
"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

author:Nine rivers on the clouds

Some people say that formaldehyde is an IQ tax, and it will not have any impact on our lives at all, and we don't have to spend energy and financial resources to govern it!

And this statement can be recognized by many people, in fact, it is not that this statement has a scientific basis, but it has captured a pain point of many people, that is, spending money, as long as it does not cost money, even if it is unreasonable, it can win the approval of many people.

In fact, the harm of formaldehyde is far beyond our imagination!

In recent years, the reported rate of cases related to infantile leukemia and cancer has been increasing, and after in-depth investigation, the root cause of many cases is excessive formaldehyde.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

Many friends may not understand the horror of formaldehyde, an authoritative scientific journal pointed out that the harm of formaldehyde is reflected in three aspects, first of all, it will stimulate mucosal tissue, red and swollen eyes, nasal discomfort, dry throat and other symptoms; Secondly, it will affect the nervous system and immune system of the person, and there will be symptoms such as frequent brain drowsiness and pain, frequent fever and cold; In addition, it has super carcinogenicity, especially for infants and young children with weak immunity, even if the formaldehyde exceeds the standard, it may bring a huge threat to their health.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

Here is a reminder to everyone that no matter how slight the formaldehyde exceedance, it must be treated in time, and do not take it lightly, regardless of whether there are children at home. Because the harm of formaldehyde is cumulative, although adults have strong immunity, but when it accumulates to a certain extent, it will show particularly serious symptoms, and even cause irreversible effects on health.

After understanding the hazards of formaldehyde, let's talk about how formaldehyde comes from in our lives?

Formaldehyde is not only from decoration materials, such as wallpaper, latex paint, paint, paint, etc., there are many sources of its release in life, and even some release sources are more terrifying than decoration materials, the most representative of which is man-made board, which not only contains more formaldehyde, but also the release cycle is 2 to 3 times longer than that of decoration materials, up to 10 to 15 years.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

In addition, there are some release sources that are also "formaldehyde users", especially for infants and young children, and we should not buy them as much as possible in our lives.

1. Crawling mat

After having a baby at home, many parents will buy a crawling mat to spread in the room, but we should remind everyone that there are many inferior and cheap crawling mats on the market that are not only of poor quality, but also contain formaldehyde and other harmful ingredients that seriously exceed the standard, which is particularly harmful to children's health. Therefore, when buying, don't be greedy for small bargains, try to buy branded products, or don't buy them at all.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

2. Plastic toys

Plastic toys are also the hardest hit area of formaldehyde, especially some cheap miscellaneous toys, many of which use industrial waste, although on the surface there is no difference with brand toys, but they contain formaldehyde and other harmful substances far beyond the national standard, such toys do you dare to play with children?

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

3. Mattresses

Many people may not know that mattresses also contain formaldehyde, and some inferior mattresses often contain formaldehyde beyond human imagination, such as the boiling "coconut palm mattress carcinogenic" incident a few years ago. Therefore, whether you buy a mattress for your child or for yourself, you should not only pursue comfort, but also pay attention to choosing qualified products.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

Although we can avoid these "formaldehyde users" from the source, there are many release sources that we cannot avoid, such as decoration building materials, man-made panels, etc., which are also "major offenders" of excessive indoor formaldehyde. Therefore, we must do a good job in formaldehyde treatment measures and do not leave anything to chance.

First of all, let's talk about what situations must remove formaldehyde:

1. The house is newly renovated;

2. The house is newly added with furniture, tatami mats, carpets and other large items containing formaldehyde;

3. Newly rented or newly bought newly renovated houses

Regarding formaldehyde control, I would like to remind everyone that many of the methods rumored on the Internet are not advisable, if you believe it, then you will be transferred into the trap of "formaldehyde":

1. Formaldehyde removal from green plants

There are not a few people who use this method, such as putting a few pots of spider plant, pothos or turtle back bamboo and other pothos in the room, and putting it for a few months, the formaldehyde in the room can be eliminated.

In fact, the effect of formaldehyde adsorption by green plants is minimal, almost negligible, even if hundreds of pots are placed in the room, the problem of excessive formaldehyde can not be solved at all.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

2. Remove formaldehyde from the peel

This method is also used, put some orange peel, grapefruit peel, tea stalk or onion in the room, etc., and soon the smell of formaldehyde dissipates, so people think that formaldehyde is removed.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

In fact, this is tantamount to self-deception, the reason why you can't smell formaldehyde anymore is because the smell of these things itself masks its smell. In this regard, you can use air freshener to spray it to verify that the formaldehyde smell will disappear soon? In fact, the concentration of formaldehyde did not decrease in the slightest.

In fact, formaldehyde treatment is very simple, and finally share a small trick with you, which can completely solve the problem of excessive formaldehyde within a month:

1. Open windows for ventilation

Open the window for ventilation for 8 to 10 hours during the day every day, if the indoor air circulation is poor, you can use a large fan to blow against the window, which can reduce the concentration of formaldehyde in the indoor air, and also promote the release of release sources.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

2. Heating and humidification

At night, put a basin of water in each room, you can also put an air humidifier, and you can also set the air conditioner to 26°C.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

However, it is necessary to remind everyone that the humidity should not be too high, 65% is enough, so as not to damage the decoration and plates.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

4. Activated carbon adsorption

Activated carbon has the function of adsorbing formaldehyde, and its adsorption capacity is relatively strong, and can be used for formaldehyde treatment in some small closed spaces, such as wardrobes, shoe cabinets, bed cabinets, etc., but we should remind everyone that it should be replaced every 1 week.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

5. Yiya formaldehyde deep scavenger

The first few steps are mainly used to reduce formaldehyde in the air and promote the release of formaldehyde, while this step is to completely remove formaldehyde from the release source.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

In this step, we need to use Yiya formaldehyde deep remover, each room should be sprayed in place, sprayed every 2 to 3 days, sprayed 3 to 4 times in a row, and the problem of excessive indoor formaldehyde can be satisfactorily solved, and the whole process is about 20 to 30 days.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!
"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

In addition, such as Olvwei formaldehyde deep scavenger, etc., are also similar products, the effect is almost the same, you can choose independently.

This kind of product is a new type of photocatalyst spray, which can penetrate into the release sources of furniture panels and decoration materials, and independently capture and decompose harmful substances such as formaldehyde, benzene, TVOC, etc., and its decomposition products are water and carbon dioxide, so there is no need to worry about secondary pollution, and the aldehyde removal rate is as high as 97%.

"Formaldehyde big households" were exposed, try not to buy these 3 things, it is very harmful to children!

Finally, I would like to remind everyone once again that the formaldehyde problem cannot be ignored, do a good job in formaldehyde treatment, be responsible for the health of children, and escort the health of family members!