
Diffusion! Yangxian County openly solicits clues of ancient and famous trees

author:Yangxian release
Diffusion! Yangxian County openly solicits clues of ancient and famous trees

Collection of clues for the supplementary investigation of ancient and famous tree resources in Yangxian County

The broad masses of people in the county:

Ancient and famous trees are precious trees, rare and endangered plants, treasures in forest resources, with important historical, cultural, scientific, ecological, landscape and economic values, but also green cultural inheritance and living fossils, in the maintenance of biodiversity, ecological balance and environmental protection has an irreplaceable role. Strengthening the protection of ancient and famous trees is of great significance for protecting the history of natural and social development, promoting advanced ecological culture, and promoting ecological civilization and the construction of a beautiful China.

In order to comprehensively and accurately grasp the current situation of ancient and famous tree resources in our county, we will carry out supplementary investigations on ancient and famous trees in the county (ancient trees refer to trees that are more than 100 years old, and famous trees refer to trees planted by Chinese and foreign celebrities and leaders who have a significant impact on history or society, or have extremely important historical, cultural value, commemorative significance, and rare or important scientific research value at home and abroad). It should be noted that the ancient and famous trees that have been announced and listed are not within the scope of this investigation. Here, we call on the general public to actively participate in the protection of ancient and famous trees, and hope to contact us in time if you find that there are or are suspected to be ancient and famous trees around you.

Warmly look forward to the masses of people actively submit resource clues, let us continue to inherit the protection of resources, give love, and contribute to the construction of a beautiful Yangxian County.

Submission time: July 1 - July 15, 2024

Collection unit: Yangxian County Greening Committee Office

Contact person and phone number: Zhang Zhongyun 0916-8221351

Yangxian County Greening Committee Office

July 1, 2024

Diffusion! Yangxian County openly solicits clues of ancient and famous trees

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Diffusion! Yangxian County openly solicits clues of ancient and famous trees
Diffusion! Yangxian County openly solicits clues of ancient and famous trees
Diffusion! Yangxian County openly solicits clues of ancient and famous trees
Diffusion! Yangxian County openly solicits clues of ancient and famous trees


(It may not be reproduced or used in any way without permission)

Source: Yangxian County Greening Committee Office

Editor: Li Xiaoqing Editor: He Long

Review: Zhang Xiaofeng Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Zhigang Producer: Song Hao

Submission email: [email protected]

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Yangxian release

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