
Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

author:Ling Ling said history

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Before Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the whole society was in chaos, and it was normal for officials and businessmen to collude, the police to be involved in the underworld, and to shield the underworld.

Therefore, there were many earth-shattering cases in Hong Kong during that period, such as the famous three thieves: Zhang Ziqiang, Ye Jihuan and Ji Bingxiong.

Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

Their fate was not good, but Ji Bingxiong was able to regain his freedom and go to the United States to live, why is this?

Attend a prison refresher course

In the movie "Tree Moves the Wind", the story of these three gangsters is told, and we can see from the movie that Ji Bingxiong's style of doing things is calm, cruel, and unassuming.

He is like a shadow, always in the dark, inconspicuous, but such a person is often thoughtful and ruthless.

Ji Bingxiong was originally a native of Sanshui, Guangdong, formerly known as Guan Derong, when he was in the mainland, he often stole chickens and dogs, and belonged to idle people in society.

Before going to Hong Kong, Kwan Derong had been stealing in Guangzhou for 10 years, and he usually chose outsiders when he started, because often outsiders found out that after the wallet was stolen, the person was already on the train, so he could only helplessly scold the thief, which reduced the probability of Kwan Derong being caught.

Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

But in 1980, after Guangdong began to crack down on petty theft, Guan Derong lost the "job" he relied on to survive.

He chose to go to Hong Kong because at that time, Hong Kong had not yet returned to the motherland, there were many opportunities to make "ill-gotten gains", and it was very convenient for Guangdong to smuggle into Hong Kong.

After Kwan Derong arrived in Hong Kong, he immediately bought an ID card named Ji Bingxiong to live in Hong Kong legally, but he looked at the bustling Hong Kong and was a little confused for a while.

He has no relatives or friends in Hong Kong, and he doesn't know what to do for a while, in order to fill his stomach, he can only engage in manual labor first, but Ji Bingxiong is used to petty theft in Guangdong, how can he still stand physical work.

Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

So within a few days, he couldn't stand it anymore, and turned around and went to the street to look for "prey", ready to go back to his old job of stealing.

However, Hong Kong is different from the mainland, and people's sense of vigilance is very high, and the methods he is proud of are no longer effective in Hong Kong.

After that, Ji Bingxiong was arrested 8 times for theft and became a frequent visitor in the prison, but also because of the prison, he became a famous figure in Hong Kong.

A small thief becomes a big thief

Ji Bingxiong, who has been in and out a few times, has met many eldest brothers in prison, others go to prison for reform, and he goes to prison to make friends.

In 1984, Ji Bingxiong was imprisoned again, this time he met a gangster brother.

Ji Bingxiong has been in prison many times, and he has long understood the rules of prison, and he is like a fish in water in prison as if he were at home, and he can chat with anyone and call him a brother.

Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

This attracted the attention of Huang Zhiming, who came in for robbery and wounding.

After inquiry, he learned that Ji Bingxiong was also the number one person in prison.

At first, he was bullied when he came in, but instead of holding back, he chose to fight back with his fists against his bullies, and for this reason he was called "Sha Po Tsai" in prison, which means a fierce and cruel person.

After that, Huang Zhiming began to contact Ji Bingxiong intentionally or unintentionally, wanting him to mix with him.

One day, he asked Ji Bingxiong what arrangements he had after he was released from prison, and Ji Bingxiong said locally: "Go back to your old job, and you can't starve yourself, I thought I would get ahead when I came to Hong Kong, but I didn't expect to be as good as a dog." ”

Hearing this, Huang Zhiming told Ji Bingxiong that if he wanted to make a change, he would have to mix with him, petty theft would not be in the flow at all in his eyes, and what he did was a big deal.

Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

This made Ji Bingxiong very excited, he had already learned from others that Huang Zhiming was a big man in the "Big Circle Gang", and he must have a chance to mix with him.

In this way, Ji Bingxiong transformed from a small thief to a big thief.

