
was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

author:Pumpkin talk about it
was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

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was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

Born in 1981 in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, Jang Nara is a high-profile actress and singer. Her acting career originated from the influence of the family environment, and under the guidance of her father, she developed a strong interest in acting since she was a child.

When she was in elementary school, she followed her father on stage, and her cute image won the love of the audience. She has perfectly inherited the excellent genes of the family, and has shown a sweet and lovely temperament since she was a child.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

After entering high school, she became even more attractive, attracting the attention of many suitors, and at the same time, through the introduction of her family, she gradually got involved in the entertainment industry. Although she started out shooting some school supplies and other types of commercials, she still took the first step into the entertainment industry with determination.

Subsequently, she was successfully admitted to the drama department of the university, and in her freshman year, she officially debuted in South Korea as a singer. Surprisingly, her debut album after her debut sold amazingly, and Zhang Nara won a number of music awards.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

She reached her peak state at the beginning of her debut, and her popularity in South Korea continued to rise, and her limelight was unmatched.

In addition, Jang Nara also co-starred with Choo Ja Hyun in the TV series "The Success of a Bright Girl", which attracted widespread attention at the time. With her sweet and lovely appearance and outstanding acting skills, Jang Nara has gradually become a popular idol in the Korean entertainment industry and has been sought after by countless fans.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

However, just when her career was in full swing, an opportunity opened the door to the Chinese market. At that time, the entertainment industry in Chinese mainland was in a stage of vigorous development, and the mainland government adhered to an open and inclusive attitude, welcomed outstanding foreign talents to join, and made every effort to promote the development of the cultural industry.

Therefore, Zhang Nara did not hesitate to come to China, hoping to expand her career in this hot land.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

became popular with "The Savage Princess")

Zhang Nara, who is a newcomer, enjoys no less resource treatment in China than that of popular stars. Her debut in China was on CCTV, which shows that the mainland attaches great importance to her.

However, despite her long-standing fame in South Korea, her popularity in China leaves much to be desired.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

At that time, the spread of information was far less unimpeded than it is today, and even when Zhang Nara sang on stage, it failed to elicit a positive response from the audience. After developing in China for a while, she began to have deep doubts about herself, and several albums released in a row failed to provoke much response.

Faced with difficulties, she had to choose to return to South Korea to continue her studies.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

However, it was only when she returned to China as a "Chinese propaganda ambassador" that the public gradually became aware of the existence of this exotic beauty. Although Zhang Nara debuted as a singer, with the role of Situ Jing in the TV series "Unruly Princess", she successfully created an eccentric image, which became widely known in China.

The hit of "The Savage Princess" has skyrocketed her popularity, on par with many domestic stars. Her round and lovely face, as well as her crooked eyes when she laughed, deeply touched the hearts of countless Chinese people.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

Compared with today's Zhao Liying, Zhang Nara's beauty and charm are not inferior. She was expected to be a great success in the Chinese market, but it turns out that not all foreigners are genuinely in love with Chinese culture.

Controversy due to arrogant behavior

As her fame grew, Zhang Nara's style gradually took on an arrogant posture, which caused dissatisfaction among the general public. Once, when she was invited to perform at the opening ceremony of a grand food fair in Changchun, she should have arrived at the scene as quickly as an electric flash, but because of the delay in the dressing room, the whole event could not start on time, and the organizers were very anxious.

After several anxious contacts, I finally learned that Zhang Nara was in the process of dressing up carefully. In order to wait for the shining debut of this "big name", the whole event was forced to be delayed for a long time, and it was not until her appearance that the event was officially opened.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

However, what is even more surprising and angry is that on the same day, Zhang Nara once again refused to attend the media conference on the grounds of makeup, which made the reporters present wait for more than two hours.

