
Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

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Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life
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Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

On an ordinary day in 2018, Zhang Dingyu, president of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, sat in the consultation room, holding a diagnostic report in his hand. The report was impressively written with the words "ALS", like a hammer, knocking on the heart of this senior doctor.

Zhang Dingyu took a deep breath and calmly put away the report. As a doctor, he knows better than anyone what this diagnosis means — muscles will gradually atrophy, mobility will become more difficult, and eventually he may not even be able to breathe on his own.

It is a doomed war with no hope of a cure.

However, to everyone's surprise, Zhang Dingyu did not choose to back down or give up. He silently returned to work as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

Late at night on December 27, 2019, a rapid phone rang in the cold wind of Wuhan. Zhang Dingyu was notified that a patient infected with an unknown coronavirus needed to be transferred to the hospital urgently.

As the only infectious disease hospital in Wuhan, Jinyintan Hospital is about to become the front line of this unknown battle.

As the days passed, the epidemic spread like wildfire. Beds in hospitals quickly ran out, and corridors were filled with anxiously waiting patients and family members.

Zhang Dingyu's work intensity increased sharply, and he could only spare two or three hours a day to barely close his eyes. However, he never complained about this overloaded state of work.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

Despite suffering from ALS, Zhang Dingyu still insisted on personally inspecting each ward. His steps were unsteady, but they were always steadfast. Colleagues are watching, but they don't know that this dean is fighting against an invisible enemy.

In the months that followed, Zhang Dingyu led the team at Jinyintan Hospital to work day and night. They have successfully treated more than 2,800 patients, many of whom are critically ill.

Zhang Dingyu's professionalism and fearlessness have not only saved countless lives, but also set an example for the country's anti-epidemic work.

In August 2020, Zhang Dingyu was awarded the title of "People's Hero". Standing on the podium, his figure is slightly rickety, but his eyes are still resolute. Behind the flowers and applause is his silent struggle against illness.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

Every action requires great willpower, but he always insists on it and interprets the responsibility of a doctor with his actions.

"It's just my duty," Mr. Zhang said humbly in an interview, "and as a Chinese, a doctor, a Communist Party member, I can't back down."

Looking back on those difficult days, Zhang Dingyu was full of emotion. He knew that his life was counting down, but he chose the most meaningful way to spend this precious time.

In his opinion, it is a great luck and honor to be able to contribute to the fight against the epidemic in the last stage of his life.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

Zhang Dingyu's story is not only a personal legend of a doctor, but also a microcosm of thousands of medical workers who are fighting on the front line of the epidemic. They used practical actions to explain what a real hero is - silently dedicating themselves to ordinary posts, and still choosing to go retrograde when their lives are threatened.

When the new crown epidemic was raging in Wuhan, fate once again gave Zhang Dingyu a difficult exam question. His wife, Cheng Lin, a nurse working at Wuhan No. 4 Hospital, was diagnosed with the coronavirus.

This bad news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, hitting Zhang Dingyu, who was driving to Jinyintan Hospital. Tears swirled in his eyes, blurring the path ahead. However, as the head of the hospital, he knew that he had thousands of patients' lives on his shoulders and could not leave everything behind to accompany his wife.

This kind of responsibility and family affection almost tore his heart in half.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

Enduring the torment in his heart, Zhang Dingyu continued to drive forward. His grip on the steering wheel turned white with force, as if he could grasp something. After arriving at the hospital, he immediately threw himself into intense work, but his wife was always in his mind.

For three whole days, Zhang Dingyu couldn't take time to visit Cheng Lin. When he was finally able to visit, he saw his wife's weak appearance, and the guilt came flooding back. "I was scared of losing you, but I had to stick to my post, the hospital needed me.

He choked up, his voice full of self-reproach and helplessness.

However, Cheng Lin did not blame her husband. As a medical worker, she knows that every position is indispensable in this war without gunpowder. "I understand you and support you.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

She smiled weakly and said, "We're going to get through this together." This understanding gave Zhang Dingyu great support and strength.

Fortunately, after arduous treatment, Cheng Lin finally overcame the disease. After recovery, she did not hesitate to choose to donate plasma, hoping to help more patients.

This move made Zhang Dingyu both touched and proud, and he was proud of his wife's selfless dedication.

This experience made Zhang Dingyu cherish every moment with his family even more. Despite the worsening symptoms of ALS and the difficulty of moving, he struggled to balance work and family.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

Whenever he sees his wife busy running around for himself, he always says "I'm sorry" affectionately, while Cheng Lin always responds with a smile: "With you by my side, no matter how much I pay, I will be happy."

The story of Zhang Dingyu and Cheng Lin is not only a touching love, but also a vivid portrayal of responsibility and dedication. Under the double test of the epidemic and the disease, they interpreted the profound meaning of "between life and death" with mutual understanding and support.

