
Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

author:Mei Mei Wen Agency
Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets
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Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

As the rain poured down, Master Lu cautiously drove the online car-hailing car through the night of Beijing. In the back seat, a young passenger from Houchang Village writhed uneasily, frowning.

The atmosphere inside the car became heavier as the torrential rain intensified.

Suddenly, the passenger shouted for a reroute, but Master Lu had no time to react, and the vehicle lost control and crashed into the roadside guardrail. Although no one was injured, the conflict between the two broke out instantly.

With a roar and a punch, the otherwise peaceful drive turned into a fierce physical confrontation in the blink of an eye.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

This accident is like a key, quietly opening the mysterious door of Houchang Village, known as "China's Silicon Valley", revealing the emotions and pressure accumulated by the employees of large factories in a high-pressure working environment.

It is not only an ordinary conflict between drivers and passengers, but also a concentrated outbreak of the inner world of the people in Houchang Village.

Every night at 9 o'clock, Houchang Village suddenly wakes up like a sleeping city. Crowds of young people poured out of the office buildings and silently slipped into the long-waiting ride-hailing services.

This timing is not accidental, but because many companies have implemented overtime compensation policies since then.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

Drivers are accustomed to such scenes, and they quietly observe the exhausted passengers, speculating about their positions and working conditions. During this short drive, the drivers seemed to have become "eavesdroppers" in Houchang Village, listening to the hustle and bustle and silence of this mysterious park.

Most passengers chose to remain silent. Some people close their eyes as soon as they get in the car, as if they want to dispel the fatigue of the day in this short drive; Others are engrossed in staring at their phone screens, immersed in the game world, and occasionally inadvertently popping out a few "mantras".

Drivers are highly trained and will never bother unless a passenger takes the initiative to talk.

However, not all passengers were so silent. Managers in key positions are often busy talking on the phone and discussing the company's affairs. On one occasion, a female executive was on the phone from the moment she got in and out of the car, talking about everything from employee uniforms to personnel arrangements at the African branch.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

Even in the middle of the night, she still maintains perfect makeup and a high degree of concentration, which makes the driver secretly amazed.

Through these scattered observations, the drivers gradually sketched a group portrait of the people in Houchang Village. They found that most of the employees here graduated from prestigious schools such as 985 and 211, and their age was concentrated between 25 and 30 years old.

However, even with such excellent backgrounds, most of them can only start as ordinary employees when they enter the workforce.

In the eyes of the drivers, the employees of Houchang Village seem to be divided into two worlds: one is the silent and tired ordinary employees, and the other is the management that never stops.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

This contrast is deeply imprinted in the hearts of every driver who shuttles through Houchang Village, and becomes a window for them to understand this mysterious park.

Over time, some drivers have even developed "occupational diseases" – a few minutes of observation that can roughly deduce the position and nature of the passenger's job.

They found that programmers who were new to the company were often the most tired, writing code in front of the computer every day, and only hoping to get home quickly and rest in the evening. Those middle and senior managers are always busy with various tasks and may continue to talk even when they arrive at their destination.

These drivers have become a link between Houchang Village and the outside world. They witness every day how people here work under high pressure, how they persevere in the face of exhaustion, and how this place, known as the "Silicon Valley of China", works.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

In their eyes, Houchang Village is not only a place full of opportunities and vitality, but also a world where people feel stressed and tired.

In Houchang Village, a peculiar phenomenon has attracted people's attention: high income is accompanied by low consumption desire. The employees here are jokingly called the group of "50,000 yuan a month and 5,000 yuan".

Fan Xiaozhi's story is a microcosm of many people in Houchang Village. Ten years ago, she had a dream to join the Fortune 500 company and set a detailed three-year development plan for herself.

Ten years later, however, she now relies on three cups of coffee a day to keep up with her work. The company's frequent transfers and communication barriers between departments forced her to work harder to prove her worth.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

The high-intensity work pressure has squeezed out almost all the energy of the people in Houchang Village. According to statistics, the average employee here works up to 14 hours a day. After deducting sleep, meals, and commuting time, there is very little room left for personal life.

Even on weekends, many people choose to work overtime instead of going out for fun or gathering with friends.

This lifestyle has a direct impact on their perception of consumption. A 30-year-old woman shared her experience: During a trip to Europe, she spent 20,000 yuan on a luxury bag.

However, when she showed up at the office with her new bag on her back, she found herself out of place – most of her colleagues were still using canvas bags with the company's logo on them. This experience made her lose interest in luxury.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

The low desire of the people of Houchang Village is not due to frugality, but because they no longer have the energy to enjoy life. They prefer to play games at home or simply take a break.

Some people say that even if they are in Beijing with friends, they rarely see each other several times a year. Because the mere thought of the round trip consumes a lot of time, many people "decisively" abandon the party.

In terms of daily expenses, the people of Houchang Village often uphold the principle of "saving if they can save money". Someone has calculated that it only costs 400 yuan a month to eat in the company canteen, and it only costs 200 yuan to bring your own food.

