
CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

author:Unheard of the Workshop
CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love
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CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

In 2023, on the stage of Douyin's "New Year Live Season", a familiar figure made a stunning appearance. She is the host of CCTV children's programs that have grown up with several generations - Scarab.

The years seemed to be extra tolerant of her, and that familiar face still glowed with youthful brilliance. However, what amazed the audience even more was her 35-year marriage to Wang Ning, the anchor of "News Network".

This CCTV celebrity couple, one is lively and cute, the other is serious and steady, and their personalities are so contrasting, but they have walked through thirty-five spring and autumn together. How did their love story begin? And how did it stand the test of time? When faced with the sensitive topic of their daughter's early love, how did the parents of public figures deal with it? Let's uncover this love saga that spans time and space and explore the secrets of their everlasting marriage.

In the streets and alleys of Beijing, there used to be a lively little girl who always followed her brothers and sisters like a little tail. Her mouth seemed to be equipped with a motor, and she couldn't stop talking.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

This little girl, affectionately known as "Chila Yan'er", is Liu Chunyan, who will become a household name in the future.

However, this innocent character made parents worried. At that time, it was generally believed that girls should be dignified and elegant. In order to cultivate her daughter's temperament, Liu's mother decided to send her to the Children's Palace to learn dance.

Who knows, this decision turned out to be a turning point in Liu Chunyan's life.

In the Children's Palace, a discerning teacher discovered Liu Chunyan's talent in recitation. With the encouragement of her teacher, Liu Chunyan resolutely gave up dancing and devoted herself to the study of the art of recitation.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

The teachers here are not only artists, but also caring guides. Their patience and care deeply influenced Liu Chunyan and laid the foundation for her to become a host loved by children in the future.

With her outstanding performance, Liu Chunyan successfully joined the CCTV Youth TV performance team, which started her acting career. Subsequently, with her rich stage experience, she was admitted to the Communication University of China, known as the "Whampoa Military Academy in the broadcasting industry".

After graduation, she joined the CCTV Translation Department and began her colorful dubbing career.

However, Liu Chunyan's most well-known identity is "Scarab". This image was born out of her desire to appear in front of children with a unique cartoon character.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

After repeated discussions with the choreographers, the image of the seven-star ladybug with auspicious meaning was finally born and named "Scarab".

From the lively and active "Chila Yan'er" to the warm and friendly "Scarab", Liu Chunyan's transformation is not only a change in her external image, but also a sublimation of her artistic accomplishment.

With her own efforts and persistence, she successfully transformed the vitality of her childhood into the charm of infecting tens of millions of viewers, and became an indelible memory in the hearts of a generation.

On the campus of the Communication University of China, a seemingly impossible love quietly sprouts. The lively and cheerful Liu Chunyan and the serious Wang Ning, two young people with very different personalities, the gears of fate began to bite quietly.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

At that time, Wang Ning always looked like a serious child, liked to wear a Mao suit, carry a briefcase, and walk like a small leader. His classmates affectionately called him "Section Chief Wang".

In contrast, Liu Chunyan is the pistachio in the class and can always make the people around her laugh.

Interestingly, Liu Chunyan also served as Wang Ning's "matchmaker". At that time, a female classmate had a crush on Wang Ning and was ashamed to confess, so Liu Chunyan took the initiative to take on the role of matchmaker.

However, Wang Ning, who was focused on her studies, declined this marriage. Who would have thought that this "matchmaker" experience would cause a subtle affection between Liu Chunyan and Wang Ning.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing. Graduation is imminent, and the two are about to go apart: Wang Ning will return to work at Qingdao TV, while Liu Chunyan will stay at CCTV in Beijing.

In the face of the impending long-distance relationship, relatives, friends and teachers have expressed concern. But the power of love finally overcame distance, and in 1988, they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

After marriage, the hardships of a long-distance relationship test the couple. Thoughts came like a tide, and Liu Chunyan decided to go to Qingdao to find Wang Ning in person. When she came to Wang Ning's dormitory and saw her photos hanging on the wall, she was indescribably moved.

At this moment, she made up her mind to end this difficult long-distance relationship.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

In order to be with Wang Ning, Liu Chunyan made an unexpected decision - she took the initiative to apply to teach in the remote mountainous areas of Anhui. This act not only showed her selfless dedication, but also touched the organization.

In the end, the organization made an exception to approve the recall of Wang Ning and transferred him to CCTV.

After Wang Ning came to CCTV, it only took more than 20 days to appear on the anchor station of "News Network" and start his 28-year anchor career. And Liu Chunyan continued to shine in the field of children's programs and became a "scarab" loved by children.

This experience not only witnessed their love, but also showed the determination of the two to fight for each other. Liu Chunyan's selfless dedication and Wang Ning's hard work have jointly forged their brilliant career on CCTV and laid a solid foundation for their marriage.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

From the youthful acquaintances on campus, to the hardships and tempering of long-distance relationships, and then to finally joining hands on CCTV, the love story of Liu Chunyan and Wang Ning is like an inspirational idol drama.

