
Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

author:Hope University Palace
Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".
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Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

In 2003, actor Lin Yongjian's life ushered in an important turning point. At the age of 34, he stood at the crossroads of his life, feeling uneasy. The face in the mirror, which was not outstanding, had made him ridiculed, but at this moment, he mustered up the courage and was ready to confess to Zhou Dongqi, the beautiful military flower of the Kongzheng Drama Troupe.

Surprisingly, Zhou Dongqi agreed to his marriage proposal without hesitation. What's even more surprising is that it took only three days for the couple to decide to enter the marriage hall.

What is the secret behind this flash marriage? Was it fate, or was there another reason? Let's unravel the mystery of this legendary marriage and explore the life story of Lin Yongjian.

Lin Yongjian's story began in an ordinary rural village in Shandong. As the second child in the family, he has attracted attention since he was a child because of his unique appearance, but he is not the kind of praise.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

The combination of small eyes and thin lips made him the object of ridicule by his peers, and ugly nicknames such as "mouse eyes" and "squinting eyes" constantly stung the young mind.

Whenever he faces the mirror alone, Lin Yongjian always falls into deep self-doubt: "Why did God give me such a look?" This inferiority complex followed him as he grew up.

However, it is in the midst of such a predicament that an unexpected dream quietly sprouts.

Lin Yongjian's sister became a warm light in his life. Whenever her brother was depressed, she would always take him to watch an open-air movie shown in the village.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

On the flickering screen, Lin Yongjian saw all kinds of characters, and their stories of joy and sorrow deeply touched him.

In high school, fate gave Lin Yongjian a chance to show himself. The city held a literary competition, and on the recommendation of the head teacher, Lin Yongjian participated in the competition.

To everyone's surprise, this unremarkable teenager won the first prize. This award is like a shot in the arm, which made Lin Yongjian regain his self-confidence and strengthened his determination to pursue his dream of being an actor.

After graduating, faced with a stable job opportunity, Lin Yongjian made a surprising choice. He resolutely gave up his job to ensure that he could have food and clothing for the rest of his life, and devoted himself to a challenging career in drama performance.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

This decision attracted doubts and opposition from friends and family, but his sister once again became his strong backing. She encouraged her younger brother: "Appearance is not the only criterion for measuring the value of an actor, life is short, be brave to chase your dreams, and don't leave yourself with regrets."

With the support of his family, Lin Yong put his body and mind into the arduous training. His efforts were not in vain, and he finally passed the selection examination of Qingdao Repertory Theatre and took the first step to chase his dream.

Since then, the rural boy who once had low self-esteem began to transform into a young man full of self-confidence and courage to pursue his dreams.

Lim's story teaches us that everyone has their own strengths and potential. Even if you face disadvantages in appearance or other aspects, as long as you stick to your dreams and work hard, you will eventually find your own stage.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

He used his own experience to prove that true charm comes from inner self-confidence and unremitting hard work.

With his love for acting, Lin Yongjian set foot on the fertile soil of his dream in Beijing. When he first arrived in Beijing, he was working hard in the entertainment industry while studying diligently for further courses at the Central Academy of Drama.

Lin Yongjian, who is well aware of his own shortcomings, always adheres to the principle of "stupid birds fly first", and spends every day in unremitting efforts.

While working in the Guangzhou Military Region Repertory Troupe, Lin Yongjian seized every opportunity to hone his acting skills. Whether it's a big role or a small supporting role, he puts his heart and soul into it and strives to be the best he can be.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

This dedication and hard work laid a solid foundation for his future success.

After retiring, Lin Yongjian entered the Kongzheng Drama Troupe, and the gears of fate quietly turned at this time. It was here that he met his beloved, Zhou Dongqi.

At that time, Zhou Dongqi was tall and beautiful, and was a recognized beauty in the repertory troupe, while Lin Yongjian was an unknown young actor.

