
By the end of 2023, the total number of members of the Communist Party of China will reach 99.185 million

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By the end of 2023, the total number of members of the Communist Party of China will reach 99.185 million. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the largest political party in the world, and its membership is unparalleled in the world. This group of party members is the result of the unremitting struggle and development of the people of the whole country under the leadership of the CPC over a long period of time, and is a vivid embodiment of the full trust and support of the broad masses of the people in the CPC.

By the end of 2023, the total number of members of the Communist Party of China will reach 99.185 million

The CPC's goals have won the support and support of the broad masses of the people, and as a result, the party's ranks have continued to grow and develop. In the course of the protracted struggle, the Communist Party of China gradually established its ideological line and organizational program, and carried out struggles in important historical periods such as the agrarian revolution and the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China began socialist construction, and its recent needs are to promote economic development and social construction, find ways to solve various problems, and adapt to the times or the new challenges posed by the times.

By the end of 2023, the total number of members of the Communist Party of China will reach 99.185 million

While the ranks of party members of the Communist Party of China continue to grow, they are also constantly adjusting and optimizing themselves. The Party Central Committee has clear regulations on the policy of recruiting new Party members, but during the war years, due to information blockage and inconvenient transportation, there was a situation of inconsistency and dissynchronization in the implementation of the Party Central Committee. In order to solve this problem, the central authorities have adopted some special policies, such as lowering the threshold for joining the party and reinstating the party membership of comrades who have been expelled from the party. The implementation of these policies has expanded the party's mass and class foundations and laid the foundation for party building and the building of the people's army.

By the end of 2023, the total number of members of the Communist Party of China will reach 99.185 million

The growth of the ranks of CPC members has also provided a powerful impetus for China's development and progress. Members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) play an important role in various fields and have made tremendous contributions to China's development and progress. They have made outstanding contributions to the country and the people, including Zhang Boli, Chen Wei, Gu Fangzhou, Fan Jinshi, Li Daoyu, Raidi, Gao Derong, Du Guima, Li Baoguo, Zhu Yanfu, Wang Qimin, Wang Youde, Wang Wenjiao, Zhang Chao, Mai Xiande, Shen Liangliang, Areti Mamuti, Guo Lanying, Qin Yi, etc.

The growth of the ranks of CPC members has also provided a powerful impetus for China's development and progress. Members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) play an important role in various fields and have made tremendous contributions to China's development and progress. They have made outstanding contributions to the country and the people, including Zhang Boli, Chen Wei, Gu Fangzhou, Fan Jinshi, Li Daoyu, Raidi, Gao Derong, Du Guima, Li Baoguo, Zhu Yanfu, Wang Qimin, Wang Youde, Wang Wenjiao, Zhang Chao, Mai Xiande, Shen Liangliang, Areti Mamuti, Guo Lanying, Qin Yi, etc.

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