
Look at the picture to guess the idiom (345): The fifth one is easy to guess wrong, what is your answer?

author:The South Wind Girl

Look at the picture to guess the idiom: whether the language skills are good or not, you will know by testing!

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (344) answer announced:

Long and short sighs, a blockbuster, noodles with vegetables, sweat cows

The intestinal boy is frightened, the white crane flashes its wings, and he takes risks

Use your brain more, it's not easy to get old! In this issue, we will continue to share 8 questions to guess idioms by looking at pictures, the questions are still quite difficult, and the fifth question will be easy to confuse or guess wrong. What is your language level? How many questions can you guess correctly? Let's start today's journey of guessing idioms by looking at pictures!

Topic 1:

On the left is a black word for "door", and there is an ear inside the word "door". In the middle is an eye, and on the right is a black character for "者".

Explanation: Hear with your own ears, see with your own eyes.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (345): The fifth one is easy to guess wrong, what is your answer?

Figure 1

Topic 2:

This is an ancient man with a big beard and a hat, and he has a curved crescent moon on his forehead, can you guess who he is? There is a plaque on the wall behind him, and the plaque is marked with four forks, what is this word?

Explanation: Legend has it that Qin Shi Huang had a mirror that could shine on people's hearts. It is a metaphor for the fairness and integrity of officials' judgments.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (345): The fifth one is easy to guess wrong, what is your answer?

Figure II

Topic 3:

It was dark, the stars were still twinkling, a rooster was standing on a straw pile and yelling, and there was an ancient man practicing his sword next to him.

Explanation: When you hear a rooster crow, you get up and dance your sword. After the metaphor, those who are aspiring to serve the country rise up in time.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (345): The fifth one is easy to guess wrong, what is your answer?

Figure III

Topic 4:

These are the words "cautious", and they are very, very small.

Explanation: Overly cautious, holding back, not daring to let go of it.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (345): The fifth one is easy to guess wrong, what is your answer?

Figure IV

Topic 5:

On the left is a chicken, and on the right is a small dog, both of which have a cloud of white smoke under their feet.

Explanation: The chickens and dogs of the King of Huainan. It is a metaphor for a person who has taken refuge in others and gained power.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (345): The fifth one is easy to guess wrong, what is your answer?

Figure V

Topic 6:

A large iron nail broke in the middle and split in half.

Explanation: Describes speaking or acting resolutely and without hesitation.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (345): The fifth one is easy to guess wrong, what is your answer?

Figure VI

Topic 7:

An ancient man is standing, holding a sparkling pearl in his left hand and a golden jewelry box in his right hand. Can you guess which idiom this represents?

Explanation: Bought the wooden box and returned the pearls. The parable has no eyesight, and the choice is not right.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (345): The fifth one is easy to guess wrong, what is your answer?

Figure VII

Topic 8:

A super huge black word "job" pressed on the body of an ancient man. The man couldn't get up, and red liquid was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Explanation: Giving one's life to be faithful to one's job.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (345): The fifth one is easy to guess wrong, what is your answer?

Figure 8

That's all for this issue, how do you feel about the difficulty? How many of the 8 questions can you guess? It is said that all the guesses are the gods! If you can guess them all, then you are probably a knowledgeable god.

What's your answer? Feel free to share it in the comment section!

If you can't guess it, it doesn't matter, the answer will be announced in the next issue~