The first acquaintance between the two took place during a skit rehearsal. Lin Yongjian came sweating profusely and humorously teased: "Haven't you seen enough handsome guys?" This joke not only amused Zhou Dongqi, but also made her have a good impression of this interesting man.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

Despite his casual appearance, Lam always puts his heart and soul into rehearsals, showing 100% focus and energy. This contrast deeply attracted Zhou Dongqi, and she secretly admired: This seemingly hippie smiling person has solid basic skills and unremitting efforts behind it.

As time went on, their friendship deepened. However, in the face of Zhou Dongqi, who has outstanding appearance and excellent professionalism, Lin Yongjian inevitably has an inferiority complex in his heart.

At that time, there were many people who pursued Zhou Dongqi, including many handsome and dashing men or men from superior families. In contrast, Lin Yongjian felt that he had nothing, so he chose to hide this feeling deep in his heart.

In 2005, the opportunity came. Lin Yongjian got the opportunity to participate in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala sketch "Decoration". Despite the fact that he was not on the field for a long time, he impressed the audience with his wonderful performances.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

He played the triangle by himself, showing amazing acting skills, especially the image of the "Tianjin Sister" wearing an explosive hairstyle and holding a broom, which made the audience laugh.

Lin Yongjian's "What are you doing" and "broken phase" with a strong Tianjin accent became the classic lines of the Spring Festival Gala that year.

This appearance became a turning point in Lin Yongjian's career. Subsequently, he participated in many popular film and television works, especially "The Story of Ploughing the Field" broadcast in 2006.

Lin Yongjian's delicate and realistic performance in the play won the love of the audience and won him the 24th Golden Eagle Award "Audience Favorite TV Drama Actor Award".

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

Lin Yongjian proved with practical actions that appearance is not the only criterion for becoming an excellent actor. He has always maintained a sense of awe for art and has constantly honed his acting skills. Every few years, he can win an important acting award, showing solid acting skills and professionalism.

From an unknown young actor to a familiar face on the screen, although Lin Yongjian's road to the north is difficult, it shines because of his persistence and hard work.

In 2003, 34-year-old Lin Yongjian stood at a turning point in his life. A phone call from the hospital completely changed the course of his life. The sad news that his father suddenly fell ill with cancer made Lin Yongjian realize the fragility of life.

Faced with the pain of losing his loved ones, he re-examined his heart and finally mustered up the courage to confess to Zhou Dongqi.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongqi agreed to his marriage proposal without hesitation, and agreed to get a marriage certificate in three days. When Lin Yongjian told Zhou Dongqi the truth about her father's illness, she was even more determined in this decision.

This seemingly hasty decision contains two people's deep understanding of life and love.

However, hastily concluded marriages soon faced a test. The two come from very different family backgrounds, and their living habits and values are quite different. Coming from a wealthy family, Zhou Dongqi is accustomed to pursuing a high quality of life, and her favorite items are often expensive.

Lin Yongjian has experienced hardships since he was a child, developed the habit of frugality, and is particularly cautious in consumption. This discrepancy led to frequent disputes over money, and even to the brink of divorce at one point.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

Soon after marriage, Zhou Dongqi became pregnant. However, as both felt unprepared and were on the rise in their careers, they made the difficult decision to give up on the child.

This choice cast a shadow on the relationship between the two, and it also became an incurable scar in their hearts.

In 2007, just when Lin Yongjian's career was in full swing, Zhou Dongqi became pregnant again. This time, they are looking forward to the arrival of a new life. However, fate played tricks on the couple again.

During the participation in the national sketch competition, due to overwork, Zhou Dongqi unfortunately miscarried. The blow left Lin Yongjian with deep self-blame, and he hated himself for failing to protect his wife and children.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

After experiencing the pain of losing a child twice, "child" has become a taboo topic in Lin Yongjian's heart. Whenever someone brings up a related topic, he always avoids talking about it, and the wound in his heart cannot be healed for a long time.