After being released from prison, Huang Zhiming took Ji Bingxiong to join the "Big Circle Gang" and became his confidant.

The people in the "Big Circle Gang" are all ruthless people, and everyone is a walking "explosive barrel", who will fight when they disagree, and they also carry guns with them.

But no matter how big the gang is, it has to worry about survival.

In 1985, Ji Bingxiong, Huang Zhiming and others robbed a watch shop and robbed a famous watch worth 1.8 million.

Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

During the robbery, Ji Bingxiong was very calm and ruthless, as long as someone resisted, his first reaction was not to scold, but to raise his hand to shoot, and the movement was very loud.

This naturally attracted nearby police, and a fierce exchange of fire ensued.

But Ji Bingxiong and others did not panic because of the appearance of the police, but calmly swept the table and fought back.

This time, a total of 126 gunshots rang out from both sides, killing 11 passers-by, Ji Bingxiong and others retreated, and four months later, Huang Zhiming and others were arrested, and Ji Bingxiong escaped alone.

Bandit of the century

After escaping, Ji Bingxiong was a little more vigilant, and he bought a number of ID cards to better hide his identity and avoid being wanted by the police.

Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

After searching for a period of time, the police believed that Ji Bingxiong had escaped from Hong Kong and went into hiding.

In fact, Ji Bingxiong is still staying in Hong Kong and planning another robbery.

Under the pseudonym "Brother Chao", he recruited two younger brothers to rob a jewelry store in Yau Ma Tei, stole jewelry worth 400,000 yuan, and then parted ways with the two younger brothers.

Later, Ji Bingxiong assumed the alias "Brother Coke" and teamed up with the two to loot a jewelry store in the Landmark Plaza.

Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

Because of his multiple identities, neither the brothers who used to be on the road nor the people who committed the crime with him at that time did not know Ji Bingxiong's plan and real name.

It wasn't until the police investigated that they found out that Ji Bingxiong had many names.

Ji Bingxiong couldn't trust anyone but himself, and after two robberies, he disappeared, and there were rumors that he went to Australia, but no one could be sure that he was really there.

It wasn't until 1994 that Ji Bingxiong appeared in the public eye again, and he robbed two watch stores in less than one month, and then disappeared again.

This greatly annoyed the police, because Ji Bingxiong took several lives every time he appeared, and now the people of Hong Kong are terrified when they hear his name.

Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

In 2003, things took a turn for the better, and Ji Bingxiong's former younger brother Wu Zhenqiang was released from prison.

The police believe that Wu Zhenqiang is likely to commit a second crime and will definitely contact Ji Bingxiong after he is released from prison, so he is secretly monitored.

Sure enough, a few days after Wu Zhenqiang was released from prison, he couldn't help but contact Ji Bingxiong, and then, according to the call records of the two, the police found Ji Bingxiong's hiding place.

On 24 December 2003, the Hong Kong "Flying Tigers" dispatched to bring Ji Ping-hung to justice and found a large amount of arms in his house.

After Ji Bingxiong was arrested, Hong Kong citizens said that it was the best "Christmas gift".

Hong Kong's last thief Ji Bingxiong, stealing, robbing, and killing, but regained his freedom, why?

At interrogation, Mr. Ji insisted that he was a U.S. citizen, not a Mr. Ji, and had not robbed a gold shop, watch or jewelry store, and was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

Later, the police finally found evidence that Ji Ping-hung shot two police officers near the Mong Kok station of the East Rail in 2001, and he was sentenced to an additional seven years in prison.

On January 18, 2020, Ji Bingxiong went to live in the United States after being released from prison, and he was the only one of the three thieves to regain his freedom.


Hong Kong media: Hong Kong's former "king of thieves" Ji Bingxiong was released from prison today after completing his sentence and has been deported to the United States_Letter from Hong Kong and Taiwan_The Paper

Hong Kong Bandit Record: The Last Thief King Ji Bingxiong - Zhihu

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