
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

author:China tourist map
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

1. Chengdu

Chengdu, a city known as the "Land of Abundance", has attracted the attention of countless people with its unique charm since ancient times.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In this city, slow-paced life is not only a way of life, but also a cultural gene that is deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

It permeates every corner of the city and affects the life of every Chengdu person. Below, I will elaborate on the specific embodiment of the slow-paced life in Chengdu from several aspects.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

1. Leisurely tea culture

Chengdu is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese tea culture.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

More than a thirst-quenching drink, it's an art of living. In the streets and alleys of Chengdu, you can see all kinds of teahouses everywhere.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Whether it's early in the morning or late in the evening, the teahouse is always full. People enjoy a leisurely time here drinking tea, chatting, reading newspapers, and playing chess.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This slow-paced tea culture has taught Chengdu people to find a moment of tranquility in their busy lives, and it has also made them cherish the time they spend with family and friends even more.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

2. Rich nightlife

Chengdu's nightlife is just as vibrant. When night falls, Chengdu's night markets, bars, KTVs and other entertainment venues are brightly lit and full of people.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

But unlike the fast-paced nightlife of many cities, Chengdu's nightlife is more focused on relaxation and comfort.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

People can enjoy food, music, dancing and more, or they can stroll the streets in the evening breeze and feel the unique charm of the city.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This slow-paced nightlife allows Chengdu people to find a way to release stress and relax after their busy work.

3. Comfortable living environment

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Chengdu is blessed with a unique natural environment, with four distinct seasons and a pleasant climate.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The greenery and the singing of birds and flowers here have created a comfortable living environment for Chengdu people.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In Chengdu's parks, riversides, and streets, you can see people walking, exercising, and relaxing everywhere.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This slow-paced lifestyle has made Chengdu people pay more attention to their physical and mental health, and it has also made them cherish the intimate contact with nature more.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Fourth, strong cultural heritage

Chengdu has a long history and profound cultural heritage. In this city, ancient culture and modern civilization are intertwined, creating a unique cultural atmosphere.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Chengdu people love culture and respect traditions, and they like to visit museums, see exhibitions, listen to lectures and other cultural activities.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This slow-paced cultural life makes Chengdu people pay more attention to the pursuit and satisfaction of the spiritual level.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

It also allows them to cherish and inherit the city's cultural heritage even more.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

5. Inclusive social atmosphere

The social atmosphere in Chengdu is very inclusive. It is a place where people of different cultures and backgrounds can live in harmony and respect each other.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Chengdu people are hospitable and helpful, and they love to make new friends, share life experiences and happiness.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This slow-paced social atmosphere makes Chengdu people pay more attention to the establishment and maintenance of interpersonal relationships, and also makes them cherish the emotional connection with others more.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

6. The enjoyment of food

Chengdu is a well-known food capital in China, with a wide variety of cuisines and unique flavors.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Chengdu people love food and enjoy food, and they like to taste the feast of taste buds brought by various foods.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Whether it is spicy hot pot, strings of incense or Sichuan snacks, they are an indispensable part of the daily life of Chengdu people.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This kind of slow-paced food enjoyment makes Chengdu people pay more attention to the quality of life and taste experience, and also makes them cherish and inherit the city's food culture more.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

7. Leisure weekend time

Weekends in Chengdu can be spent in a variety of ways. They can go hiking, picnicking, camping in the countryside and feel the beauty and tranquility of nature;

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

You can also go to the cinema to watch movies, go to KTV to sing, go to the amusement park to play, and enjoy a relaxing and happy time.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This slow-paced weekend life has made Chengdu people pay more attention to the variety and fun of life, and also make them cherish the quality time spent with family and friends more.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The slow-paced life in Chengdu is reflected in many ways. This way of life not only allows Chengdu people to live a more relaxed and comfortable life, but also allows them to cherish and enjoy the beauty of life more. As a city full of charm, Chengdu will continue to attract more and more people to come and experience with its unique slow-paced life.

2. Dali

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Dali, an ancient city located in the northwest of Yunnan Province, has been a paradise for literati and artists since ancient times.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Its unique geographical location, rich history and culture, and beautiful natural scenery have given birth to a unique slow-paced life.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This slow-paced life is not only reflected in people's daily life, but also deeply imprinted in Dali's urban temperament and cultural heritage.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

1. Wake up in the morning

The morning in Dali is awakened by the birdsong and the breeze. When the first rays of sunlight shine through the clouds and sprinkle on the bluestone pavements of the ancient city, the streets and alleys begin a new day. Different from the hustle and bustle of the city, the morning in Dali is full of leisure and tranquility.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Residents take a leisurely stroll through the streets, or enjoy a quiet time over tea in a teahouse.

