
Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

author:The story chatters
Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

In 1973, Guo Shuzhen stood at the crossroads of life. This vocal music teacher, who has trained many well-known singers, made a surprising decision at the peak of his career: to give birth to a child for her husband Zhu Gongqi, who is 8 years younger.

When she was performing in an out-of-town performance, she suddenly had severe pain in her abdomen. After rushing to seek medical treatment, Guo Shuzhen learned that she was pregnant, but the condition of the fetus was not optimistic. The unexpected news made her both happy and worried.

Guo Shuzhen stroked her slightly bulging abdomen, her eyes flashing with anticipation and worry. She immediately canceled all performance arrangements and concentrated on recuperating at home.

This decision not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also added a strong touch to her love story with Zhu Gongqi.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

In 1927, Guo Shuzhen was born into a wealthy family in Tianjin. However, the war-torn years filled her childhood with turmoil. In order to escape the war, Guo Shuzhen's parents took her to move around and wander from place to place.

Despite this, the seeds of music quietly took root in her heart.

Peace finally came, and Guo Shuzhen was able to return to Tianjin. She seized the opportunity to study hard in the training class to prepare for the realization of her musical dreams. The hard work paid off, and only a year later, she was successfully admitted to Beiping Art College and began professional vocal learning.

In 1949, Guo Shuzhen entered the Central Academy as she wished and began to systematically learn soprano singing. At an orientation party, she met 14-year-old Zhu Gongqi.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

Guo Shuzhen, who was 22 years old at the time, was dignified and elegant, attracting the attention of many new students. She took special care of the young Zhu Gongqi and said kindly: "Call me Sister Shuzhen in the future, you can come to me if you have any questions."

Who would have thought that this sentence would become a foreshadowing of their future love.

In 1953, Guo Shuzhen embarked on the road of studying abroad and entered the Moscow Conservatory for further study. In a foreign country, she worked hard to learn about music with amazing perseverance and talent.

Her efforts were not in vain, and in 1958, Guo Shuzhen won the honorary title of opera and outstanding singer for her superb opera singing skills and outstanding singing talent.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

What is even more shocking is that her name was engraved on the excellent list of the Moscow Conservatory, becoming the only Chinese musician to make it to the list.

Faced with the invitation of the Moscow Music Association, Guo Shuzhen resolutely chose to return to China for development. She has love for the motherland in her heart, and she also misses Zhu Gongqi. After returning to China, Guo Shuzhen's music career quickly got on the right track, and her talent was fully developed, cultivating batches of outstanding vocal talents for the Chinese music industry.

The love story of Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi is like a moving movement that crosses the boundaries of age. At first, their relationship was full of youth and shyness. Whenever Guo Shuzhen talked to Zhu Gongqi, the 14-year-old boy's cheeks were always red, and even his ears became red.

The classmates laughed at him for being too shy, but only Zhu Gongqi himself understood that this reaction would only appear when facing Guo Shuzhen.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

As time passed, the relationship between the two gradually deepened. Sometimes they watch movies together, sometimes they climb mountains together, and share their experiences on the road of music.

However, their "sister-brother love" caused a lot of controversy in the social environment at the time.

Guo Shuzhen's parents are keenly aware of the changes in their daughter and ask her if she is in love. Facing her parents' questions, Guo Shuzhen remembered Zhu Gongqi's handsome and handsome face, and couldn't help but shake her head again and again to deny it.

Despite this, rumors about her relationship with Zhu Gongqi have long been spread in Central College.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

Guo Shuzhen's best friends, friends, teachers and parents have advised her to carefully consider her relationship with Zhu Gongqi. They worry that the relationship may cause her distress and stress.

However, in the face of everyone's concerns, Guo Shuzhen firmly stated that she believed in her choice and was willing to bear all the consequences.

When Guo Shuzhen's mother expressed concern about the eight-year age difference between them, Guo Shuzhen responded firmly: "Mom, I have decided to be with him, no matter how you object, it will be in vain."

Zhu Gongqi has always loved Guo Shuzhen firmly, and in the face of strong opposition from his parents, he did not flinch and always stayed by Guo Shuzhen's side silently.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

In order to determine Zhu Gongqi's sincerity, Guo Shuzhen once asked him seriously: "Gongqi, if you want to marry me, will you always be good to me?" Zhu Gongqi replied without hesitation: "Yes, we will always work together to spend every stage of our lives."

It was this firmness that made Guo Shuzhen determined to spend this life with him.

In the midst of everyone's discussions, the couple bravely walked into the palace of marriage. Although their wedding was simple and low-key, it only cost more than 100 yuan, but it was full of warmth and touch.

Even at the wedding scene, Guo Shuzhen's parents still tried to persuade their daughter to think carefully and not to enter the palace of marriage easily. However, Guo Shuzhen took out the marriage certificate and firmly announced to all relatives and friends that they had become a legal husband and wife.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

After marriage, due to the special nature of her work, Guo Shuzhen often needed to go abroad for music exchanges and performances, while Zhu Gongqi stayed in China to engage in music education.

