
The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

author:Science on the past and the present
The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later
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The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

In 2010, on an ordinary working day, a fierce quarrel suddenly came from the hustle and bustle of the set. Fan Zhiqi, a veteran actor, and director You Xiaogang are having a fierce dispute over the interpretation of a role.

After the argument ended, Fan Zhiqi looked tired, his face full of pain and struggle. He insisted on his last dignity and asked You Xiaogang for leave.

Fan Zhiqi's acting footprints are all over the country, and every role he creates is lifelike. In "Huang Qisheng and Wang Ruofei", he vividly interpreted the perseverance and idealism of the revolutionary martyr Wang Ruofei.

In "Caoyun Wharf", he went against the norm again and successfully created a greedy and cunning villain, showing a strong performance tension.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

Not only that, Fan Zhiqi also played a cadre who was loyal to his duties and killed his relatives in "Who is lying", and his performance was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In "The Edge of Sin", he incarnated as a father who understands righteousness, making the audience feel the greatness of father's love.

In "Harbin at Night", Fan Zhiqi showed the courage and courage of a patriot, presenting a wonderful acting feast for the audience.

However, Fan Zhiqi's preciousness lies not only in his acting skills, but also in his personality. In the eyes of his colleagues and friends, he has always maintained a humble and low-key attitude.

Whether it is for work or others, Fan Zhiqi is always rigorous, serious, sincere and friendly. This love for art and dedication to his profession made him stand out in the impetuous entertainment industry and became a role model for young actors to follow.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

The title of "drama bone" is not only a recognition of Fan Zhiqi's superb acting skills, but also a praise for his professional ethics. In an entertainment industry that is increasingly influenced by traffic and capital, Fan Zhiqi uses his actual actions to interpret what a real actor is.

His story is not only the growth history of an actor, but also an inspirational biography about perseverance and love.

Fan Zhiqi's achievements have set a high standard for the Chinese film and television industry. His departure is not only the curtain call of an excellent actor, but also a symbol of an era that attaches importance to acting skills, respects art, and abides by professional ethics.

His spirit and dedication will always be remembered in the history of Chinese film and television.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

In 2009, just when Fan Zhiqi's acting career was in full swing, fate ruthlessly played a cruel joke on him. A diagnosis announced that he had serious cancer, and the bad news was enough to break anyone's mind.

However, in the face of this terrible news, Fan Zhiqi chose to remain silent and strong. He did not disclose his illness to the outside world, let alone give up his beloved acting career.

Not long after being diagnosed, Fan Zhiqi received an invitation from director You Xiaogang. Faced with this opportunity, he did not hesitate at all, and resolutely decided to hide his illness and devote himself to the new filming work.

This decision is undoubtedly a cruel test for himself, and it also shows his infinite love and professional ethics for his acting career.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

In the days that followed, Fan Zhiqi fought silently against the disease every day. He endured the immense pain of cancer, but never showed the slightest discomfort on set.

He still focuses on every shot, carefully figuring out every detail, and strives to interpret the role to the extreme. No one knew what kind of pain was tormenting him behind those wonderful performances.

Fan Zhiqi's professionalism reminds people of another great artist, Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang. During the Anti-Japanese War, Mei Lanfang would rather run out of food than perform for the Japanese, showing the artist's integrity.

Although Fan Zhiqi is not facing an external enemy, but an "enemy" in his own body, his tenacity and loyalty to art are undoubtedly the same as Mei Lanfang's.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

However, as time went on, Fan's condition deteriorated. His face grew paler and his body became weaker and weaker. Despite this, he persisted and did not reveal his secret to anyone.

In his opinion, as a professional actor, personal problems should not be allowed to affect the work of the entire crew.

Fan Zhiqi's choice is both admirable and distressing. He used his last days to explain what is true professionalism and what is infinite love for art.

His persistence is like a race against death, and he is using his life to play the final role.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

Fan Zhiqi's experience is undoubtedly a tragic artistic sacrifice. He used his life to interpret what is true dedication and what is infinite love for art. But at the same time, his story should also serve as a mirror for the entire industry, allowing us to reflect on how to better balance artistic pursuits and life care in the pursuit of art.

On that fateful day in 2010, the set was as busy as ever. Fan Zhiqi arrived at the scene as usual, and although his face was pale, he was still in good spirits. However, this ordinary day became a turning point in his life.

