
The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank's response was a mistake on the job

author:History of the Red Sun
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.
The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank's response was a mistake on the job

When her husband died, the bank's deposits also "disappeared" together, and the original 130,000 deposits became 0 in a blink of an eye.

"What's the difference between this and robbing?!"

The anger of netizens and the sorrow of the deceased man's wife, but they could not be exchanged for canceling the money in the account, and this matter quickly attracted the attention of the public.

Officials also took the initiative to stand up and say that this was a mistake on the part of the bank.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank's response was a mistake on the job

Cancelled bank accounts

You never know which comes first, the unexpected or tomorrow, so many people advise others to cherish the present.

Ms. Deng and her husband were originally happy and loving, and their lives were plain but happy, Ms. Deng lived with her in-laws, although there were contradictions in ordinary life, but generally speaking, she was still satisfied with her current life.

But no one thought that in 2018, the death of her husband would shatter this small family.

The flying disaster made many people defenseless, and Ms. Deng was also grief-stricken at the time, and the aftermath was slowly resolved by Ms. Deng in the next time.

In November 2020, Ms. Deng inadvertently discovered that her husband still had a lot of savings in his name.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank's response was a mistake on the job

This deposit was deposited in the bank when her husband was alive, with a total of more than 130,000 yuan, and Ms. Deng did not know the existence of this deposit before, so she was still a little shocked.

So Ms. Deng thought about taking out the money quickly, but when she got to the bank, Ms. Deng was very puzzled by the bank's words.

The bank said that the money could not be withdrawn, even if Ms. Deng had a death certificate, the money could not be withdrawn.

If you want to take out the money, you need to notarize it or take it to the bank, and then the bank can withdraw the money for you.

Although Ms. Deng was shocked, she thought that this was a lot of money, so it was understandable to follow the process conservatively, although it was a bit troublesome, but it still had to support the work of the bank staff.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank's response was a mistake on the job

So Ms. Deng took her deceased husband's children and in-laws to quickly do a notarization, which are all legal heirs, and after the notarial certificate came down, all the information was written clearly, and the more than 130,000 yuan belonged to Ms. Deng, her children and her in-laws.

But things didn't go as smoothly as Ms. Deng thought, it stands to reason that these materials are complete, and the money should be withdrawn anyway, but the bank just can't take out the money.

This tugging soon came to 2022, and Ms. Deng didn't want to drag on like this anymore, so she went to other banks to try to withdraw money, and it was this move that made her know the truth of the matter.

The staff of the bank said that the account that Ms. Deng said had been closed, and the money in it had disappeared.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank's response was a mistake on the job

Therefore, the main reason why the bank has not been able to take out the money before is not the process problem, but that there is no money at all, and I have been kept in the dark after going around and around.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank's response was a mistake on the job

Mistakes by the bank

Ms. Deng only now realized that she was thinking too simply, because she also encountered a suspicious thing during the period of asking for money.

At that time, when I wanted to withdraw the money, I couldn't withdraw it, and I didn't understand why.

At that time, someone found himself privately and said that he could give himself 2,000 yuan in his own name, but he did not agree at that time, after all, this money has to be his own, how can he take other people's money?

At that time, I thought about it a lot, but I just didn't expect that her husband's money had disappeared, and this incident also made Ms. Deng angry.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank's response was a mistake on the job

Ms. Deng naturally asked the bank to give herself an explanation quickly, and seeing that the matter was getting bigger and bigger, the bank finally came out to respond to the matter.

According to the bank, this was all due to operational errors caused by the unskilled staff of the bank.

Now the bank has contacted Ms. Deng, the bank has communicated, and has received Ms. Deng's understanding.

The bank also attaches great importance to this matter and says that it will deal with the relevant personnel seriously.

That's the end of this matter, but netizens don't think it's over because it's full of loopholes.

First of all, there is a question about the balance, which must be checked first to know how much money is in it, so netizens don't understand what has to do with this set of operations and operation errors.

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank's response was a mistake on the job

And some netizens said that there was a problem before the incident, that is, the family didn't know whether the bank's deposit was really reasonable?

Make an assumption, that is, Ms. Deng did not find out about the existence of this money, so this money can never be withdrawn, so this matter is also a loophole, for the deceased, these assets should be known to their heirs, not hidden in the dark.

And many netizens said that if it was an operation error that caused such a result, then logically speaking, the money should not be in the account, where did the money go? This is also a question worth pondering.

In fact, there have been related cases before, that is, after the death of a person, there are 5 heirs who want to take away the deceased's deposit in the bank, and after the bank refuses, the court will rule that the bank must return the deposit within the specified time, so it is very important to apply the law.


This matter has come to an end, but it still makes everyone pay attention to the issue of withdrawing money from the account.

At the same time, everyone also understands that in these matters, the relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of financial institutions and must protect the legitimate rights and interests of depositors.

And depositors must also learn to use the law to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and not to suffer losses.


Reference information: The woman's deceased husband was exposed to the disappearance of 130,000 deposits, and the account was cancelled! The bank's response is a work error——2024-06-30 11:34·Southern Metropolis Daily

"What's the difference between this and robbery" The woman's deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared, and the bank account was cancelled Bank: Work mistakes——2024-07-01 13:18·Changsha Politics and Law

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared", and the bank apologized: the account balance was 0, and the staff was unfamiliar with the business and caused a mistake-2024-06-30 08:51·Red Star News

What should I do if my loved one dies and I can't withdraw my savings? ——2023-08-30 14:44·

The woman's deceased husband was exposed that 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled! The bank's response was a mistake on the job
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