
Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

author:Hope University Palace
Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court
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Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

In September 2006, a lawsuit was opened that shocked the world of sports. Three of China's star athletes in long-distance running, Ai Dongmei, Sun Yingjie and Guo Ping, have teamed up to take their former coach, Wang Dexian, to court.

The once dominant head coach of the Chinese marathon training team, who has produced many world-class champions, has gained notoriety for all kinds of heinous behavior.

Assaulting athletes, embezzling prize money, and even keeping wolf dogs to prevent team members from escaping – these are shocking accusations that are chilling. How did this coach, who was once known as a famous coach, end up here? What kind of hardships have those athletes who have been shining on the field have experienced? Why did an 11-year-long mentor-apprentice relationship end with a court meeting? As the case deepens, horrific details gradually surface, revealing the dark truth behind the gold medal.

Wang Dexian's training methods are known for their rigour, and under his rule, the training ground has become an isolated island from the outside world. Within the high walls, the athletes repeat extreme training day after day, under tremendous physical and mental pressure.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

Sun Yingjie's experience is a typical example of this kind of brutal training. In 1994, at the age of 16, she was recruited by Wang Dexian. Despite his poor family, with his extraordinary talent and tenacity, Sun Yingjie quickly made a name for himself in the field.

At the 2002 Asian Games, she won two gold medals in the 5,000m and 10,000m, becoming a rising star in China's long-distance running world.

However, behind this glory is unimaginable hardship and pain. Wang Dexian's training method is almost cruel, and beating and scolding have become commonplace. Sun Yingjie once painfully recalled that once because she failed to achieve the expected results, Wang Dexian actually broke her collarbone with a whip.

The daily training is like a battle against the limit, and pain and grievances fill her every day and night. But for the dream in her heart, she could only grit her teeth and bear all this silently.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

Just when Sun Yingjie's athletic career seemed bright, in 2005, a sudden doping incident completely changed the trajectory of her life. She tested positive for urine and faced a two-year ban.

Despite repeatedly pleading that she had never taken illegal drugs, she eventually had to retire and leave her beloved arena in disgrace.

However, this is not the end of the story. Years later, a shocking truth emerged - someone secretly added stimulants to Sun Yingjie's drink, and all this turned out to be the result of Wang Dexian's covert manipulation.

This cruel fact not only destroyed Sun Yingjie's brilliant sports career, but also completely shattered her trust in her mentor.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

Wang Dexian's actions are not only the destruction of the athletes' bodies, but also the serious damage to their souls. In his quest for gold, he seems to have forgotten the most basic work ethic and humanity of a coach.

This kind of success at the expense of the health and future of the athletes is truly chilling.

Sun Yingjie's encounter is just the tip of the iceberg. Under Wang's rule, there are many more athletes who are going through similar ordeals.

Under Wang Dexian's iron-fisted rule, the training base became a cage isolated from the rest of the world. Outside the high wall, a fierce wolf dog patrols day and night, the purpose of which is to prevent the team members from "sneaking away".

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

Such extreme control measures deprive athletes of the most basic personal freedoms. Even the simple return home to visit family can be difficult. The athletes can only keep in touch with their families through letters, as if they are imprisoned in this small closed world.

Ai Dongmei once said helplessly: "We are like animals in captivity, with no freedom and no dignity." "Every day is precisely scheduled, and all the time is spent on high-intensity training, except for eating and sleeping.

In this high-pressure environment, athletes are under tremendous physical and mental stress.

Wang Dexian's violent behavior also escalated, and punches and kicks became his daily means of discipline. Athletes have to endure not only physical pain, but also psychological suffering.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

This constant physical and mental torture has left many athletes with severe psychological trauma.

However, what is even more outrageous is that Wang Dexian unscrupulously embezzled the prize money of the athletes. On the grounds that "the team members are still young", he forcibly confiscated everyone's bank cards.

All the bonuses and subsidies issued by the state fell into his pocket, and even the pocket money when he went abroad to compete, only $1 per person. This naked economic exploitation has left the athletes feeling a deep sense of despair.

Guo Ping recalled: "We trained hard, risked injuries to play, and we didn't even get the prize money we deserved. Every time I think of this, my heart is sour.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

"When athletes pluck up the courage to ask where the prize money is going, it's often a beating in return. This double whammy of violence and exploitation has left athletes feeling helpless like never before.

This inhumane management is not unique. Many athletes have suffered irreparable damage under the clutches of Wang Dexian. Ai Dongmei and Guo Ping's feet were severely deformed due to long-term high-intensity training, and even after retiring, they could not work normally and could only rely on stalls to make a living.

Their youth and health were consumed in this nightmare training.

What is even more heart-wrenching is that these athletes do not receive even the most basic respect and rewards after paying such a huge price. Their dreams are ruthlessly crushed, and their future is bleak due to physical damage.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

This deep physical and mental trauma may require them to spend the rest of their lives slowly healing.

Wang Dexian's actions are not only an infringement of the rights and interests of athletes, but also a blasphemy against human nature. He used his power to use athletes as a tool to earn fame and fortune, completely ignoring their human dignity and basic rights.

This distorted management not only destroys the physical and mental health of athletes, but also tarnishes the purity of sportsmanship.

This dark experience is a wake-up call for the Chinese sports community. It reminds us that while pursuing excellent performance, we should pay more attention to the protection of athletes' rights and interests and humanistic care.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

Only sports based on respect and care can truly develop healthily and sustainably.