During the filming, Fan Zhiqi and director You Xiaogang had a disagreement over their understanding of a role. This is a normal part of the creative process, each actor has their own unique interpretation of the role, and the director needs to coordinate the overall situation.

This time, however, the controversy was particularly intense.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

Fan Zhiqi insists on his own point of view, and he believes that his understanding of the character is more reflective of the inner world of the character. Although his voice trembled a little from the pain in his body, his eyes still flashed with his dedication to art.

He tried to express his opinion, hoping to convince the director.

And You Xiaogang starts from the perspective of the overall plot, hoping that the performance of the characters can better serve the whole story. The two of you come and go, each holding their own opinions, and neither of them is willing to give in.

The sound of argument echoed on the set, attracting the attention of the rest of the crew.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

The dispute lasted for a long time and ended in an unhappy one. Fan Zhiqi's face was even paler, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, obviously reaching the limit.

He took a deep breath, walked up to You Xiaogang forcefully, and whispered, "Director, I want to take a leave."

You Xiaogang, who was in a fit of rage, misunderstood Fan Zhiqi's intentions. He thought that Fan Zhiqi was dissatisfied because of the argument just now, so he reprimanded him harshly.

You Xiaogang's words were like a sharp blade, deeply stabbing Fan Zhiqi's heart.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

Fan Zhiqi didn't defend himself, just turned around and left silently. His back seemed so lonely and tired, as if it carried too much pain and helplessness. However, no one noticed the tears in the corners of his eyes as he left, and no one knew that this would be the last time they would see Fan Zhiqi.

In the five hours after this misunderstanding, Fan Zhiqi's life came to an end. He was alone in his illness, and no one knew what kind of pain he had experienced.

When the bad news came, everyone was in shock and grief.

You Xiaogang was even more grief-stricken. He never expected that what he said to Fan Zhiqi in the end would be a scolding. Those unspoken apologies, those gratitude that were too late to express, have become eternal regrets.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

Despite their differences at work, in private, You Xiaogang and Fan Zhiqi are actually close friends. This made You Xiaogang's self-blame and pain even heavier.

This misunderstanding became the last scene in Fan Zhiqi's life. It not only reveals the complex relationship between directors and actors in the entertainment industry, but also shows us the importance of communication between people in the pursuit of art.

If there had been more understanding and tolerance at the time, maybe the ending would have been different.

Fan Zhiqi's departure left the entire crew with deep regret and reflection. It reminds us that while pursuing artistic perfection, we should not neglect our understanding and care for each other.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

This story has become a heart-wrenching lesson in the entertainment industry, and it has also become an opportunity to call on the industry to pay more attention to the physical and mental health of actors.

Fan Zhiqi's death was like a thunderbolt, which instantly shook the entire entertainment industry. Just a few hours ago, he was arguing with people on the set, and now he is gone forever.

The news spread throughout the industry at an alarming rate, and it was difficult for everyone who knew him to accept the brutal truth.

The crew members recalled Fan Zhiqi's recent performances, and then suddenly realized why he always seemed so tired recently. However, this awakening came too late, leaving only endless regret and regret.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

Fan Zhiqi's sudden death is not only the curtain call of an excellent actor, but also symbolizes the end of an era. He represents the era of focusing on acting, respecting art, and abiding by professional ethics.

In this entertainment industry, which is increasingly dominated by traffic and capital, Fan Zhiqi's death seems to be a wake-up call for everyone. It reminds us not to forget the essence of art and the value of actors while pursuing commercial success.

Fan Zhiqi has used his life to interpret what a real actor is, and his spirit will always inspire those who come after him.

Fan Zhiqi's story sounded the alarm for the entire entertainment industry. In an industry that is increasingly dominated by traffic and capital, are we ignoring the true value of art? Is the physical and mental health of the actor neglected? Fan Zhiqi used his life to interpret what dedication is and what is love for art.

The old drama bone Fan Zhiqi asked You Xiaogang for leave and was scolded, and unfortunately passed away 5 hours later

His spirit should be an example for every practitioner to learn from.

Let us remember Fan Zhiqi and inherit his professionalism and artistic pursuits. We need to re-examine the values of the entertainment industry, balance commercial interests and artistic pursuits, and pay attention to the physical and mental health of actors.

Only in this way can we open up a healthier and more valuable path for the future of China's film and television industry. Fan Zhiqi's departure is an end point, but it should also be the starting point for industry change.

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