
Have you ever seen a shameless double standard? Netizen: 360 told me that a malicious pop-up window was just blocked

author:Xiao Ming children's shoes
Have you ever seen a shameless double standard? Netizen: 360 told me that a malicious pop-up window was just blocked

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What's the most outrageous double standard you've ever seen?

Have you ever seen a shameless double standard? Netizen: 360 told me that a malicious pop-up window was just blocked

Schrödinger's instant noodles, when no one eats them, instant noodles are in a superimposed state that will make people fat and thin.

When a person goes to eat it, instant noodles will collapse according to the person's fatness and thinness, and it will become a state that makes the person fat or thin. You think you're observing instant noodles, but they're actually observing you.

Or is there a possibility, there is an essential difference between fat people and thin people eating instant noodles Thin people don't eat in the morning and evening Maybe they eat instant noodles at noon, fat people eat a lot of meals in a day, and they are hungry at night Eat instant noodles at night and have to be served with ham sausages, eggs, etc. You have to drink all the soup

Have you ever seen a shameless double standard? Netizen: 360 told me that a malicious pop-up window was just blocked

"There is no right or wrong, only a position"

There is another kind of person who scolds her mother-in-law when she becomes a daughter-in-law, scolds her daughter-in-law when she becomes a mother-in-law, scolds her brother-in-law when she becomes an aunt, and scolds her eldest aunt when she becomes an aunt

After getting married, he pointed fingers at his mother's family affairs, and took the child to find the child's uncle every day, completely ignoring the child's aunt's thoughts.

On the other hand, he scolded the eldest sister for pointing fingers at her mother-in-law's family affairs, and scolded the eldest aunt for taking the children to annoy herself every day.

What I'm more curious about is how to measure whether a wife should do housework or not, in the modern concept? Is the former conducive to family harmony or the latter? Should the harmony of a family be clearly defined or should the boundaries be blurred? Is it necessary to divide the labor of a family? Is it consistent with gender equality to determine the division of labour in the family?

Does the proportion of the division of labor in the family determine the happiness of a family, or the stability of a family, or is it just the unity of a family business? Does the party with the majority of the division of labor in the family express his or her love, or does it reflect the incompetence of the other party?

Have you ever seen a shameless double standard? Netizen: 360 told me that a malicious pop-up window was just blocked

My mother also bought me this so-called latex mat mat, but I was fooled by the profiteers at the door of the house, I rely on it.

And it's very expensive, with that money, I can buy a whole set of low-end mattresses in Huanggulin.

found that the county profiteers like to fool the elderly, and dare to claim to be famous brands and big brands at every turn.

The label has been removed and can't be returned, plus it was bought by my mother, and I can't bear to say it directly, so I can only use it silently.

This mat is only suitable for air conditioning.

Have you ever seen a shameless double standard? Netizen: 360 told me that a malicious pop-up window was just blocked

The difference between a saint and a slut, the difference between a word and a feeling of a world of difference, some people grasp and grasp it quite accurately, have double standards for others, and are quite snobbish, do not do what they do not want, do not do it to others, and the mentality is not correct.

Have you ever seen a shameless double standard? Netizen: 360 told me that a malicious pop-up window was just blocked

When I was a child, my mother told me to be sensible every day. My personality became silent, and when I grew up, I said that I was too honest, didn't like to talk, and didn't go out to socialize, and when I went out to socialize, he called me at the end of the day and asked me to go back early. I talk a lot after drinking, saying I'm annoying. Then I changed it too, I didn't say a word after drinking, and I said that I didn't talk like a fool after drinking

Have you ever seen a shameless double standard? Netizen: 360 told me that a malicious pop-up window was just blocked

You don't install 360, the computer is full of malicious plug-ins, rogue software, there is nothing to do with them, but as long as Xiaobai installs 360 and trusts him, then you will find that only 360 can pop up, nothing else, QQ news is blocked

So, I downloaded another Tencent Butler. There really aren't any pop-ups now. Tencent can't look down on these two jujubes

Have you ever seen a shameless double standard? Netizen: 360 told me that a malicious pop-up window was just blocked

If you're still in school, games may affect your studies, which in turn may affect your life after you get employed.

Some parents may give up their hobbies for their children, for example, my dad once agreed with me to quit smoking for more than ten years in order to get me to quit eating sugar and snacks. For example, my mom would wait for my daughter to fall asleep before eating a snack. For example, sometimes I come home tired after a long day at work, and I look for books to read when I watch my daughter study.

However, it is not easy for parents who are entering the second half of their lives to do so.

Have you ever seen a shameless double standard? Netizen: 360 told me that a malicious pop-up window was just blocked