They used practical actions to interpret the true meaning of "love is a choice, but also a fulfillment". This love across regions and time has not only achieved their respective careers, but also created an enviable 35-year marriage.

In the spotlight, Liu Chunyan and Wang Ning are the gold medal hosts of CCTV, and they are known as the fairy couple of "big hands holding small hands". However, in the real life behind the camera, what maintains this 35-year marriage is Liu Chunyan's silent dedication day after day and mutual support between the two.

As the anchor of "News Network", Wang Ning's work is busy and stressful. He travels frequently and has traveled to more than 100 countries around the world. Every time before going out, Liu Chunyan carefully prepared his luggage for him and carefully explained the location of each item.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

This silent support has provided a solid backing for Wang Ning's career development.

Once, when Liu Chunyan went out to work, Wang Ning was at a loss. He even wrote a witty limerick poem to express his longing and dependence on his wife.

This poem vividly depicts the days without his wife by his side: from the initial freedom to the final confusion, which fully reflects Liu Chunyan's important position in the family.

Every Spring Festival, as the most important festival for Chinese, Wang Ning often cannot go home due to work. At this time, Liu Chunyan will always go to Qingdao silently to accompany Wang Ning's parents through this special moment.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

This thoughtfulness and filial piety not only warmed Wang Ning's parents, but also deeply touched Wang Ning himself.

Over the past 35 years, Liu Chunyan has always been Wang Ning's strongest backing. Not only did she take care of her family, but she also achieved great success in her career. And Wang Ning also gave his wife as much support and care as possible in his spare time.

Their marriage presents a true picture: love requires not only passion, but also giving and understanding day in and day out. It is this spirit of mutual support that makes their relationship as sweet as ever after years of baptism, and has become an example that many couples envy.

In addition to being loved by children as a "scarab", Liu Chunyan has also created remarkable achievements in the field of dubbing. Her unique voice is neither sharp nor deep, as if she was born for voice acting, allowing her to navigate a wide range of roles with ease.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

Liu Chunyan's most well-known voice role is "Doraemon". When the original voice actor Dong Hao was unable to continue due to health reasons, Liu Chunyan took over the burden.

Since then, Doraemon's voice has been closely connected to her and has become a common childhood memory for generations. In addition, classic animated characters such as Astro Boy, Big Head Son and Little Head Daddy, and "Mickey Mouse" are also voiced by her, and each character is lifelike and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, what industry insiders are most praised for is her voice acting for the famous child star Shirley Temple's films. At that time, CCTV had not been able to find a suitable voice actor to interpret the voice of the world-renowned children's artist.

It was not until the appearance of Liu Chunyan that the introduction of this film was finally determined. Her performance not only perfectly restored the charm of Shirley Temple, but also won the child star the love of more Chinese audiences.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

Over the years, Liu Chunyan has dubbed nearly 2,000 cartoons and is known as the "Goddess of Change". Her voice has accompanied the growth of countless post-80s and post-90s generations, and has become a common sound memory of a generation.

From cheerful child characters to mature adult characters, Liu Chunyan can easily handle them, showing amazing vocal expression.

Liu Chunyan's achievements in the field of dubbing not only show her talent, but also her love and dedication to her work. Even outside of her family and hosting work, she has been able to shine in her voice acting career, and this ability to balance all aspects is admirable.

Her success proves that with passion and perseverance, it is possible to achieve amazing things in different fields.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

In 2004, Liu Chunyan and Wang Ning ushered in the crystallization of their love - daughter Wang Yichen. As the child of a public figure, Wang Yichen's upbringing was not all smooth sailing.

When she was young, she was often uneasy about her mother's popularity, fearing that her mother would be "snatched" by other children. Whenever Liu Chunyan appeared in the kindergarten, it would always cause a commotion, and the little Wang Yichen could only be sad on the side.

However, the real test came in 2014. At that time, a photo of 15-year-old Wang Yichen and her boyfriend circulated on the Internet, which sparked heated public discussions.

Many netizens have a negative attitude towards early love, thinking that it will affect learning, and even labeled Wang Yichen as a "latecomer". This turmoil not only tested Wang Yichen, but also tested the wisdom of Liu Chunyan and Wang Ning as parents.

CCTV contrasting couples, but they have been in love for more than 30 years, see how they deal with their daughter's early love

In the face of this storm of public opinion, Liu Chunyan and Wang Ning showed extraordinary wisdom and open-mindedness. Instead of coercive intervention or public condemnation, they gave their daughter understanding and trust.

With years of deep insight into children's psychology, Liu Chunyan chose the way of patient guidance. She believes that early love is not a flood beast, the key is how to guide and deal with it.

This incident not only tests the wisdom of Liu Chunyan and Wang Ning as parents, but also shows how they find a balance between their identities as public figures and their roles as ordinary parents.

Their actions illustrate what true love and trust are, and they also provide valuable lessons for other families facing similar problems.

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