
won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

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won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen
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won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

In 1999, at the Badminton World Championships, a 20-year-old Chinese teenager won the world championship with amazing strength. She is Pi Hongyan, a future star with high hopes.

However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly. Just as Pi Hongyan was ready to take advantage of the victory and show her strength in the national team, an unexpected decision was like a bolt from the blue, pushing her career to the edge of the cliff.

The national team coach ruthlessly expelled the newly crowned world champion from the team on the grounds of "short stature". Pi Hongyan stood outside the training ground, watching her former teammates swing their rackets like flying, her heart was full of confusion and unwillingness.

was rejected by the national team, and Pi Hongyan had to return to the Sichuan provincial team. What was once a familiar training ground is now unfamiliar, and what used to be high-intensity national team training has become a mundane daily practice.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

Every morning, when she stands on the pitch and holds a racket, she always thinks of her days with the national team. The feeling of disparity made her heart tingle.

The training intensity of the provincial team is far less than that of the national team, and Pi Hongyan feels that her skills are gradually regressing. She was desperate to find the right opponent to keep her form going, but it was always in vain.

The daily training turned into an ordeal, and she watched the other team members swing their rackets like flying, while she felt like she was trapped in an invisible cage, unable to break through.

In the dead of night, Pi Hongyan often sat alone on the edge of the bed in the dormitory, recalling the moment when she was expelled by the coach. Her hands clutched the quilt tightly, and her eyes glistened with tears.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

"Am I really not suitable for badminton?" The question haunted her like a nightmare, keeping her awake at night.

Pi Hongyan's heart is full of contradictions. On the one hand, she is eager to prove her worth and show her strength to those who question her; On the other hand, she was afraid that she really didn't have more development potential, as her coach said.

This torment often brings a bitter smile on her face, and her eyes reveal mixed emotions.

During her time in the provincial team, Pi Hongyan was barely able to participate in any high-level competitions. She watched her former rivals shine on the international stage, while she barely managed to stay on the edge at provincial level.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

This huge sense of disparity devastated her and even began to doubt her life choices.

However, even in the most difficult moments, Pi Hongyan did not completely give up hope. She insists on practicing every day and tries to maintain her technical level. She believes that as long as she continues to work hard, there will be a turnaround.

Just when Pi Hongyan was about to give up hope, an unexpected opportunity quietly came, opening a new door for her life. This opportunity will completely change the trajectory of her destiny and allow her to rediscover her love for badminton and hope for the future.

Just when Pi Hongyan was at a low point in her career, the god of fate gave her a kind gaze. A male badminton player from Denmark who has played against her opponents on the international stage was deeply touched by her story.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

The Dane extended a friendly hand by inviting Pi Hongyan to Denmark for training and offering her the opportunity to compete in various competitions as an individual or as a club.

When Pi Hongyan received the news, her eyes instantly lit up, as if she saw the dawn of hope. However, deciding to go far away is not an easy task.

She sat in front of the window, looking at the sky in the distance, her heart full of apprehension and anticipation. Recalling the bits and pieces of badminton when she was 8 years old, and remembering the sweat and tears she paid for her dream, Pi Hongyan took a deep breath and made up her mind to embark on this unknown journey.

On the first day of arriving in Denmark, Pi Hongyan stood on an unfamiliar training ground, her hand holding a racket trembling slightly. She didn't understand the surrounding language, but the language of badminton was the same.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

When she started swinging the racket to hit the ball, all the uneasiness vanished. The crisp sound of the racket touching the ball seems to tell that this is where she really belongs.

The initial training was not smooth, and more than a year of abandonment made Pi Hongyan's condition much worse than before. But she gritted her teeth and trained two hours more a day than the others. She knew that this could be her last chance to return to the top, and she couldn't give it up easily.

Her coaches and teammates were touched by her fighting spirit and reached out to help her regain her confidence.

Gradually, Pi Hongyan regained her old feelings. Her eyes became determined, and her movements became more fluid and powerful. Every swing seems to prove to those who have questioned her that her worth should not be defined by her height.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

On the European stage, Pi Hongyan began to emerge. Every victory she won brought her one step closer to her dream.

However, Pi Hongyan knows that this is just the beginning. She will have to work harder to establish herself on the competitive international stage. At the end of each training session, she would practice her technical moves and hone every detail repeatedly.

Her diligence and dedication soon caught the attention of the European badminton world, and people started talking about the wonder girl from China.

With her outstanding performance in the European arena, Pi Hongyan's confidence has continued to grow. She began to believe that it was really possible for her to redefine her badminton career.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

However, greater challenges and opportunities await her, and a pivotal decision is on the horizon that will completely change the course of her life.

Pi Hongyan's outstanding performance on the European stage quickly attracted the attention of various countries. On the eve of Athens 2004, she was faced with a big choice: whether to change her nationality and represent other countries. This decision is not only about her career, but also affects her feelings for her homeland.

