
Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed and hit Xiao Yueyue in the face! Netizen comments: Beautiful is better than Bajie

author:Beibei said entertainment

Photo/Beibei says entertainment

Editor/Beibei Says Entertainment

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed and hit Xiao Yueyue in the face! Netizen comments: Beautiful is better than Bajie


Speaking of Grandpa Bi, everyone must be no stranger to him, as the host of "Avenue of Stars", Grandpa Bi can be said to have left a deep impression on everyone, whether it was in the past or now, as long as Grandpa Bi is mentioned, it will immediately attract everyone's attention. Whether it is his recent situation or his daughter, everyone is the focus of attention.

Isn't this just this time, the recent photos of Grandpa Bi's daughter Bi Ling have aroused heated discussions, obviously she is a girl, but she is dressed up as a man, and some people even think that many of her behaviors are very "alternative".

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed and hit Xiao Yueyue in the face! Netizen comments: Beautiful is better than Bajie

Grandpa Bi's daughter posted a recent photo that sparked heated discussions

It is said that Bi Fujian is very happy to be a daughter when he is old, but when he sees the appearance of his daughter Bi Ling, I don't know if everyone will still think so, since Bi Fujian divorced his ex-wife, Bi Ling was taken to Canada by his mother to develop, and with the continuous influence of foreign culture, some of Bi Ling's behaviors are incompatible.

The original Bi Ling still had long hair, although she looked average, but at least she was a little feminine, but now looking at Bi Ling's appearance, it was really surprising, I saw that she shaved both sides of her hair, leaving only a handful of hair in the middle, and tied her hair where there was hair, which also made everyone very incomprehensible to this kind of performance art.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed and hit Xiao Yueyue in the face! Netizen comments: Beautiful is better than Bajie

Judging from the exposed photos, Bi Ling is a lot fatter than before, standing with friends is more like a man, and he looks very sturdy in tights. Although many netizens don't understand this behavior, it is not difficult to see that there are still many friends around her.

Netizens commented and died of laughter

When many netizens saw Bi Ling's recent situation, they bluntly said that "beauty is better than Bajie". There are even netizens who feel that Bi Ling's appearance is very similar to many male stars in the entertainment industry, especially with Yue Yunpeng's appearance, many netizens feel that it is exactly the same.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed and hit Xiao Yueyue in the face! Netizen comments: Beautiful is better than Bajie

I don't know if it's influenced by foreign culture, many of Bi Ling's behaviors in everyone's eyes can't be understood. In the photos posted on the Internet before, we can also see Bi Ling's state. Don't look at Bi Ling's advanced mental state, but she is a graduate of a well-known university, not only fluent in English, very flexible, but also able to dance, which can be said to be very versatile.

It is gratifying that although everyone does not understand Bi Ling's behavior, she has never thought of changing all this, and we can always see her self-confidence from many times, never caring about other people's eyes, no matter what the outside world says about her, she doesn't care, she still does herself.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed and hit Xiao Yueyue in the face! Netizen comments: Beautiful is better than Bajie

It can be seen that Bi Ling now lives a very chic life, has an enviable job abroad, and has so many friends by her side, it can be said that she has a good mentality, which may also stem from Bi Fujian's teaching, although he divorced his ex-wife very early, he still cares about his daughter's education. Maybe Bi Ling also grew up in a loving environment, so he can do whatever he wants.


Anyway, the editor feels that Bi Ling's life is very good, very sunny and positive, and it is precisely because of her indifference that she can have such a good attitude, so sometimes it can't be said that things that can't be understood shouldn't exist, it is precisely Bi Ling's attitude to life that we can see from her indifference to life.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed and hit Xiao Yueyue in the face! Netizen comments: Beautiful is better than Bajie

She has never shown off because her father was a well-known host, but more to live herself, just this mental state, presumably many netizens in front of the screen can't do it, so we still have to look at it correctly, after all, everyone has their own way of life, and what suits you is the best.

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