However, life always surprises. Two years later, Zhou Dongqi became pregnant for the third time, and this time their son Lin Dajun was finally born safely.

Lin Yongjian was overjoyed and announced to everyone: "In a few months, this world will usher in a new pair of little eyes!" The birth of a son not only healed the wounds in the couple's hearts, but also deepened their relationship.

In order to give more care and companionship to his family, Lin Yongjian decisively gave up many job opportunities, and even participated in the recording of the hit reality show "Where Are You Going, Dad".

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

In the show, the eccentric Lim Dajun brought countless joys to his father in his unique way. Lin Dajun, who looks like Lin Yongjian, won the love of the audience with his iconic little eyes.

He has been learning piano since he was a child and has won many awards in various competitions.

Although Lin Dajun became popular after the show was broadcast, Lin Yongjian was not in a hurry to push his son into the public eye. Instead, he chose to protect his son so that he could spend his carefree childhood.

This way of doing things also reflects Lin Yongjian's cherishing of the family and the importance he attaches to his children's education.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

Despite many twists and turns, the relationship between Lin Yongjian and Zhou Dongqi has become stronger in the test. They learned to understand and tolerate each other and overcome difficulties together.

Today, 53-year-old Lin Yongjian has a happy family and a thriving career, and this relationship, which began with a flash marriage, finally ushered in a happy ending.

Lin Yongjian's marriage story tells us that love and marriage require hard work and perseverance from both parties. Even in the face of difficulties and setbacks, as long as we trust and support each other, we can eventually overcome difficulties and reap happiness.

Lam's acting career is like an inspirational legend. From an unknown young actor to a familiar face on the screen, his every step is condensed with sweat and persistence.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

Although the starting point is not high, Lin Yongjian has always maintained his love and dedication to acting, constantly challenging himself and breaking through the limits.

In "The Story of Ploughing the Field", Lin Yongjian won the love of the audience with his delicate and authentic performance, and also won him the affirmation of the Golden Eagle Award. This success didn't stop him, but it motivated him to work harder.

Since then, Lin Yongjian has won an important acting award every few years, showing his solid acting skills and ability to continue to improve.

In 2024, Lin Yongjian, who is 53 years old, will usher in another peak of acting. In the high-profile sci-fi masterpiece "The Three-Body Problem", he successfully portrayed the role of General Chang Weisi, the top person in charge of the war zone.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

Lin Yongjian's domineering and majestic gestures, as well as the firm light emanating from those small eyes, amazed the audience.

From a simple farmer to a political elite, Lin Yongjian has shown strong character shaping ability and profound acting skills. He proved with practical actions that as long as he perseveres, he can stand out in the fiercely competitive entertainment industry and become a unique and charming existence.

Lin Yongjian's success is not only a personal victory, but also an encouragement to all those who have acting dreams.

Lam's life journey is like an inspirational textbook, providing us with valuable inspiration:

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

First and foremost, he taught us to confront our flaws and turn them into unique strengths. Lin Yongjian did not give up on himself because of his appearance, but made full use of this characteristic to shine in comedy performances and achieve his "signature" image.

Secondly, Lam's story shows the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement. From the repertory troupe to the film and television industry, he has always maintained a humble and studious attitude, constantly honing his acting skills, and constantly improving his performance level.

In addition, Lin Yongjian is good at seizing opportunities and doing his best to them. Every time the opportunity comes, he can accurately grasp it and put in 100% effort, and finally reap the fruits of success.

Finally, Lam's experience tells us that balancing career and family is just as important. Despite his marital crisis, he eventually learned to juggle his career and family, and achieved a happy life.

Lin Yongjian: A 34-year-old flash marriage beauty Junhua, who has no beloved son twice, and is almost divorced because of "picking".

Lin Yongjian's story enlightens us: as long as we stick to our dreams and work hard, we can create our own wonderful life even if the starting point is not high.

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