The French team threw an olive branch to Pi Hongyan and provided extremely favorable conditions. When she received this invitation, there was a huge wave in her heart. She sat on the bed in her dorm room, flipping through her treasured photo albums.

In the photo, she is young and wearing a Chinese team uniform with a bright smile. However, how much bitterness is hidden behind that smile, only she knows.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

After careful consideration, Pi Hongyan finally made a difficult decision. She remembered the unforgettable words: "They abandoned me." This sentence was like a sharp sword, cutting away the last hesitation in her heart.

In 2004, Pi Hongyan officially joined the French national team.

When she stood on the field for the first time in a French team uniform, she had mixed feelings. She took a deep breath and clenched the racket in her hand as if holding her own destiny.

From that moment on, Pi Hongyan seemed to be reborn. She worked harder in training and was more ferocious in the game. Every swing of the racket is like proving to her past self that she has never been crushed, but is just waiting for the moment of blooming.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

Soon, the grades began to speak. Pi Hongyan has won several major tournaments in a row, winning 14 gold medals for France. Her name began to appear frequently in the headlines of major media outlets, and the once skeptical voices were gradually replaced by praise.

The 11 championship trophies are the best proof of her strength, and these accolades are not only an affirmation of her personally, but also an encouragement to all athletes who are not favored but persist in their dreams.

In 2005, Pi Hongyan climbed to second in the world rankings, behind China's Zhang Ning. As she stood on the podium and watched the French flag slowly rise, her eyes glistened with tears.

At that moment, she remembered her own mental journey, from falling from the peak to rising again. This ranking is not only a number, but also the best reward for her years of hard work.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

However, Pi Hongyan was not satisfied. She knows the real challenges lie ahead. Every training, every game, she goes all out, as if she is interpreting the phrase "infinite possibilities in life" with practical actions.

Her story has inspired countless people and proved that with determination and perseverance, it is possible to overcome any difficulty.

At the 2004 Athens Olympics, Pi Hongyan encountered Zhang Ning at that time and failed to win the championship. This regret became her motivation to keep going. She said firmly in her post-match press conference: "I will continue to work hard and prepare for the next opportunity.

This perseverance and perseverance are the key to her success.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

Pi Hongyan's story goes far beyond the victory on the field. She proved with practical actions that even if she is only 1.6 meters tall, she can have a place in the highly competitive badminton world.

Her success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all who have dreams.

With the passage of time, Pi Hongyan's position in the badminton arena has become more and more solid. She is not only a mainstay of the French team, but also an iconic figure in the European badminton world.

Each of her matches attracts the attention of countless spectators, and every victory she wins has people cheering. Pi Hongyan, a once underrated player, finally proved her worth with her strength.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

With the passage of time, Pi Hongyan's achievements in the badminton arena are obvious to all. The 11 championship trophies are like shining stars, witnessing her outstanding strength. The world No. 2 position is a testament to her influence on the international stage.

However, success did not make Pi Hongyan forget her original intention.

Whenever she looks back on her career, Pi Hongyan always falls into deep thought. She often said in interviews: "Talent is important, but hard work and perseverance are even more important.

This sentence is not only a summary of their own experience, but also an encouragement to all athletes. She knows that it is those seemingly impossible challenges that have shaped her into who she is today.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

At Athens 2004, Pi Hongyan's matchup with China's Zhang Ning was a turning point in her career. Although she failed to win the championship as she wished, this regret became the motivation for her to continue to move forward.

After the match, she said firmly: "I will continue to work hard and prepare for the next opportunity." This never-say-die spirit is the key to her success.

Pi Hongyan's story has inspired countless people. She proved with practical actions that even if she is only 1.6 meters tall, she can have a place in the highly competitive badminton world.

Her success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all who have dreams.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

Later in her career, Pi began to think more about her responsibilities and influence. She realizes that her experience can be a valuable asset for young athletes.

She began to share her stories on various occasions, encouraging young people to pursue their dreams and not be bothered by negative voices from the outside world.

Pi Hongyan's legend lies not only in her results, but also in the perseverance she has shown. Her story teaches us that with determination and perseverance, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

This spiritual wealth will always inspire those who come after to move forward bravely and chase their dreams.

won the world championship, but was expelled by the coach because of "short stature", and won 14 gold medals after becoming a French citizen

As her career drew to a close, she began to plan for the next stage of her life. She settled in France, tied the knot with a French man, and formed a happy family of four.

Despite fading out of the game, her love for badminton has never waned.

Looking to the future, Pi Hongyan plans to return to China after retiring and open her own badminton club. She hopes to pass on her years of experience and unique life journey to the next generation of badminton players and contribute to the cause of badminton in China.

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