When she finally appeared in the media's sight, she did not immediately apologize to everyone, but bluntly announced that there was only a short ten minutes of questions and that photography was prohibited.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

As a Korean artist who has developed in China, we have given her enough tolerance and support, but she has no appreciation, and as soon as she appears, she poses as a big-name star, which makes the media people present jaw-dropping.

Still, in order to fulfill their duties, the media workers patiently asked questions, but each time they were mercilessly interrupted by Jang Nara's father.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

During that precious 10-minute questioning time, Zhang Nara's father interfered with it and showed no respect for the reporters at the scene, which was really intolerable. What's worse is that some fans wanted to take a photo with Zhang Nara, but they were treated rudely by her father, and even did not hesitate to block the reporter's lens with his hands to prevent him from shooting.

"If you don't have money, come to China to earn" remarks storm

Although Zhang Nara has made her debut in China, just as she won the love of the audience, a remark completely buried her career in China. In order to promote her latest film, Jang Nara made a remark on a variety show in South Korea, but it provoked the anger of the whole country.

In one show, when Zhang Nara was asked what she would do if she was on a tight budget during filming, she bluntly replied, "Let's go to China!"

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

Although her words seemed to be an unintentional joke, they made many Chinese people feel extremely cold. China has provided Zhang with a lot of resources, but instead of being grateful for the return, she sees China as her own ATM.

Ms. Zhang's words and actions completely upended the public's perception of her, even though she later publicly apologized for her remarks and claimed that China was her second home, blaming the media hype and having nothing to do with her.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

However, the majority of netizens did not buy it, and launched a boycott, calling on her not to come to China to "make money" again.

Subsequently, Zhang Nara returned to China and held a fan meeting called "Apologize" in Shanghai. She stood apologetically on the stage, looking down at the bustling crowd below, her eyes gloomy.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

However, the audience did not forgive her for this, but generally believed that this was her new "money-making" method, and expressed great dissatisfaction and indignation at what she did.

From time to time, there were boos and insults at the scene, and someone directly smashed the mineral water bottle into the stage, almost hitting Zhang Nara. Security personnel immediately intervened to maintain order, but the atmosphere at the scene had been completely taken off the rails.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

Zhang Nara, who has lost the support of fans, can no longer "make money" in China, so she can only reluctantly return to South Korea to seek development.

Jang Nara encounters the dark side of the unspoken rules in South Korea

After being forced to leave China, Zhang Nara also suffered unfair treatment in the Korean entertainment industry. Recently, after being silent for 11 years, she finally painfully revealed that she had suffered up to 300 unspoken rules in the Korean entertainment industry during the recording of a variety show.

Zhang Nara candidly shared this painful experience, hoping to gain the public's sympathy. Although we all know that the chaos in the Korean entertainment industry is unbearable, who would have thought that it would be so serious? The phenomenon of unspoken rules in the entertainment industry has long been no secret, but Zhang Nara has suffered more than 300 unspoken rules, such a number is really jaw-dropping.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

Some artists may choose to accept the unspoken rules in order to compete for more resources. However, there are also those who are unable to resist or refuse due to their excessive power, because once they refuse, their careers are likely to be abandoned by capital.

What happened to Jang Nara after returning to China is also impressive, which shows how powerful the power and wealth of the Korean chaebol are.

was once more popular than Zhao Liying, was banned for saying the wrong thing, and after 11 years, he destroyed his innocence and sold miserably to gain sympathy

What's even more infuriating is that Zhang Nara has had 9 abortions in a year, a number that is both shocking and distressing. For women, abortion can undoubtedly cause great harm to their physical health and may even lead to their loss of the opportunity to become mothers.

Every abortion is a merciless trampling on life.

Abortion is bound to bring serious physical and mental damage, but for Zhang Nara, she has endured an incredible nine times, and this torture is simply a devastating blow to her! More than 300 forced unspoken rules and up to nine abortions a year, even the menstrual period cannot be spared, let alone being "harassed" by the director when going to the toilet.

These are all facts revealed by Zhang Nara herself.

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