
That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period


7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period

That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period

Students, the study of history is like a magnificent picture, and each chapter contains a wealth of knowledge and profound enlightenment. In the second volume of history learning in the seventh grade, there are some important short-answer questions that are required for the final exam, so let's sort them out together.

That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period
That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period
That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period

First of all, let's talk about the development of the imperial examination system. The imperial examination system was born in the Sui Dynasty, and Emperor Wen of Sui began to use the method of separate examinations to select officials. During the Tang Dynasty, the imperial examination system was further improved, and Tang Taizong increased the subjects of the imperial examination to encourage scholars to apply for the examination; Wu Zetian vigorously developed the imperial examination system and established the palace examination system; Tang Xuanzong took poetry as the main content of the Jinshi examination. During the Song Dynasty, the imperial examination system had a greater development, the scale of examinations was expanded, and the number of admission places increased. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the imperial examination system implemented eight shares of scholars, which shackled people's minds. The establishment of the imperial examination system was a major change in the system of electing officials in ancient China, which strengthened the emperor's power in the selection and appointment of officials, expanded the scope of official selection, enabled talented and learned people to participate in politics, promoted the mobility of social classes, and also promoted the development of education.

That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period
That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period
That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period
That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period
That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period

Next came the Tang Dynasty's foreign exchanges. During the Tang Dynasty, there were frequent exchanges between China and foreign countries. Japan sent Tang envoys to China many times to learn the advanced culture of the Tang Dynasty. Jianzhen traveled east to Japan, spread the culture of the Tang Dynasty and Buddhism, and made outstanding contributions to Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges. Xuanzang traveled west to Tianzhu, went through hardships and dangers, retrieved a large number of Buddhist scriptures, and his oral "Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty" has become a precious document for studying the history of Sino-foreign exchanges. The Tang Dynasty's open and inclusive foreign policy promoted economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and also made the Tang Dynasty enjoy a high reputation in the world.

Let's look at the economic development of the Song Dynasty. In terms of agriculture, the Song Dynasty introduced Champong rice, and the grain output increased significantly, and the proverb "Suhu is ripe, the world is full" appeared. In terms of handicrafts, the porcelain industry in the Song Dynasty was developed, and Jingdezhen became a famous porcelain capital; The shipbuilding industry is at a high level and leads the world. Commerce prospered, cities broke through the limitations of time and space, morning and night markets appeared, and grass markets also appeared in towns and villages. In the early Northern Song Dynasty, the world's earliest paper money "Jiaozi" appeared in Sichuan. The economic development of the Song Dynasty laid the foundation for the economic prosperity of later generations.

Then came the reign of the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty had a vast territory, and in order to strengthen its effective rule over the whole country, the provincial system was implemented. In the central government, the province of Zhongshu was set up to take charge of the administrative affairs of the whole country; In the local set up in the province, referred to as "the province". The provincial system had a profound impact on later generations. The Yuan Dynasty also strengthened its jurisdiction over the frontier areas, setting up the Penghu Inspection Department to govern Penghu and Ryukyu, and strengthening the management of the Taiwan region; The Xuanzheng Yuan was established to govern Tibet, making Tibet officially a local administrative region under the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities.

During the Ming Dynasty, the absolute monarchy was unprecedentedly strengthened. Zhu Yuanzhang, Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, abolished the prime minister system and divided the power into six ministries, which further strengthened the imperial power. Ming Chengzu Zhu Di set up the East Factory to strengthen the surveillance and reconnaissance of his subjects. The Ming Dynasty also implemented the Eight Shares of Scholars, stipulating that the questions of the examination must come from the "Four Books and Five Classics", and the candidates' interpretation of the questions must be based on Zhu Xi's "Notes on the Four Books", and they are not allowed to play at will. This system shackles people's minds and hinders the progress of society.

During the Qing Dynasty, absolute monarchy reached its peak. Emperor Yongzheng set up the Military Aircraft Department, and the major military affairs were completely decided by the emperor, and the Minister of Military Aircraft only knelt down to receive the record, and then conveyed it to the central ministries and local officials to implement. The Qing Dynasty also set up a literary prison and strictly controlled intellectuals from the ideological field, causing social terror, destroying talents, imprisoning people's thoughts and speech, and seriously hindering the development and progress of ideology and scholarship.

In addition, students should also understand the relevant knowledge of Zheng He's voyage to the West. From 1405 to 1433, Zheng He made seven voyages to the West, reaching as far as the east coast of Africa and the Red Sea coast. The purpose of the program is to promote national prestige and strengthen ties with overseas countries. Zheng He's voyage to the West was a feat in the history of world navigation, which enhanced mutual understanding and friendly exchanges between China and Asian and African countries and regions.

It is also necessary to focus on grasping the ethnic relations in ancient China. During the Tang Dynasty, Princess Wencheng entered Tibet to marry Songtsen Gampo, which promoted friendly exchanges between Tang and Tibet. During the Yuan Dynasty, a new ethnic group was formed, the Hui. During the Qing Dynasty, in order to strengthen the management of Tibet, the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama were canonized, and ministers stationed in Tibet were appointed. In Xinjiang, General Ili was appointed to strengthen the jurisdiction of the northwest region.

Students, the study of history requires us to constantly accumulate and think. I hope that you will be able to carefully review these required short-answer questions and achieve excellent results in the final exam. Let us draw wisdom from the long river of history and make continuous progress!

That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period
That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period
That's awesome! 7. Required short-answer questions at the end of the history period

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