Over time, more and more athletes are becoming aware of the injustices they have suffered. However, under the strong rule of Wang Dexian, they could not find an outlet for resistance for a while.

Everyone has accumulated a deep sense of resentment and helplessness in their hearts, but they dare not act rashly.

Sun Yingjie once plucked up the courage to try to ask Wang Dexian for the salary he deserved. However, this risky attempt was rewarded with a severe beating. "At that moment, I felt like I wasn't a good athlete, but a slave to be slaughtered," she recalls.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

This deep sense of humiliation is etched in her memory.

Ai Dongmei's experience is equally poignant. It wasn't until she was in dire need of money after retiring that she realized that she didn't have a penny in her bank account. Years of hard work have been exchanged for a blank passbook.

This huge gap made her fall into deep despair for a while.

Guo Ping said: "We have given our youth and health, but we have not even received the most basic respect. Every day when you open your eyes, you have to face endless pain and fear.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

"This kind of mental torture day after day makes the once high-spirited champions feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Faced with such a tragic situation, these former champions finally made up their minds to fight for their rights. They began to secretly collect evidence and record Wang Dexian's various evil deeds.

Every secret recording, every hidden photo, carries their desire for fairness and justice. Although the process was arduous and risky, they knew that this might be the only way out.

In September 2006, Ai Dongmei, Sun Yingjie and Guo Ping finally mustered up the courage to join forces to take Wang Dexian to court. This decision was undoubtedly a huge adventure for them.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

They have to face not only Wang Dexian personally, but also the pressure of the entire system. However, they had no choice. As Sun Yingjie said: "We can no longer be silent, for our own sake and for the sake of the young athletes who may be the next victims."

This courageous action marks their transformation from passive victims to active rights defenders. Although the road ahead is full of unknowns and challenges, a flame of hope ignites in their eyes.

They know that it's not just about fighting for themselves, it's about changing the ecology of the entire sports world.

In the process, they support and encourage each other. The sisterhood that once fought side by side on the field has been further sublimated in this battle for rights protection.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

Their courage and determination have not only infected more athletes, but also attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.

When the lawsuit was officially launched, the entire sports world was shaken. Wang Dexian, who was once dominant, has now become a street rat in the dock. This lawsuit is not only about individual rights and interests, but also a serious challenge to the entire sports management system.

At first, Mr. Wang tried to calm things down through private negotiations. He sent people to contact Ai Dongmei, Sun Yingjie and Guo Ping, and proposed a generous compensation plan, hoping that they would withdraw the lawsuit.

However, the athletes, who have endured years of oppression, have made up their minds to seek justice and have resolutely rejected such compromises.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

Seeing that there was no hope of a private reconciliation, Wang Dexian began to adopt delaying tactics. He postponed the trial for various reasons in an attempt to exhaust the athletes' patience and resources. However, in the face of ironclad factual evidence, none of his tricks were ultimately to avail.

After months of difficult negotiations, the case was finally settled. Guo Ping successfully recovered 100,000 yuan in subsidies, Ai Dongmei received more than 200,000 yuan in bonuses, and Sun Yingjie received up to 600,000 yuan in compensation, plus a home in Beijing's Fifth Ring Road.

Although these reparations are far from compensating for the physical and mental injuries they have suffered, it is undoubtedly a huge victory for the athletes. As Ai Dongmei said: "Money is not the most important thing, the important thing is that we finally got justice and proved our dignity."

The repercussions of the lawsuit extend far beyond the individual cases. It reveals the dark side that may exist behind the brilliant achievements, and also points out the direction for the protection of athletes' rights and interests in the future.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

Many sports administrations have begun to rethink the existing management model and set out to develop a better athlete protection system.

For Ai Dongmei, Sun Yingjie and Guo Ping, the victory means they can finally turn the page on a new chapter in their lives. Although it is difficult to completely erase the pain of the past, they have contributed to the healthy development of China's sports industry with their courage and perseverance.

This sensational lawsuit has sounded the alarm for the entire sports world. It not only exposed Wang Dexian's evil deeds, but also exposed many problems in the sports management system.

From the decline of personal morality to the lack of institutional supervision, this case reflects the deep-seated contradictions of the entire industry.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

It is regrettable that even after the incident was exposed, Wang Dexian still did not show the slightest remorse. He arrogantly claimed that he had never abused any of his team members and had never misappropriated their prize money.

In the end, Wang Dexian not only lost his coaching position, but also received a lifetime ban. However, for those athletes who had suffered under him, these punishments were far from enough.

The physical and mental wounds they suffer can take a lifetime to heal.

The enlightenment of this case is that while pursuing excellent performance, we should pay more attention to the protection of athletes' rights and interests. Coaches and athletes should build a relationship of mutual respect and trust, rather than using high-pressure and exploitative methods.

Beat the athlete to steal the prize money, raised a wolf dog for fear that the team members would sneak away, and was later sued by the apprentice in court

Only in this way can we truly promote the healthy development of sports.

Sports authorities should also learn from this case and establish a more complete regulatory mechanism to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of athletes are protected. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the moral education and professional ethics training of coaches to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

Finally, this case also reminds us that every athlete should raise their awareness of self-protection and have the courage to defend their own rights and interests. Only when athletes dare to speak out can the ecology of the entire sports world be truly improved.

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