This budget-conscious lifestyle is in stark contrast to their monthly salary of tens of thousands.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

This phenomenon of high income and low desire reflects the life philosophy of the people of Houchang Village. In this place, known as the "Silicon Valley of China", people interpret the definition of success in their own way.

Their choice may be puzzling to outsiders, but for them, it is the wisdom of maintaining balance in a high-pressure environment.

The story of Houchang Village is not only a contradiction between work and life, but also a microcosm of how young people in modern cities find themselves in a fast-paced world.

It makes us think about how to stay true to our original aspirations and maintain our love of life while pursuing career success.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

In the endless flow of people in Houchang Village, Master Luo, an ordinary online car-hailing driver, experienced an unexpected moral test. This seemingly insignificant episode reflects the complexity of human interaction in Dachang's culture.

On that day, Master Luo received an order to send two passengers to the airport. From their conversation, Master Luo speculated that the two men might be financial staff from the Shanghai branch, and one of them appeared to be a senior manager.

Along the way, the two passengers were busy discussing work matters and even signing documents on the bus.

After the passengers got off the bus, Master Luo found a pen that looked like a lot of money left in the back seat. Out of work ethic, he decided to wait for the owner to contact him. Sure enough, in the evening of the same day, the passenger who appeared to be an executive called and asked him to deliver the pen to the company's headquarters in Houchang Village.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

Early the next morning, Master Luo delivered the pen to the designated place as promised. However, the staff member who received the pen simply thanked him and left in a hurry.

This made Master Luo feel a little lost. He had expected some recognition or reward for his honest actions.

Later, out of curiosity, Master Luo searched the price of this fountain pen on the Internet and was surprised to find that its market price was as high as 3,000 yuan. This discovery made him question whether his actions were worth it, and even complained about the "stinginess" of Dachang people in front of his friends.

This vignette, while seemingly insignificant, reflects a larger question: Are human interactions becoming increasingly indifferent in this high-pressure work environment? A fountain pen, once a gold pick, has become a touchstone to test human nature.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

Master Luo's experience has provoked people to think about workplace ethics and interpersonal relationships. In the pursuit of efficiency and profit, do we neglect to respond to the kindness of others? This story may be a microcosm of the need for reflection in Houchang Village and even the whole society.

Houchang Village, known as China's "Silicon Valley", is not only the starting point of dreams for many young people, but also a "second hometown" that is difficult to give up.

Despite the stressful nature of life and the breathtaking pace of work, it is still a place where countless people can achieve their dreams.

Yang Zhenzhong's story speaks to the hearts of many people in Houchang Village. This young man from Linyi, Shandong, like countless people with dreams, came to Houchang Village.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

He is well aware that Beijing gives outsiders fewer and fewer opportunities to put down roots, so he cherishes every job opportunity. In his eyes, no matter what position he is, it is a stage for self-challenge and hard work.

However, not everyone can adapt to the pace of life here. Some "returnees" who have studied or worked abroad prefer a humane and relaxed working environment.

Some of them have chosen to leave and re-enter the international arena. This phenomenon of "reverse reshoring" also reflects the fact that the working environment in Houchang Village is indeed challenging for some people.

Houchang Village is like a huge whirlpool, attracting young people from all over the country. They came with dreams, some achieved their ideals, some still persisted, and some chose to leave.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

But in any case, Houchang Village has become an indelible part of their lives.

Every office building and every workstation here has witnessed the struggle of countless young people. They experience laughter and tears, setbacks and successes here, pouring their youth and blood into this land.

For them, Houchang Village is not only a place to work, but also the sustenance of their dreams and a battlefield for common struggle with their peers.

Despite the many challenges, Houchang Village still attracts a steady stream of talent. Because here, there are common ideals, like-minded partners, and infinite possibilities to realize self-worth.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

This inseparable sense of belonging is the biggest charm of Houchang Village.

In Houchang Village, the "996" work system has become the norm, witnessing the struggle and sacrifice of countless young people. There are a large number of highly educated talents here, with 80% of young people under the age of 35, and half of them between the ages of 25 and 30.

However, even graduates from prestigious schools such as 985 and 211 often start as ordinary employees after entering the workplace.

The high intensity of work not only affects their quality of life, but also brings great challenges to social interaction and marriage. Many people choose to live a single life because they don't have the time and energy.

Online car-hailing drivers in Houchang Village: Listen to the complaints of the big factory people, get to know them, and know all kinds of secrets

The phenomenon of older people not marrying is not uncommon in Houchang Village, not because of the imbalance in the gender ratio, but because the cost of modern socialization is too heavy for these tired young people.

Houchang Village, known as the "Silicon Valley of China", has witnessed the struggle and growth of countless young people. They are writing the future of China's technology industry with their youth, and they are also thinking about how to find a work-life balance.

This is a place full of contradictions and hopes, and it is also a microcosm of China's Internet development. Despite facing many challenges, the people of Houchang Village are still interpreting the spirit of struggle in this era in their own way.

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