
The U18 Chinese women's basketball team lost to the Australian team 79:96, indicating the following 4 points Zhang Ziyu's super play

author:Usually three things to know

The U18 Chinese women's basketball team lost to the Australian team 79:96, indicating the following 4 points Zhang Ziyu's super play

The U18 Chinese women's basketball team lost 79-96 in a fierce battle against Australia. In this game, our Zhang Ziyu is like a superman on the basketball court, leading the team all the way through five levels and six generals, and her performance is comparable to the "first sister" in the basketball world. But a chopstick is easy to break, a chopstick is difficult to bend, relying on Zhang Ziyu's super play alone, we can only win applause, but we can't win the championship. It's like Superman sometimes can't beat, basketball is a five-a-side sport, not a solo game.

The U18 Chinese women's basketball team lost to the Australian team 79:96, indicating the following 4 points Zhang Ziyu's super play

However, just having Zhang Ziyu sweeping on the inside line is obviously a drop in the bucket. In the face of Australia's physical confrontation, our team looked a little overwhelmed, especially in the fourth quarter, and there was no way back. It begs the question, where are the rest of our players? Could it be that they can only be unknown under Zhang Ziyu's aura? Just like when watching a blockbuster, there are always supporting roles to set off the protagonist to be more dazzling. But basketball is not a movie, we need five that can play, not four wallflowers and one Superman.

The U18 Chinese women's basketball team lost to the Australian team 79:96, indicating the following 4 points Zhang Ziyu's super play

This defeat also makes us have to reflect on the training level of the Chinese women's basketball team. If basketball is a contest of intelligence and physical strength, then we seem to be slightly lacking in wisdom. After all, relying on Zhang Ziyu's personal ability to defeat Japan and South Korea, but in the end he lost to Australia in technology and teamwork, isn't this a clear "homework is copied well, but the exam will not be taken"? It's really time to give a big upgrade to the training system, not only to be a problemalist, but also to be a basketball student.

The U18 Chinese women's basketball team lost to the Australian team 79:96, indicating the following 4 points Zhang Ziyu's super play

As for the way basketball is played, it is really varied, and each has its own merits. Some people like flashy three-point rain, and some people like simple and rough interior attack. But at the end of the day, whether it's running or teamwork, what's right for you is the best. Our U18 female players may not need to pursue any popular "five small" tactics, after all, you have to have five to play. A center like Zhang Ziyu can score with a simple turn under the basket, so why pursue any bells and whistles? Direct and effective is the last word.

The U18 Chinese women's basketball team lost to the Australian team 79:96, indicating the following 4 points Zhang Ziyu's super play

The role of height advantage in Asian basketball is hard currency! Zhang Ziyu's height is simply a moving Great Wall in the Asian women's basketball world, and the Japanese team and the South Korean team can only look up at the moon in the face of her. You know, on the basketball court, sometimes an inch is long and an inch is strong. With this height, you don't need to jump, you can dunk as soon as you reach out, which is not something that money can buy. But don't get carried away, it's unrealistic to want to dominate the world basketball stage based on height alone, and don't forget the girls of the Australian team, who are not tall enough to make up, and you will also suffer a lot.

Facing the challenges and shortcomings of the Australian team is truly breathtaking. Although our Zhang Ziyu scored like chopping vegetables on the field, what about the other players? This is not table tennis, the days when one person can play the world are long gone. In the crucial fourth quarter, our team seemed to be like a kite with a broken string, at the mercy of the opponent. If you want me to say, it's not just a matter of physical strength, it's a big problem of tactical adaptability. The opponent changed people to defend, but our side is still the same old, no wonder they made us suffer.

The necessity of combining talent with training is especially important in the sport of basketball. Don't look at how talented Zhang Ziyu is, if there is no systematic training and tactical cooperation, then the talent can only be a wasted talent. Our opponents, Australia, are very good at taking advantage of their strengths, and every player can stand on the cusp of the storm, rather than relying on just one "thigh". Other members of the Chinese women's basketball team also have to come on, you can't always expect Zhang Ziyu to carry the banner alone, basketball is a five-person sport after all, a single flower is not spring, a hundred flowers bloom in spring.

Based on a simple and effective basketball strategy, many people seem to understand this truth, but not many actually do it. We often say that playing basketball is about throwing the ball into the opponent's basket, how simple does that sound! But why do anyone like to be complicated? Look at our opponents, they play clearly, where they need unfathomable tactics, physical confrontation, accurate shots, this is really efficient basketball. As for us, sometimes we rely too much on Zhang Ziyu, and we are helpless at critical moments. When you play basketball, you have to be simple when it's supposed to be simple, so why bother yourself?

On the basketball court, the bells and whistles can be dizzying, but why bother yourself and complicate a simple game? With a "tall man" like Zhang Ziyu on the inside, isn't the other party's basket just like her private garden? Isn't simply passing her the ball and watching her score easily under the basket again and again is the most effective strategy? There is no need for complex formations, there is no need to pursue formal beauty, and the numbers on the final score board are the last word. Our goal is to get the ball into the basket, not to stake it on the court.

When it comes to the international status of the Chinese women's basketball team, don't look at the fact that there are still some storms in the Asian arena, and it is really powerless to compete at the world level. It's not that I'm not optimistic, but in fact, except for Zhang Ziyu, everyone else seems to be struggling to catch up with the international advanced level. In the Grand Theater of World Basketball, we play more of a supporting role. But who wouldn't want to go from a supporting role to a leading role? It's time to take a long-term view, start from the basics, and truly improve the overall strength, so that the Chinese women's basketball team can have more say on the world stage.

Relying on genius not only limits the growth of other players, but also makes the team feel helpless against strong opponents. It is impossible for Zhang Ziyu to appear in every session, if there is no follow-up Zhang Ziyu, then we can only watch others on the field. We need more of a systematic cultivation program to cultivate every potential little flower into a big red flower, so that we don't have to rush when there is no genius.

If basketball tactics are recipes, then the coach should be the chef who makes use of ingredients. How can you make a delicious meal with just one ingredient? Whether it's five small tactics or something else, the key is to adjust according to the actual situation of the team and give full play to everyone's strengths, which is the king.

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