
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning!

author:Dajie said entertainment
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning!

One night in 2009, Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Yuqi met for the first time at the Huayi banquet, which became a hot topic in the social circle at that time. As one of the four young people in Beijing, Wang Xiaofei's family business "South Beauty" has become the designated supplier of the Beijing Olympic Games, and he himself has also attracted wide attention for his business acumen and social skills. In contrast, Zhang Yuqi became famous for starring in the movie "Yangtze River No. 1" and became the new favorite of the entertainment industry at that time.

Netizens are full of curiosity and anticipation for the first meeting of the lovers. Some netizens commented: "The combination of Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Yuqi is simply perfect. One is a business elite, the other is a rising star in the film industry, what a 'talented and beautiful woman'! Other netizens were more direct: "This must be a movie plot, it's too much like a movie plot." ”

The scene at Huayi's banquet was jokingly called "the romantic intersection of the business world and the film industry" by netizens. A netizen commented: "Seeing the two of them fall in love so much, it must be love at first sight!" Another jokingly said, "If I really bump into each other at a banquet, I'll buy a lottery ticket right away." ”

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning!

The encounter between Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Yuqi is not just an accidental coincidence, but also the intersection of two different worlds. Their first glance at the banquet was like a movie shot, which made people can't help but paint a romantic picture of this relationship. Netizens also expressed their opinions on this, believing that this relationship is full of drama and dynamics, some praise the two as "inseparable", and some speculate that they "will definitely have a wonderful love story".

The first meeting was as quick as the plot of a movie. Wang Xiaofei fell in love with Zhang Yuqi at first sight and pursued it desperately. During their love period, they frequently showed their affection in public, allowing people to see their sweet side.

However, the journey of the relationship is not always smooth. An airport incident in 2010 became the fuse of the relationship between the two. Wang Xiaofei did not notify Zhang Yuqi to go to the Lan Club first, which caused an unexpected dispute. The media's portrayal of their once loving image has changed dramatically as a result.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning!

The fan exchange incident made their relationship even worse. At that time, Wang Xiaofei had an emotional breakdown and was injured on Chang'an Street, and this incident caused him to fall into a huge whirlpool of public opinion. He admitted in his autobiography that this incident hit him very hard and made him reflect more deeply on his feelings.

However, fate always seems to be full of unpredictable twists. In September 2010, Wang Xiaofei met Big S for the first time under the introduction of a friend. Da S's gentleness and politeness deeply attracted him, although he didn't ask for her contact information directly at that time, but this first meeting left a deep impression on his heart.

Wang Xiaofei's family background has deeply influenced his growth and life trajectory. His mother, Zhang Lan, as the founder and CEO of the "South Beauty" brand, became the only Chinese food supplier during the Beijing Olympics, establishing her unshakable position in the business world. Such success not only brought Wang Xiaofei wealth and social status, but also brought him heavy pressure and expectations.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning!

Since childhood, Wang Xiaofei has been expected to be very high. He excels academically and socially because he knows that as Zhang Lan's son, he is burdened with the responsibility of inheriting and developing the family business. Each success made him feel gratified, but at the same time, it also increased his sense of responsibility and pressure.

As a popular star, Zhang Yuqi's life and behavior are under the public's attention. Every act on camera, every change in romance, has attracted the attention of the media and fans. This kind of public attention, whether good or bad, has invisibly increased the external pressure in her relationship with Wang Xiaofei.

The relationship between Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Yuqi, because of the identity background of both parties, has naturally become the focus of heated public discussion. Every public interaction between the two, every little wind and grass, will be interpreted and commented on. Sometimes, this kind of attention and pressure can make them feel overwhelmed, especially when they are in a difficult or conflicting relationship.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning!

Although Wang Xiaofei's success in business has brought him unlimited opportunities and wealth, it also means that he must always maintain his image and demeanor in front of the public. He often feels pressure from the family business to continue to build on it. This pressure makes him more cautious about his feelings, because he knows that every step may be magnified and criticized.

Netizens commented: "He successfully proposed marriage for the fifth time they met. The speed of this flash marriage still seems to be very outrageous! ”

After this comment full of surprise and doubts, more netizens began to discuss the matter enthusiastically. Everyone expressed their opinions, some thought it was a romantic love story, and some found such a hasty decision incomprehensible.

"Oh my God, propose after five meetings! Isn't that too much of a rush? Netizen "Little Red Riding Hood" spoke first and sighed. "I talked to my boyfriend for two years before we got engaged, so it's too fast!"

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning!

"Yes," netizen "Lazy Sheep" replied, "I feel that I haven't had time to understand the other party, how can I dare to make such a big decision?" What if the personality is not compatible? ”

"Maybe it's love at first sight!" Netizen "Colorful Cloud" retorted, "Sometimes love is so magical. Proposing marriage after meeting five times does not mean that the marriage is unhappy, maybe people are right. ”

"But I still feel unreliable," netizen "Smiling Cat" continued to question, "Now that the divorce rate is so high, how high can the success rate of flash marriage really be?" ”

The discussion became more and more intense, and netizens began to tell similar experiences of themselves or their friends. Netizen "Sunny" shared her friend's story: "I have a friend who also got married in a flash, but after marriage, all kinds of problems continued, and finally they divorced. Love can't just rely on impulse, it still needs to know more. ”

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning!

"This makes sense," netizen "leisurely see Nanshan" agreed, "But there are exceptions, my cousin and her husband fell in love at first sight, and they have been very happy since their marriage, and they already have two children." ”

This love story is not only an emotional entanglement between two people, but also a testimony of time and social background. It taught Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Yuqi a lot about love and growth, and no matter what the end result is, this experience will become an indelible memory in their lives.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning!

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