
In 2016, the 63-year-old lady drank millet porridge every day to nourish her stomach, and after 1 year of physical examination, her body changed unexpectedly

author:Dr. Yang is a popular science


[1] Zhang Zefeng. Healthy Life,2024,(02):52-53.

[2] Tang Zuli. Can people with a bad stomach only drink porridge and eat vegetarian[J].Renren Health,2023,(20):82.)

[3] Lei Zhangfang. Family Medicine(Second Half Month),2023,(06):41.)

When the age enters middle and old age, the body will inevitably have a variety of diseases, among which the most common disease that occurs in the digestive tract is gastritis. Many people do not choose to go to the hospital for treatment immediately after the symptoms of gastritis, but look for home remedies or dietary therapy on their own.

The most famous saying is to drink porridge to nourish the stomach, especially millet porridge, which is held up to the altar by many stomach patients. However, dietary therapy also varies from person to person, so it is important to learn to judge your specific situation and then choose the appropriate treatment.

In 2016, 63-year-old Su Ying was lying on the balcony of her home basking in the sun, she divorced her gambling husband in her early years and raised a daughter alone. Now that her daughter has married a wife, she no longer has financial pressure, and after enjoying several years of retirement, Su Ying suddenly received a call from her daughter, and a joyful voice came from the other end: "Mom, I'm pregnant!" ”

In 2016, the 63-year-old lady drank millet porridge every day to nourish her stomach, and after 1 year of physical examination, her body changed unexpectedly

Su Ying didn't say a word, packed her bags and went to her daughter's house, she was not at ease to leave her to be taken care of by others during pregnancy. Sure enough, my daughter had a violent pregnancy reaction after the eighth week of pregnancy, and the first thing she woke up every morning was to vomit, and her mood became difficult to guess. In order to make her daughter have an appetite, Su Ying worked hard to study new recipes every day, and long-term fatigue and mental pressure also made her already old body gradually overwhelmed.

Every time she eats, Su Ying's upper abdomen will have a brief pain, but after a few bites of eating a little, it will return to normal. Every time Su Ying couldn't eat a few bites, she would put down her chopsticks, and her appetite was only half of what she used to be, and her daughter was also a little worried when she saw this, and asked her mother to find time to go to the hospital for a gastroscopy to see the situation.

Su Ying already had the basic symptoms of gastritis at this time: dull pain in the upper abdomen (stomach), loss of appetite, fullness after meals, etc., there are many reasons for gastritis, the most important is eating habits. Su Ying's daughter tasted sour and spicy after pregnancy, and this stimulating diet was a little unbearable for Su Ying, which would lead to damage to the gastric mucosa over time, resulting in gastritis.

In 2016, the 63-year-old lady drank millet porridge every day to nourish her stomach, and after 1 year of physical examination, her body changed unexpectedly

And in order to take care of her daughter's emotions, Su Ying is also under great pressure every day, and what many people don't know is that the stomach is also an emotional organ. If you are in negative emotions such as anxiety and depression for a long time, it will cause the body's endocrine and nervous systems to be affected, and the digestive system will be regulated by these two. Therefore, the accumulation of depression can also lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, and gastrointestinal peristalsis slows down, which affects appetite.

Su Ying agreed, but she didn't think she was serious enough to go to the hospital, but instead came to the pharmacy downstairs for help. On the recommendation of the clerk, she purchased omeprazole, a stomach acid suppressant that relieves stomach pain and acid reflux caused by excessive acid production.

After that, Su Ying would take one every time she had a meal or when the pain attacked, and the stomach pain was indeed much better, and even her mental state was better. But after a long time, the effect of the drug gradually weakened, and Su Ying was also afraid that taking Western medicine for a long time would cause side effects or liver and kidney toxicity, so she decided to start from the diet to regulate her body.

In 2016, the 63-year-old lady drank millet porridge every day to nourish her stomach, and after 1 year of physical examination, her body changed unexpectedly

She remembered that her mother also suffered from gastritis when she was alive, and every time there was an acute attack of inflammation, her mother would replace the main meal with millet porridge, and her condition would soon improve. Thinking of this, Su Ying also decided to do the same, and would drink a bowl of millet porridge every morning. In the first few months, Su Ying did not have any stomach discomfort, which made her even more convinced of the miraculous effect of millet porridge.

A year has passed like this, and Su Ying's situation has been a little repeated, this time it seems to have become more serious, and she will even wake up when she sleeps at night because of food regurgitation, which seriously affects the quality of sleep. Her daughter has successfully given birth to a pair of twins, and after the confinement, Su Ying hurried to the hospital, and she already had a bad conjecture in her heart.

