little difficult.

If he is a designer, then Bi Ling is like coming to his "comfort zone".

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

If you look closely, you will find that Bi Ling's appearance actually hit several stars in the entertainment industry.

Belongs to the typical "star face"!

Like Zhang Ga in the movie "Little Soldier Zhang Ga......

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

Or Yue Yunpeng in the cross talk world......

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

Or is it the little actor of "Wulin Gaiden"......

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

I have to say that Bi Ling's face shape is actually quite in line with the public's aesthetics, and if it is paired with a professional makeup team, it will definitely be more "feminine"!

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

Anyway: "Confident girls are the most beautiful!" ”

I still hope that in the future, Bi Ling will be able to bring better works of art to everyone without the eyes of others!

What do you think about this?

Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man

Reference Sources:

[1] 2024-06-29 My account @Bi Ling

However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos exposed! 27-year-old Bi Ling has a strong figure and a unique shape, netizens: like a big man
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