
A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

author:Eggplant on the past and the present

In the early 19th century, French society was divided into different classes and full of intrigues, and the young Julien Sorel was at a crossroads in his life. Born in this rural area, he has endless expectations for the future, eager to break free from the shackles of fate and climb to the top of society.

Born into a peasant family, he was born with an extraordinary intellect and keen insight. Whenever he looked into the distance, his eyes always shone with a light that he was unwilling to succumb to the ordinary.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

He knows that in a society where everything is defined by birth and status, only through his own efforts and wisdom can he change the trajectory of his fate.

However, the reality is so cruel. Julian always stood in front of the mirror, looking at his simple clothes and slightly rough hands, his heart was full of contradictions and struggles.

He longs to succeed and to step through the doors of high society, but is deeply disgusted by the hypocritical masks that people wear and the way they calculate each other in the rules of the game.

In these changing times, Julian saw that hard work and intelligence alone were not enough. In order to better adapt to society, he must learn to play different roles on different occasions and, like a good actor, always ready to put on the appropriate mask.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

This inner struggle and contradiction contributed to his growth and planted the seeds for the tragedy that followed.

Standing at the beginning of his life, Julian Sorel clenched his fists and had a determined glint in his eyes. He understands the ups and downs of the road, but he is ready to take on the challenge of writing his own legend in a society full of opportunities and risks.

Whether the future is flat or tortuous, at this moment he has taken the first step to change his fate.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

With a vision for the future, Julian Sorel embarked on his journey to climb the social ladder. His first stop was the town of Rouge, an ostensibly peaceful church town that actually underflowed and became a stage for him to display his talents.

With his great intellect and perceptiveness, Julian managed to win the favor of the rector and became his personal secretary. This position, although not high-level, opened the door to high society for Julian, which he understood as the key to changing his fate.

In order to be able to seize this opportunity, he has to give it his all.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

In the church, Julian studied diligently, not only by his knowledge of the Bible, but also by his efforts to imitate the manners of high society. Every small step forward thrilled him, as if he was getting closer to his dream.

However, as he rose in status, Julian also gradually felt the temptation of power and the complexity of social games.

He began to wear different masks on different occasions to adapt to different environments. In the presence of the rector he was a devout believer; In front of the aristocracy, he showed wisdom and talent.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

Julian is torn between his pride in his success and his unease at having to go against his heart.

However, ambition drove Julian forward. He is good at keenly observing the words and deeds of the powerful around him, and learning their social methods. In social activities, Julian gradually won the trust and appreciation of more and more people.

His intellect and astuteness earned him more opportunities and allowed him to gain a foothold in a society full of competition and intrigue.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

Standing on the high vantage point of the church, overlooking the town of Rouge, Julian felt a wave of vertigo. He realized that he had embarked on a path from which there was no turning back. On this road full of opportunities and challenges, he will face more temptations and tests.

However, at this moment, Julian's eyes gleam with determination, and he is ready to take on the next challenge and climb to a higher social class.

As Julian Sorel climbs the social ladder, fate makes an unexpected encounter for him. Mariana, an innocent and kind rural girl, is like a breeze that intrudes into his life full of calculations.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

Mariana's presence brings a breath of fresh air to Julian's life. Her innocent smile and pure and flawless heart make Julian, who has always been hypocritically coping with social situations, feel the warmth that she has not felt for a long time.

In front of Mariana, he can let go of all pretense and be his truest self again.

However, as the relationship between the two of them deepened, Julian's inner conflict became more and more intense. On the one hand, he was attracted to Mariana's innocence and longed to have a sincere affection; On the other hand, he is soberly aware that his relationship with Mariana may become a stumbling block on his social climb.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

In the course of their many time together, Julian was deeply touched by Mariana's unreserved affection for him. Her eyes were full of trust and expectation, as if Julian was the most important person in her life, and this pure emotion stirred Julian's heart and made him question whether what he had been pursuing was really worth it.

However, the curse of ambition does not let Julian go easily. Whenever he tries to let go of everything and devote himself to the relationship, the temptations of social status and power pull him back to reality.

He began to have reservations in front of Mariana, carefully maintaining his image for fear of affecting his future.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

This ambivalence directly affects the relationship between the two. Mariana was sensitive to the changes in Julian, her eyes filled with doubt and loss.

Julian, on the other hand, hesitates between love and ambition and is unable to make a choice.