After listening to her description, the doctor did not make a judgment immediately, but arranged a test first. Su Ying's appointment for a gastroscopy will be three days later at the earliest, and in the past few days, Su Ying has been anxious, tossing and turning, for fear that she will have stomach cancer, but in order not to worry her daughter, she has been burying the examination in her heart.

In 2016, the 63-year-old lady drank millet porridge every day to nourish her stomach, and after 1 year of physical examination, her body changed unexpectedly

Finally came to the day of the examination, Su Ying called her good friend to wait outside, under the effect of anesthetic drugs, she only felt that her eyes were closed and opened, and the examination was completed. After sobering up, Su Ying went to the consultation room again with the results, and the doctor's face was full of seriousness when he checked the results, which couldn't help but make her swallow her saliva nervously. "I don't have cancer, do I?" Su Ying spoke cautiously, and after hearing the word "no", her hanging heart finally relaxed.

But the doctor said that Su Ying's gastritis was indeed a little serious, and after learning that she had symptoms around a year ago, the doctor was even more puzzled, and the development of chronic gastritis would not be so fast, so he asked Su Ying about her eating habits. Su Ying said that whether it is spicy, sour or hot, she doesn't eat it at all, and she likes to drink some millet porridge, because I heard that it is very helpful to nourish the stomach.

After hearing this, the doctor's face changed greatly, and he said seriously: "Millet porridge does have the effect of nourishing the stomach, but it is not suitable for everyone. ”

In 2016, the 63-year-old lady drank millet porridge every day to nourish her stomach, and after 1 year of physical examination, her body changed unexpectedly

Su Ying has chronic gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux disease, and her Helicobacter pylori result is positive, which is also the reason for her gastritis and rapid progression. Gastritis is divided into non-atrophic and atrophic, and atrophic gastritis is clinically a precancerous lesion of gastric cancer, which is irreversible once it appears, and can only delay the progression of the disease through drugs and diet.

Clinical data shows that about 75% of stomach cancers are caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. Although Su Ying reduced the burden on her stomach in a short period of time through soft food such as millet porridge, it did not solve the problem of Helicobacter pylori infection, so the condition will continue to progress and even worsen.

In addition, patients with gastroesophageal reflux are not suitable for regular porridge consumption. When the stomach is peristalsis, just like we pinch the balloon with our hands, the liquid inside is easy to "squeeze" out, resulting in more serious reflux.

In 2016, the 63-year-old lady drank millet porridge every day to nourish her stomach, and after 1 year of physical examination, her body changed unexpectedly

The idea of drinking porridge to nourish the stomach is only suitable for patients with severe stomach problems or in the acute stage, because at this time, the gastric mucosa is more seriously damaged, and the texture of porridge is soft and less irritating to the stomach than other foods. However, it is not advisable to drink only porridge for a long time. Because there is often no chewing action when drinking porridge, this will inhibit the secretion of salivary amylase, which not only reduces the digestibility of food in the mouth, increases the burden on the stomach, but also affects the digestion and absorption of food in the stomach.

The high water content of porridge also dilutes the digestive juices secreted by the stomach, making it unable to promote digestion. For people with poor gastrointestinal function, drinking porridge for a long time will cause slow gastrointestinal peristalsis, further increasing the burden on the stomach. Therefore, if you want to really nourish your stomach, you should pay attention to the following points:

1. Chew and swallow slowly

Whether it is vegetarian or meat, people with a bad stomach need to pay attention to chewing slowly. Saliva in the mouth contains salivary amylase, which promotes the digestion and absorption of food. If you eat too quickly or chew finely, it will add excessive burden to the gastrointestinal tract, aggravate the condition, and even cause uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating and stomach cramps.

In 2016, the 63-year-old lady drank millet porridge every day to nourish her stomach, and after 1 year of physical examination, her body changed unexpectedly

2. Oil and salt control

People with a bad stomach have digestive disorders, so they need to avoid eating foods that are too greasy or too salty to avoid over-irritating the stomach and increasing the burden on digestion. It is recommended to use as little oil and salt as possible during cooking.

3. Improve your eating habits

Avoid overeating or overeating, eat on time, and avoid fasting and prolonged stomach acid stimulation. Increase dietary fiber intake, choose easy-to-digest, bland foods, and avoid irritating foods and beverages.

(Note: "In 2016, the 63-year-old lady drank millet porridge every day to nourish her stomach, and after 1 year of physical examination, her body changed unexpectedly" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)

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