Their experience tells us that true love can not only withstand the test of life and death, but also burst out more dazzling in times of crisis.

The couple proved through their actions that love and responsibility go hand in hand, even in the most difficult of times. Their story has become one of the most moving chapters of the epidemic, inspiring countless people to persevere in the face of adversity.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

As the years passed, the haze of ALS enveloped Zhang Dingyu's life more and more. What was once an easy move is now a difficult one. Every step is like wrestling with invisible shackles, requiring undivided attention on even the most basic swallowing movements.

However, in the face of this irreversible decline, Zhang Dingyu did not choose to give up, but cherished every remaining moment even more, and strived to accomplish more meaningful things in his limited life.

"I just knew the end of my life before others," Zhang Dingyu said calmly, "If I can still do something valuable before that day comes, why give up?" This attitude not only reflects his benevolence as a doctor, but also shows his deep understanding and cherishing of life.

Although Zhang Dingyu has tried various possible treatments, ALS is still incurable. Faced with this cruel reality, he chose to accept it calmly. Rather than spending his energy in needless struggles, he prefers to devote his time and energy to continuing to serve his patients.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

At the same time, he also began to think about how to make his life worth even after it ended.

In this difficult process, Zhang Dingyu has shown admirable perseverance and optimism. Even as his health deteriorated, he remained positive, worked hard and cared for others.

His colleagues are often touched by his spirit and offer to learn from him.

Once, a young doctor saw Zhang Dingyu walking in the hospital corridor with difficulty, and couldn't help but ask, "Dean Zhang, why do you still work so hard?" Zhang Dingyu stopped and replied with a smile: "Because I can, I must."

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

Every life is precious, and if I can help even one person, it will be worth it.

Zhang Dingyu's story tells us that the value of life lies not in length, but in depth. Even in the face of irreversible fate, we can still choose how to spend every moment of our lives and create our own value.

He used his actions to explain what is the true value of life, and also set an example for us in the face of adversity.

In the process of racing against time, Zhang Dingyu not only did not be defeated by fate, but lived a more wonderful life. His story has become a source of strength that inspires countless people to rise up in the face of adversity, and also makes us rethink the meaning and value of life.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

In September 2022, a meaningful decision added a new chapter to the story of Zhang Dingyu's life. Cai Lei, vice president of, an expert dedicated to developing ALS treatments, came to Wuhan to find Zhang Dingyu.

Cai Lei brought a special request: he hoped that Zhang Dingyu could donate his body after his death for the study of ALS.

In the face of this request, Zhang Dingyu did not hesitate at all and immediately gave an affirmative answer. "If my body can help research and give hope to future patients, it will be another continuation of my life," he said calmly but firmly.

This decision not only reflects Zhang Dingyu's selflessness and responsibility, but also shows his deep thinking about the meaning of life.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

When Cai Lei was about to leave, the two warriors, who were also suffering from ALS, hugged each other tightly. Zhang Dingyu smiled and said, "Let's hug well, maybe the next time we meet, we won't be able to hug like this."

This scene is both poignant and hopeful, as if two warriors are silently wishing for future victories.

Zhang Dingyu's decision is not only the last gift of his life, but also opens up new possibilities for ALS research. In his own way, he interprets the meaning and value of life.

This spirit of caring for others and the future at the end of life is moving.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

Recalling his career as a doctor, Zhang Dingyu was full of emotion. He has treated countless patients, and now, even at the end of his life, he is still thinking about how he can contribute to the cause of medicine, to others, and to society.

This dedication, which lasted until the end of his life, showed the benevolence of a true healer.

Zhang Dingyu's decision is like a seed of hope, sown in the soil of ALS research. Although he may not see the day when this seed will sprout and bear fruit, his spirit will always inspire future generations to continue to move forward and work tirelessly to overcome this problem.

Zhang Dingyu's story is far more than a doctor's biography, but a moving hymn to responsibility, love and the value of life. His fearless dedication during the pandemic, his deep guilt for his family, and his decision to donate his body all demonstrate the extraordinary courage of an ordinary person in the face of life's challenges.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

His experience has taught us that the meaning of life is not in its length, but in how we live it. In the face of adversity, we can choose to be strong; In the face of challenges, we can choose to be brave; In the face of the fragility of life, we can choose to live our own worth.

Zhang Dingyu used his life to explain what a real hero is - not an omnipotent superman, but an ordinary person who silently dedicates himself in an ordinary post and still cares about others at the last moment of his life.

In the process of racing against death, he not only did not be defeated by fate, but lived a more wonderful life.

His story teaches us that even in the face of irreversible fate, we can still choose how to spend every moment of our lives and create our own value.

Zhang Dingyu: Saved thousands of people during the epidemic, decided to donate his body after his death, and was only sorry for one person in his life

Zhang Dingyu's spirit will always inspire us to forge ahead on the road of life, shine in our own posts, and contribute our own strength to the society.

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