Second, the time in the afternoon

In Dali in the afternoon, the sun is just right, and the breeze is not dry.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

People have stepped out of their homes and come to the shore of Erhai Lake and the foot of Cangshan Mountain, or ride, or hike, or picnic, and have close contact with nature.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, time seems to slow down, and people can enjoy this harmony with nature to the fullest.

3. The silence of the night

When night falls, the ancient city of Dali is covered with a veil of mystery.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The lights of the streets gradually brightened, illuminating the bluestone pavement and the smiling faces of the people.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In the alleys of the ancient city, you can hear folk songs and songs coming from afar, accompanied by the breeze and the chirping of insects, which makes people feel a sense of tranquility and peace.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

At this time, people sit in the teahouse to drink tea and chat, or talk about life in the bar, enjoying the tranquility and comfort of this night.

Fourth, the soothing pace of life

The pace of life of Dali people is soothing.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

They are not in a hurry and live at their own pace.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you rarely see people in a hurry, more leisurely figures.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This slow-paced lifestyle gives people more time to savor, feel, and enjoy life.

5. The edification of culture and art

Dali is a city with rich cultural heritage.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

It has a rich ethnic culture and historical heritage, such as the Bai people's three-way tea, tie-dye skills, and Dongjing music.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

These unique forms of culture and art not only enrich people's spiritual life, but also edify people's sentiments.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you can feel a strong cultural atmosphere, so that you can continue to absorb nutrients and improve yourself in a slow-paced life.

6. Harmony between man and nature

The natural scenery of Dali is very beautiful, and the landscapes such as Cangshan and Erhai Lake, pastoral scenery, and ancient villages make people forget to return.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, people respect, love, protect and live in harmony with nature.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This harmonious relationship between man and nature makes Dali's slow-paced life more beautiful and moving.

7. Abundant social activities

Dali is also rich in social activities.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Whether it is a traditional festival or a modern event, it attracts people to actively participate.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In the streets and alleys of the ancient city, you can see all kinds of interesting stalls and performances;

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In bars and cafes, you can meet friends from all over the world;

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In the great outdoors, you can explore the mysteries of nature with like-minded people.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

These social activities not only enrich people's life experience, but also enhance friendship and understanding between people.

8. Peace of mind and contentment

The slow-paced life in Dali makes people's minds more peaceful and satisfied.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, people no longer pursue material abundance and speed, but pay more attention to spiritual satisfaction and quality of life.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

They know how to cherish every moment in front of them and feel the beauty and happiness of life with their hearts.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This peaceful and contented state of mind makes Dali's slow-paced life more tranquil and better.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The slow-paced life in Dali is a unique way of life that gives people the opportunity to find a sense of tranquility and ease in their busy lives.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you can slow down, relax and feel the beauty and happiness of life. This slow-paced lifestyle is worth savoring and experiencing in every one of us.

3. Lijiang

Lijiang, an ancient city in the northern part of Yunnan Province, has long attracted tourists with its unique charm and slow-paced lifestyle.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In this city, the slow-paced life is not only an attitude to life, but also a way of life, which permeates every corner of Lijiang, so that every tourist who visits can feel the tranquility and comfort.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine on the bluestone pavement of the ancient city, the slow-paced life of Lijiang quietly begins.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Residents of the ancient city begin their day, strolling through the alleys or sipping a cup of fragrant Pu'er tea in the teahouse on their doorstep.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In the teahouse, three or five friends sit around a table, talking and laughing while drinking tea, as if time has slowed down here, making people forget the hustle and bustle of the city.

In Lijiang, shopping is also a pleasure.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The streets of the ancient city are lined with shops. But unlike the commercial streets of other cities, the streets of Lijiang are full of laid-back and cozy.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Visitors can wander around and pick up their favorite handicrafts or specialty snacks without worrying about time constraints and the stress of shopping.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you can stop as much as you want, chat with the owners, learn about their lives and stories, and feel the peace and ease of the world.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In addition to shopping, Lijiang's natural beauty is also an important part of slow-paced life. Famous scenic spots such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Tiger Leaping Gorge, and Lugu Lake have attracted countless tourists to visit.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In these spots, you can feel the magnificence and mystery of nature, while also slowing down and enjoying the tranquility and beauty.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

At the foot of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, you can lie on the grass and look up at the blue sky and white clouds, and feel the tranquility and spaciousness;

