
Within the system, the ten units with the highest recognized power!


Do you often feel curious and yearning for work outside the system for those who have worked outside the system for many years? I always feel that the comrades in the system are all "high and powerful", holding great power and controlling the lives of the people. I would like to say that with the continuous advancement of comprehensive deepening reform, the allocation and operation of power within the system are also constantly optimized, and it is no longer as arbitrary as the outside world imagines.

Within the system, the ten units with the highest recognized power!

However, it is undeniable that among the many units within the system, there are still some departments that are recognized as having greater power. Today, let's take a look at the ten units that are recognized as the most powerful in the system.

1. Party committee office and government office

As the "center" of the highest local leadership and administrative organs, and the government office can be said to be the concentrated embodiment of power. From the overall coordination of major meetings, important documents, and major decisions, to the leadership schedule, emergency handling, and other aspects, the party committee office and the government office play an indispensable role. It can be said that many major matters related to local development have to be planned through these two departments.

Within the system, the ten units with the highest recognized power!

2. Organization Department

As the saying goes, cadres are the "key minority" who decide everything. The organization department is in charge of the selection, appointment, management, and evaluation of cadres. This mysterious department, often referred to as the "mother's home of cadres", has a decisive influence on the promotion and adjustment of cadres. A piece of appointment and dismissal followed the careers and fates of countless cadres.

Within the system, the ten units with the highest recognized power!

3. Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision

"Holding the sword of Shang Fang and shouldering the heavy responsibility of governing the party" may best summarize the role of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. As the "probe" of intra-party supervision and the "sharp sword" of discipline enforcement and accountability, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has tremendous power in promoting the comprehensive and strict management of the party and punishing corruption. From inspections and inspections to the verification of clues and then to the filing and review of cases, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has always performed the sacred duty of supervising the enforcement of discipline and accountability.

Within the system, the ten units with the highest recognized power!

4. National People's Congress

The people's congress is the organ of state power, and the local people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees exercise local state power. From legislative decisions to supervision and inquiry, to personnel appointments and dismissals, the people's congresses and their standing committees exercise effective supervision over the "government, committee, and procuratorate" to ensure that the party's propositions become the will of the state through legal procedures and that state organs exercise their functions and powers in accordance with the law.

5. Public security

Maintaining public order, cracking down on violations and crimes, handling mass incidents, and carrying out counter-terrorism and stability maintenance are all inseparable from the functions of the public security departments. In accordance with the law, the public security organs enjoy the right to apply many coercive measures, such as summons, detention, release on bail pending further investigation, and the adoption of technical investigative measures, which are difficult for other departments to achieve. As the so-called "police power is in hand", the public security department can be called the "martial arts master" in the system.

Within the system, the ten units with the highest recognized power!

6. Administrative examination and approval

Once upon a time, "difficult approval" was a common criticism of enterprises and the masses. With the deepening of the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power From industrial and commercial registration to food and drug supervision, from the approval of enterprise investment projects to various qualifications, the administrative examination and approval department undoubtedly plays the role of "gatekeeper" and "referee" in economic and social operation.

7. Finance

The financial department, commonly known as the "God of Wealth", is in charge of the "money bag" of a place. Important functions such as budget preparation, fund allocation, and financial supervision make the financial sector play a pivotal role in the system. Spending money has to pass the financial hurdle, and the relationship between various departments and finance can be described as "like a family". In particular, under the current situation where the contradiction between fiscal revenue and expenditure is quite prominent, the financial departments have no choice but to be "iron-faced and selfless" and manage every penny well.

Within the system, the ten units with the highest recognized power!

8. Education

Education is about thousands of families and touches the hearts of countless parents. From kindergarten to university, from admissions examination to teaching management, the education department can be described as all-round control of education and teaching. In recent years, with the deepening of education reform, the education department has taken frequent actions in promoting quality education, alleviating the craze for school choice, and standardizing off-campus training, and its power and influence are self-evident.

9. Propaganda Department

The Propaganda Department is the "mouthpiece" and "eyes and ears" of the Party and holds the leadership of ideological work. From the party's theoretical propaganda to the cultivation of socialist core values, from the guidance of news and public opinion to the management of cultural undertakings, the Propaganda Department undoubtedly shoulders a heavy responsibility. Especially in the Internet era, propaganda departments should not only sing the main theme well, but also manage the "keyboard warriors" well, which is very important to the ability to guide public opinion.

Within the system, the ten units with the highest recognized power!

10. Natural resources

Land is the mother of wealth and a symbol of power. The department of natural resources implements unified management of natural resources such as land, minerals, forests, and oceans, especially in major matters related to local development, such as land spatial planning, land acquisition, mineral development, and sea area use, and the department of natural resources has an irreplaceable right to speak. A piece of land is often related to the investment decisions of enterprises and the vital interests of the masses.

The above 10 units are recognized as having greater power within the system. But power is not as big as possible, the key is to use it well. As one leader often said, "Power is given by the people, and power is used by the people." "The power within the system, in the final analysis, is given by the people, and we must adhere to the purpose of serving the people, put power in the cage of the system, and ensure that power operates under the sun. Only in this way can the power within the system truly benefit the people and promote the progress of the country and society.