
I found my sister-in-law's secret in front of my brother's grave, and I have been hiding the current situation of my parents for 8 years, and I plan to hide it for the rest of my life

author:Exceptional sailboat R

That winter, the snow in our northeast fell fiercely, and it was white, as if it was going to freeze the whole world. With my hands in my pockets and my neck shrunk like a quail, I moved step by step towards my brother's grave. The wind blew and my face hurt, but the pain in my heart was worse than the wind. My brother has been gone for eight years, and the family has been going on one after another, I thought I could carry it, but standing in front of the lonely tombstone, tears still fell down uncontrollably.

When my brother was alive, he was a warm-hearted person who cared for everyone. As soon as he left, me, my sister-in-law, and my parents were left at home. My sister-in-law was pregnant with a baby at that time, and as soon as my brother left, her whole person seemed to have changed, she was depressed all day long, didn't talk much, and didn't eat. Our family persuaded her, but she didn't care, so she nested alone in the house and didn't see anyone. I was still young at the time, and I didn't understand anything, so I knew that when my brother left, our family was like a pillar missing.

My parents are old, their health is not good, and my sister-in-law is like that, I feel like I can't hold it anymore. But I still have to live, so I have to bite the bullet and help my parents do some work and take care of my sister-in-law. Time passed day by day, and the baby in my sister-in-law's womb slowly grew up. She started to go out, and a smile gradually began to appear on her face. I thought that this day was going to get better, but who would have thought, on the day the child landed, I bumped into my sister-in-law's secret.

I found my sister-in-law's secret in front of my brother's grave, and I have been hiding the current situation of my parents for 8 years, and I plan to hide it for the rest of my life

That day, I followed my parents to the hospital to see my sister-in-law and children. The child is very healthy, he is a boy, and he looks like his brother carved out of the same mold. My family was happy, but when I walked into the ward and saw my sister-in-law sitting alone by the window, holding a photo in her hand, I chuckled. The photo is a photo of my brother and sister-in-law, my brother is smiling like a flower, but my sister-in-law is melancholy. I walked over and tried to ask her what was wrong, but she stared at the picture as if she hadn't seen me. I accidentally glanced at the words on the back of the photo, and at that moment, I was stunned.

