
Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

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Big S (Xu Xiyuan), a well-known Taiwanese actress, her name has almost become synonymous with the entertainment industry for a period of time.

Since she entered the showbiz when she was young, she has been proficient in singing, hosting, and acting, and her talent is not only limited to the screen, but also has made extraordinary achievements in the field of beauty, and is known as the "Queen of Beauty". Especially the heroine played in "Meteor Garden", making her the perfect idol in the minds of countless audiences.

Time passed inexorably, and Big S did not usher in a new climax in his career like some peers. She had a difficult time choosing a script, and the opportunities for advertising endorsements gradually decreased. Major brands once rushed to invite her to endorse, and her sweet appearance and lively image made her the darling of the advertising industry. This is starting to change as market and industry trends change.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

The Evolution of Advertising Endorsements

Big S's difficulties in choosing scripts and advertising endorsements are not only her personal choices, but also the influence of the entire entertainment industry and commercial market trends. Advertisers' needs are no longer limited to sweet girl images, they want spokespeople to have a more diverse and mature image.

As time goes by, the endorsement opportunities for Big S gradually decrease. This is not entirely due to her personal choice, but more due to the influence of the entire entertainment industry and the trend of the commercial market.

Advertisers' needs are no longer limited to sweet girl images, they want spokespeople to have a more diverse and mature image.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

Sparkling love

Behind the vigorous love, contradictions are also secretly breeding. It is rumored that once Wang Xiaofei returned to Beijing from other places, she did not notify Zhang Yuqi as soon as possible, but went to the Lan Club to meet with friends.

Zhang Yuqi, who learned the news, was furious and rushed to the Lan Club to make a move on Wang Xiaofei, and the two had a fierce quarrel and even slapped each other. This incident caused an uproar at the time and also heralded the end of the relationship between the two.

Wang Xiaofei mentioned in his book "Born in 1981" that this relationship ended due to personality incompatibility. After the breakup, Wang Xiaofei fell into an emotional trough, and he longed for an ordinary and warm married life, looking for a partner who could spend his life together.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

Escalation of the conflict

The conflict between Zhang Yuqi and Wang Xiaofei is not just an occasional incident, but the result of long-term accumulation of contradictions. Both are people with strong personalities and strong emotions who find it difficult to compromise when faced with each other's differences.

Especially Zhang Yuqi, her straightforward and bold personality often collides with Wang Xiaofei's rationality and calmness. Every quarrel is like a volcanic eruption, which cannot be quelled. In the end, such a relationship is difficult to last, and the breakup of the two is almost inevitable.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

The trough after the breakup

After the breakup, Wang Xiaofei fell into an unprecedented emotional trough. He recalls in the book that he felt unusually lonely and lost during this time.

He has tried many times to fill the emptiness in his heart through work, but he can't get rid of the deep pain in his heart. For Wang Xiaofei, this experience is not only the end of a relationship, but also a deep reflection on her own emotions.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

Regain hope in life

Despite experiencing an emotional trough, Wang Xiaofei did not give up her pursuit of love and marriage. He began to cherish the ordinary and warm family life even more, and longed to find a partner with whom he could spend his life.

This change in mentality made him pay more attention to inner peace and tranquility later in life.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

The arrangement of fate

Just when Wang Xiaofei longed for a stable relationship, Big S appeared in his life.

In September 2010, Wang Xiaofei met Big S at a party.

This chance encounter, as if arranged by fate, closely intertwined the life trajectories of the two. Big S's gentle personality and elegant manners deeply attracted Wang Xiaofei. He felt a warmth and tranquility that he had never felt before, and his affection for her grew day by day.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

Gentle attraction

Big S's gentleness and politeness made Wang Xiaofei feel extremely cordial.

Her soft words and empathetic personality, in strong contrast with Zhang Yuqi, made Wang Xiaofei cherish this new relationship even more.

Every time she meets Big S, Wang Xiaofei can feel the peace and satisfaction in her heart. This kind of warm feeling is exactly what he has been longing for after experiencing vigorous love.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

Decisive meeting

After meeting several times, Wang Xiaofei became more and more attracted to Big S.