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

On the side of the Tiger Leaping Gorge, you can listen to the sound of the rushing river and feel the excitement and strength;

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

On the shore of Lugu Lake, you can enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains, and feel the tranquility and beauty.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In Lijiang, there is also a unique slow-paced way of life - inn culture. Most of the inns in Lijiang are full of strong cultural atmosphere and unique artistic atmosphere.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you can stay in a unique inn and feel the warmth and comfort that is different.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The innkeepers are usually hospitable people who will provide you with attentive service and caring care.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In the inn, you can meet friends from all over the world, share your stories and experiences with them, and feel the friendship and warmth that transcends borders.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In addition to the inn culture, Lijiang's nightlife is also an important embodiment of the slow-paced life.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

At night, Lijiang is brilliantly lit and lively.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

But unlike the nightlife of other cities, the nightlife of Lijiang is full of laid-back and cozy.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In the alleys of the old city, you can find many characteristic bars and cafes.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you can talk about life with your friends and feel the ease and joy.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

At the same time, you can also enjoy the night view of Lijiang and feel the tranquility and beauty.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The slow-paced life in Lijiang is reflected in every aspect.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

From teahouses in the morning to bars at night, from shopping to enjoying natural scenery, from inn culture to nightlife, every corner of Lijiang is full of leisure and comfort.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you can slow down, enjoy the peace and ease of the world, and feel the beauty and true meaning of life.

4. Lhasa

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Lhasa and Chengdu, two cities located on the snowy plateau and the land of abundance respectively, attract tourists and residents with their unique slow-paced lifestyles.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

This slowness is not only reflected in the rhythm of life, but also integrated into people's daily habits, cultural traditions and the spiritual outlook of the city.

In Lhasa, the most intuitive embodiment of the slow-paced life is the lifestyle of working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Residents here often go to the Potala Palace Square in the early morning to welcome the rising sun and start their day with devout faith.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In the afternoon, the sun shines on the streets and alleys of the ancient city, and people will sit leisurely in the teahouse, taste the fragrant Tibetan tea, chat about homely food, and enjoy this rare tranquility.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

At night, when the stars are shining, people will talk around the fireplace at home, sharing what they have seen and heard during the day, and feeling the warmth and tranquility of home.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The slow-paced life in Lhasa is also reflected in the respect and inheritance of traditional culture.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The people here still maintain the ancient customs and rituals, such as the celebration of traditional festivals such as the Tibetan New Year and the Shoton Festival, which are full of strong folk customs.

During these festivals, people wear traditional Tibetan costumes, sing and dance, and celebrate harvests and reunions.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

At the same time, Lhasa is also a holy place for Tibetan Buddhism, and many temples and prayer flags bear witness to the profound religious culture of this land.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In Chengdu, the slow-paced life is more reflected in the leisurely attitude and unique way of life. Chengdu people like to "play", and the "play" here does not refer to having fun, but a leisurely and enjoyable mentality of life. In the streets and alleys of Chengdu, you can see people drinking tea and chatting in teahouses, playing Tai Chi and Go in the park, or fishing and basking in the sun by the river. This laid-back lifestyle allows people to find peace and satisfaction after their busy work.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The slow-paced life in Chengdu is also reflected in the love and pursuit of food. Chengdu is known as the "City of Gastronomy", and the Sichuan cuisine here has attracted countless diners to taste its numb, spicy, fresh and fragrant characteristics. In the streets of Chengdu, you can find a variety of food stalls and snack bars, from spicy hot pot to strings of incense, from dragon shou to sweet water, each dish is full of unique taste and charm. Chengdu people like to taste the food slowly and enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction from the tip of the tongue to the heart.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In addition to the laid-back attitude and food culture, Chengdu's slow-paced life is also reflected in the protection and inheritance of traditional culture.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

It has a rich historical and cultural heritage and folk customs, such as Kuanzhai Alley, Jinli Ancient Street and other historical districts are full of strong historical atmosphere and cultural heritage.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

At the same time, Chengdu is also one of the birthplaces of Sichuan Opera, and its unique art form and performance style have attracted many audiences.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Although the slow-paced life in Lhasa and Chengdu has its own characteristics, they both reflect people's love and pursuit of life. This slow-paced life allows people to find a sense of tranquility and satisfaction in a busy and noisy world, allowing people to better enjoy life and feel happy. In the context of the fast-paced era of modern society, this slow-paced life is undoubtedly a rare spiritual wealth and cultural heritage.