The back of the photo reads: "I owe you and I can't pay it off in my life." "That word was written by my sister-in-law. I have mixed feelings in my heart, and I can't tell what it tastes like. We don't understand what my sister-in-law means, but I know that it must have something to do with my brother. I pretended not to see anything and slipped out of the room. Since the day of the fight, I have been paying attention to my sister-in-law's every move. I saw that she was often stunned alone, and sometimes secretly wiped her tears. I know she's aggrieved, but I don't know how to help her. I didn't want our parents to worry about it, and I didn't want our brother to be unsteady over there, so I chose to hold back. This is eight years. In the past eight years, I have watched our sister-in-law change from a weak girl to a pillar of the family. She pulls the children alone, takes care of our parents, and has to work hard to earn money. She never complained, and she never told us the secret. But I know that the secret is like a thorn in her heart, and it is also in my heart. I don't dare to think that if our brother was still here, all this would be different. I don't dare to think what my sister-in-law would think if she found out that I had discovered her secret in front of my brother's grave. It's been eight years, and I've watched my parents get older day by day, and their health is getting worse and worse. I know they miss our brother, but I don't dare to mention it. I'm afraid that when I mention it, I will expose my sister-in-law's scars, and it will also make our family fall into pain again. So, I chose to keep it a secret. I'm going to hide it for the rest of my life. As long as my sister-in-law doesn't mention it, I won't say it; As long as our parents don't ask, I won't mention it. Let that secret be buried in our hearts forever, just like our brother, and live in our memories forever. Eight years have been like a long river, slowly pushing our lives to different paths. I try my best to maintain family harmony, so that our parents can worry less and our sister-in-law can be a little more relaxed. But life is always full of variables, and there are some things that you can't hide if you want to. One day, I met my sister-in-law's former friend Sister Zhang on the street. She grabbed me and said mysteriously, "Hey, how is your sister-in-law doing?" I've heard she's pretty close to a man. When I heard this, my heart tightened, but my face still stiffened and asked, "Who did you listen to?" Don't talk nonsense. When Sister Zhang saw me like this, she didn't say much, but sighed and said, "I also listened to what others said, so pay more attention to yourself." With that, she turned and walked away. It's called a mess in my heart, whether I believe Sister Zhang's words or not, my heart is beating a drum. Sister-in-law's matter, when I think about it, I think about it crookedly. I began to pay attention to my sister-in-law's every move, watching her always run out, every time she came back, she was tired like something, and she always had some old man gadgets in her hands. I was not sure in my heart, but I didn't dare to ask her directly. I'm afraid that this question will cause the balance between the two of us to be gone, and the family will have to become a mess again. I tossed and turned at night, and my mind was full of scary images. Until one day, I accidentally dug through a letter in my sister-in-law's bag. I looked at those words, and I was shocked by the words that I could believe. The letter said: "I know that you have done your best, but I cannot go on like this." I have to go, I have to start a new life. I've remembered all these years of your kindness. "After reading this letter, I was completely blinded. Sister-in-law, this is going to slap her ass and leave, to run away from home, to leave all of us. I rushed to her room to ask her why she was doing this, but I couldn't say anything when I saw her teary eyes. My sister-in-law hugged me, choked up and said, "Sister, I know you are good to me, but I also have my difficulties. I can't always live in the shadow of the past, I have to live for myself. "I listened to her words, and the taste in my heart was really mixed. I knew she had a point, but I just couldn't accept the fact that she was leaving. That night, our family sat around a table and had a reunion dinner. My sister-in-law was busy, made a table of hard dishes, and bought me a big cake. I looked at her busy figure, and I couldn't tell what it felt like in my heart. I knew that after this meal, we would have to go our separate ways. At the dinner table, we talked a lot about the past. My parents talked about the funny stories of my brother when he was a child, and they laughed so much that tears came out. My sister-in-law laughed too, but I could see the sadness in her eyes. I tried to look happy and didn't want the meal to be too heavy. After eating, my sister-in-law pulled me aside and took out a box from her pocket and handed it to me. I opened it and saw a necklace and a letter. In the letter, my sister-in-law wrote: "Little sister, this necklace was given to me by your brother when he was alive, and I never dared to wear it. Now, I'll give it to you, and you can take good care of our parents for him. Also, you have been with me and supported me all these years, and I remember it. "I clutched the necklace in my hand, and when I looked at the letter, tears began to flow down my eyes again. I understand that my sister-in-law is determined to leave, and she has already made up her mind. I hugged her tightly and cried profusely: "Sister-in-law, don't go...... Don't go...... but my sister-in-law still left, taking her luggage and the photo, and left our house. I stood in the doorway, watching her back farther and farther away, and my heart was empty. I know that this family can never go back, just like my sister-in-law said, she wants to live her own life.

I found my sister-in-law's secret in front of my brother's grave, and I have been hiding the current situation of my parents for 8 years, and I plan to hide it for the rest of my life

A few days after my sister-in-law left, my parents fell ill one after another. They were old and in poor health, coupled with the death of their brother and the departure of their sister-in-law, it hit them too hard, and they soon couldn't hold on. I run from the hospital to my home every day, take care of them, and have to be busy with my own work and life. At that time, I was really tired enough, but I couldn't fall down because I was the only pillar of the family. A few years later, my parents also passed away, and after I dealt with their funeral, I sat alone in an empty home with mixed feelings. I think of my brother's smile when he was alive, my sister-in-law's gentleness, and the kindness of my parents, and now these have become eternal memories and remain in my heart.

I stood in front of the window and watched the world change outside, but I knew that no matter how the world changed, I would stick to this home, because there are my roots, my memories, and my responsibilities. I will continue to live, for my brother, for my sister-in-law, for my parents, and for myself. As for that secret, I chose to keep it in my heart forever. Because I know that some secrets, once spoken, can hurt others and plunge oneself into endless pain. Therefore, I will always keep this secret and let it become an eternal pain in my heart and an eternal memory.