Finally, when they met for the fifth time, he mustered up the courage to propose to Big S.

Although this decision seems hasty, for Wang Xiaofei, it is an expression of longing and impulse deep in her heart. He hopes to be able to spend his life with Big S and enjoy an ordinary and warm family life.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

The shock of a flash marriage

As soon as the news of Wang Xiaofei's flash marriage with Big S came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation inside and outside the entertainment industry.

The media have reported this legendary love story, and the public is also full of curiosity and questions.

Some people think that Wang Xiaofei's decision is too hasty, but some people believe that it is fate. In any case, this flash marriage story has caused quite a stir in society.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

Calm after marriage

After marriage, Wang Xiaofei and Da S lived a happy life.

Their love story became the envy of many. Wang Xiaofei continues to work hard in her career, while Big S plays an important role in the family.

Their married life was plain and warm, as Wang Xiaofei expected. This marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the collision and integration of two views of love.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

Contrasting views of love

Behind the flash marriage between Wang Xiaofei and Da S, it reflects the different understandings of love and marriage between the two.

What Wang Xiaofei longs for is a calm and lasting emotion, while Da S has won his heart with gentleness and thoughtfulness.

This marriage is not only the result of love, but also Wang Xiaofei's pursuit of a warm family life. The two people's concept of love is perfectly reflected in this marriage.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

The Revelation of Flash Marriage

The flash marriage between Wang Xiaofei and Da S not only changed the trajectory of their respective lives, but also triggered the public's thinking about marriage and love.

Can flash marriages bring true happiness?

Wang Xiaofei's experience tells us that the temperature of love and the durability of marriage do not depend entirely on the length of time, but on the understanding and tolerance between the two.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

Image reshaping and challenge

The new demand for the image of the spokesperson in the modern market also makes Big S face huge challenges.

The public's demand for celebrity images is constantly increasing, and they want spokespersons to represent a more diverse and mature image, not just the traditional sweet girl image.

Big S needs to make significant adjustments in image management to adapt to the new needs of the market and audiences.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

Courage to face reality

In the face of such practical challenges, Big S needs to face them more bravely, constantly improve their capabilities and image, and look for new development opportunities.

Only in this way can she re-find her position in the fierce market competition and meet broader career prospects. I hope that Big S can adapt to market changes as soon as possible, get out of the predicament, regain strength, and create brilliance!

Whether it is an economic test or a change in image, Big S needs to continue to work hard to meet new challenges and opportunities. Her story is not just a personal experience, but also a common challenge faced by many celebrities at a turning point in their careers. As viewers, we may be able to think about how a star's aura fades when they face life's challenges.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

New opportunities and developments

Big S's future is full of uncertainty, but because of this, her every step has attracted much attention. She needs to find a balance between the economy and public expectations, re-examine her career path, and explore new directions. Perhaps, she needs to rely more on her own ability and hard work to achieve a resurgence in her career.

In this era of competition and change, the story of Big S is undoubtedly a case worthy of our consideration and reference. She used to be the darling of the entertainment industry, but now she is facing many challenges. How to find her place in the fierce market competition, how to find a balance between economic pressure and public expectations, are all problems she needs to face.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand


Big S's experience allows us to see the other side of a star's life. Her success did not happen overnight, but it took perseverance and unremitting efforts to get to where she is today. Her predicament and setbacks can only be truly appreciated by those who have experienced them.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

The story of Big S has also sparked some controversy. Some people think that she relied too much on her ex-husband's support and did not fully demonstrate her ability to be independent; It was also felt that her image management and career choices needed to be more diverse and flexible to adapt to the needs of the modern market. In any case, her experience provides us with an opportunity for reflection and discussion.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

I hope that Big S can find her new opportunities and new motivation in the future, and rekindle her inner passion and dreams. Everyone has their own shining moment, as long as they have firm faith and move forward bravely, they will be able to shine again. Whether it is success or adversity, it is a valuable lesson in life. The story of Big S tells us that no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, we must face them bravely and never give up. Because only by going through trials and baptisms can we become stronger and more mature.

Why does Big S have to make it seem that he can't live without Wang Xiaofei's money? Looking at the comments of netizens, I understand

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