5. Hangzhou

Hangzhou, an ancient and modern city, attracts countless tourists and residents with its unique charm.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In this city, a slower pace of life is not only a choice, but also an art of living.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

It is reflected in every aspect of Hangzhou, from the ancient streets and alleys to the modern buildings, from the busy market to the tranquil lakeside, all of which reveal a sense of leisure and tranquility.

1. Leisure time in ancient streets and alleys

In the old town of Hangzhou, the ancient streets and alleys are intertwined into a historical picture.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In these streets and alleys, small bridges and flowing water, bluestone pavement, white walls and tiles, as if people are in an ancient world. Here, time seems to slow down, and people can leisurely wander through the streets and alleys, savoring the charm of history.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Qiaoxizhi Street, an ancient street located at the southernmost end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, has witnessed the prosperity and changes of Hangzhou. Nowadays, it has become one of the popular places for tourism in Hangzhou.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China
The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Walking in the neighborhood, you can see the intact historical relics such as the God of Wealth Temple and Zhang Daxian Temple.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

There are also beautiful scenery of ancient style and charm such as wharves along the river, courtyard-style houses, and buildings in the alleys of the Republic of China.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you can feel a sense of tranquility and harmony, as if you are isolated from the world, which makes your heart relax.

2. Leisurely life by the canal

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, an ancient waterway that runs through the city, brings endless vitality and vitality to Hangzhou.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

On the banks of the canal, the trees are shady and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing, which is a good place for people to take a leisurely walk. Here, you can see people fishing, walking, chatting, and enjoying a leisurely time along the river.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Wulinmen Wharf, this royal wharf has witnessed the glorious history of Hangzhou. Today, it has become the first stop for slow life in Hangzhou.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you can take a boat and walk slowly along the canal, enjoy the scenery on both sides of the river, and feel the charm of the water.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The boat is sparkling on the water, as if you are in a beautiful picture.

3. Quiet time by the West Lake

West Lake is a landmark attraction in Hangzhou and the best embodiment of Hangzhou's slow life.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you can stroll on the path by the lake, enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains, and feel the tranquility and beauty of nature.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The four seasons of West Lake have different scenery, such as cherry blossoms in spring, lotus flowers in summer, autumn leaves, and snow in winter.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

By the West Lake, you can sit in the teahouse, taste Longjing tea, chat and enjoy a leisurely time.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Most of the teahouses here have a long history and cultural heritage, which makes people feel a sense of simplicity and elegance.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here, you can forget about the hustle and bustle of the city for a while, and immerse yourself in a sense of tranquility and harmony.

Fourth, the leisurely atmosphere of market life

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

In the city life of Hangzhou, there is also a kind of leisure and tranquility everywhere. In the streets and alleys, you can see people chatting, playing cards, playing chess, and enjoying the fun of life.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

The market life here is full of human touch and fireworks, which makes people feel a sense of authenticity and warmth.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Xiaohezhi Street, an ancient road born from shipping, has existed since the Southern Song Dynasty. There are two streets in one river, the first floor of the street is the shop, the second floor is the residence, the shop is the house, the life gas, the market gas has been full.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Rice shop, cocoon shop, cloth village, incubator, sauce garden...... Everything is still the same as it was a hundred years ago.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Walking here, it is as if you can travel back in time and space to that ancient era.

Fifth, the leisurely choice of modern life

In addition to the traditional slow lifestyle, modern life in Hangzhou is also full of leisure and tranquility.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Here you can find many places to relax and unwind.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

For example, walking in the Creek Park, reading a book in a café, exercising in the gym...... These modern lifestyles allow people to find a sense of balance and relaxation after a busy workday.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Designed by the famous master Kengo Kuma, the old oil depot has been renovated and has become a new landmark of the canal.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

It used to be the Xiaohe oil depot, and as the first oil depot in the main city section of Hangzhou, it witnessed the development of modern industry in the north of the city.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Today's Xiaohe Park not only exudes the nostalgic atmosphere of the years, but also has a trendy sense of keeping pace with the times.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

While walking or exercising here, you can feel a beauty of tranquility and harmony.

Hangzhou's slow-paced life is reflected in every aspect.

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Whether it's the leisurely time in the ancient streets and alleys or the leisurely life by the canal;

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Whether it's the quiet time by the West Lake or the leisurely atmosphere of market life;

The five cities with the slowest pace of life in China

Whether it is the leisurely choice of modern life or people's love and pursuit of life...... All these constitute a unique picture of Hangzhou's slow life. People who live or travel here can find their own leisure and tranquility.

Are you forced by life to work hard for three meals a day? Are you planning to slow down and live your life well? Which one is the one you're trying to live a slower-paced lifestyle?

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