The long separation makes their relationship face a severe test. However, Zhu Gongqi did not complain because of this, but comforted Guo Shuzhen: "As long as we miss each other, what is the short-term separation?" This understanding and support has become a solid foundation for their marriage, allowing their love to withstand the test of time and distance.

Guo Shuzhen's life is like a well-choreographed symphony, and she seeks a delicate balance between career and family. As a well-known vocal teacher and performing artist, the nature of Guo Shuzhen's work dictates that she needs to perform and teach abroad frequently.

However, while she was chasing her music dream, Zhu Gongqi became a strong backing for her family.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

Once, Zhu Gongqi's mother suddenly visited the young couple's home. She saw her son busy alone between the kitchen and housework, sweat soaking his clothes; Guo Shuzhen sat leisurely on the sofa in the living room, immersed in the fragrance of books.

This scene made her mother-in-law dissatisfied and asked Guo Shuzhen to share the housework. Unexpectedly, Zhu Gongqi immediately explained that he took the initiative to undertake all the housework, and Guo Shuzhen never complained.

This thoughtfulness and understanding became the lubricant for their marriage.

With the stability of their careers, Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi began to think about forming a complete family. However, when Guo Shuzhen entered the threshold of 40 years old, their married life had not yet ushered in a new life.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

Zhu Gongqi's mother was worried about this, and frequently visited to persuade them to give birth as soon as possible. Although Guo Shuzhen also longs to have a warm family, her frequent business trips do bring a lot of inconvenience to childbirth.

Faced with a husband who loves her so much, Guo Shuzhen made the most daring decision in her life at the age of 46 after careful consideration: to try to have a child.

The decision was undoubtedly fraught with risk, but she firmly believed that it would be the right choice for her life.

During her pregnancy, Guo Shuzhen canceled all performance arrangements and concentrated on recuperating at home. Zhu Gongqi took care of her carefully, for fear of any accidents.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

Their efforts were not in vain, and at the end of the year, Guo Shuzhen gave birth to a lovely daughter, bringing endless joy and hope to the family.

In order to record this hard-won happiness, Guo Shuzhen took her daughter to take a family photo. This photo became her spiritual sustenance during the tour. No matter where she is, as long as she sees this photo, she can feel the warmth of home and soothe her homesickness.

Whenever Guo Shuzhen needs to travel far away from home, her young daughter will always reluctantly ask, "Mom, when will you be able to come back?" Facing her daughter's immature and innocent face, Guo Shuzhen's heart was full of reluctance.

However, as a dedicated teacher, she had to stick to her post and impart knowledge to her students. She always hugged her daughter gently and promised to return to her as soon as possible.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

In order to make up for the debt to her daughter, Guo Shuzhen carefully selects local specialties to take home every time she goes on a business trip, and conveys her love for her daughter in this way.

In 1990, when Guo Shuzhen learned that her protégé Wang Xiufen had successfully entered the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, she burst into tears. This is not only Wang Xiufen's personal achievement, but also another milestone in Guo Shuzhen's teaching career.

She is very pleased with the success of each student, as if she has seen the seeds of music she has sown finally blossom.

Even after the age of sixties, Guo Shuzhen still stuck to her teaching position and never considered retirement. When Zhu Gongqi curiously asked her how long she would have to work before she would put down the whip, Guo Shuzhen replied firmly: "Only on the day when I can't read the handwriting and can't walk, I will stop teaching students, so as not to mislead people's children."

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

This dedication and love for education deeply infects every one of her students.

Once, when Guo Shuzhen was hospitalized due to illness, her students came to visit. In the face of the students' concern, Guo Shuzhen pretended to be unhappy and said: "Your studies are more important, why waste time chatting with me?" However, the students had already seen through the teacher's intentions and insisted on staying with them.

After the students left, Zhu Gongqi saw a satisfied smile on his wife's face, and tears couldn't help but fall.

The love between Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi has gone through the baptism of the years and has become more and more mellow. Guo Shuzhen, who has entered her later years, has become more and more innocent and cute. Whenever she saw a delicacy on the streets, she would always excitedly ask Zhu Gongqi to buy and taste it immediately.

Singer Guo Shuzhen: The wise thing in this life is to give birth to a daughter for her little husband at an advanced age

Once when she was participating in an event, she stumbled upon someone drinking fruit tea, and immediately pestered Zhu Gongqi to buy a cup for her. After tasting the cup of sweet and delicious fruit tea, Guo Shuzhen's face was filled with a satisfied smile, as if she had regained the happiness of her youth.

After 64 years of staying together, Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi interpreted the true meaning of love with practical actions. Their story, which transcends the boundaries of age and the eyes of the world, has become a good story.

When Guo Shuzhen looks back on the past, she often says with emotion: "The most correct decision in my life is to give birth to a daughter for my little husband at the age of 46." This decision not only gave her a complete home, but also made her life more fulfilling.

Their love story is like a beautiful double concerto, composing a moving movement across time and space.

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