Driven by social responsibility, Julian had to choose to give up love in order to achieve a higher social status. As he watched Mariana's teary-eyed back fade away, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of remorse and emptiness in his heart.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

This relationship was both beautiful and painful in Julian's life, and it also laid the groundwork for his future fate. In pursuit of his ambition, he lost the most precious sincere feelings of his life, and the price was much heavier than he had imagined.

As he rose through social status, Julien Sorel managed to step into the Parisian high society he had longed for. However, behind this bustling world, there is a moral swamp.

When Julien first arrived in Paris, he was struck by the city's prosperity and extravagance, and he faced the world with a hunger and thirst in order to fit in well.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

He quickly learned all the habits of high society, and he became a high-profile socialite.

However, as Julian becomes more in contact with this world, he begins to slowly see the truth in it. Behind the flamboyance of appearance, there is endless hypocrisy and intrigue.

Everyone wears elaborate masks, and for their own benefit, they can betray their principles and friends at any moment.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

Julian found himself wearing such a mask to assert his position, and began to participate in various games of intrigue. His words and deeds became more and more tactful and hypocritical.

Every social occasion is like a well-choreographed performance, and he is an increasingly skilled actor.

However, this living environment gradually caused Julian to lose his inner peace and no longer feel the balance of his life. He began to doubt everything he had done and began to think about the value of his life.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

Whenever he was alone, he felt an indescribable emptiness and loneliness inside, and this feeling was too much for him to bear.

In a world of temptations and pitfalls, Julian struggles to find his true self, and his insatiable desire for power and ambition drive him away from his roots.

He began to do whatever it took for personal gain, even betraying the moral principles he once cherished.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

Julien stands on a high vantage point in Paris, overlooking the bustling metropolis, full of contradictions and struggles. He realized that he had reached a point of no return. The path was full of hypocrisy and deception, and he didn't know how long he could hold out or what the price would end up paying.

Julien Sorel gradually fell into the quagmire of political struggle in the whirlpool of Parisian high society. His ingenuity and keen insight have made him comfortable in this struggle for power, but it has also pushed him into a dangerous situation.

Julian became involved in political intrigues and power deals, using his talents and connections to move from faction to faction in search of higher status and influence, each success making him more confident and more addicted to the temptations of power.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

In an important political struggle, however, Julian's ambitions outstripped his caution. In order to achieve his goal, he resorted to some dishonest means and betrayed those who had trusted him.

Although this operation allowed him to gain temporary benefits, it also laid a fatal hidden danger for him.

The moment the backlash of fate erupted, Julian's dishonest behavior was exposed, and his carefully constructed social status and interpersonal relationships collapsed in an instant. Former allies have drawn a line with him, and former enemies have taken the opportunity to fall into the ground.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

Julian fell from the pinnacle of society and lost everything. He was stripped of all his status and honor, and even faced serious legal sanctions. It all came so suddenly that he couldn't accept the reality for a while.

Standing at a low point in his life, Julian began to reflect on what he had done. He realized that in the process of pursuing power and status, he had already lost himself, deviated from his original ideals, and not only lost everything such as external money, status, and reputation, but more importantly, he had lost his inner moral code and sincere love for life.

This huge blow caused Julian's life to take a huge turn, which also forced him to re-examine his life choices and values.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

Julian Sorel faced the most severe test of his life – the death sentence. This once-spirited and ambitious young man is now in a dark and damp prison, awaiting the final verdict of fate.

At the end of his life, Julian began to reflect deeply on his life. He reflects on his journey from rural youth to celebrity, and finds that in the pursuit of ambition, he gradually loses respect for genuine emotions and moral integrity.

In this moment of loneliness, Julian recalls the figure of Mariana, and he finally understands that that innocent love is the most precious gift in life. However, at that time, he was blinded by vanity and ambition, and pushed this precious affection away with his own hands.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

In the face of impending death, Julian felt calmer than he had ever been. Instead of remorseful for his failures, he found inner salvation in the process. He understands that although his life is coming to an end, this awakening and understanding may be the greatest gain in his life.

In the final moments of his life, Julian renounces all pretense and hypocrisy to rediscover and embrace his true self. He calmly faced his fate, admitted and accepted his past mistakes and shortcomings, and accepted his whole self.

When the execution was about to be executed, Julian's eyes were full of peace and relief, and he knew that although his life was coming to an end, his soul was truly free.

A social picture of intrigue, "Red and Black" stirs up the strife of love and desire

In this tragic ending, Julian Sorel finally completed self-redemption and drew a meaningful end to his life.