
The hundred-year-old monk said: The old man died of illness, most of which is related to these "karma".

author:Madoka let's talk about it

Life is a cycle of cause and effect. Birth, old age, sickness and death are all manifestations of cause and effect. And in this process, illness has become a problem that many elderly people cannot escape.

A 100-year-old monk once told me that the death of an old man who was suffering from illness was mostly related to these "karma".

The hundred-year-old monk said: The old man died of illness, most of which is related to these "karma".

Karma is a natural law, and karma includes good retribution and evil retribution.

Negative actions that people have in past or present lives, such as killing, stealing, fornication, etc., will lead to the accumulation of karma, which will cause people to suffer from illness in this life.

The hundred-year-old monk said: The old man died of illness, most of which is related to these "karma".

Killing is one of the important causes of suffering. Killing is considered one of the most serious evils. Because life is precious, every life has its own value and meaning.

Killing destroys the harmony of life and leads to the accumulation of karma. Many elderly people may have been involved in killing trades such as fishing and slaughtering in their youth, which caused them to suffer from illness in their later years.

We should cherish life, respect life, and stay away from killing, so as to avoid the suffering caused by killing.

The hundred-year-old monk said: The old man died of illness, most of which is related to these "karma".

Theft is also one of the causes of illness. Stealing is not only about stealing other people's property, but also about cheating, embezzlement, and other acts.

These behaviors can cause a person to lose the trust of others, lead to the breakdown of interpersonal relationships, and then affect the mental health of the individual. In old age, the elderly may suffer from illness and suffering, such as poverty and loneliness, because of their past theft.

Be honest and trustworthy, cherish cause and effect, and stay away from stealing, so as to avoid the sickness caused by stealing.

The hundred-year-old monk said: The old man died of illness, most of which is related to these "karma".

Sexual immorality is also one of the causes of sickness and suffering. Sexual immorality refers to relationships between men and women that are contrary to morality and ethics. This kind of behavior can disrupt family harmony, lead to the breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife, and even bring great harm to the physical and mental health of the individual.

In old age, the elderly may suffer from illness and suffering because of their past sexual behaviors, such as family discord and unfilial piety.

We should cherish our families, maintain ethics and morals, and stay away from sexual immorality, so that we can avoid the sickness and suffering caused by sexual immorality.

The hundred-year-old monk said: The old man died of illness, most of which is related to these "karma".

In addition to the three reasons mentioned above, the death of the elderly may also be related to the following karma:

1. Bad Speech: Bad words that hurt others, deceive others, spread rumors and cause trouble will lead to tension in interpersonal relationships, causing people to suffer from loneliness and helplessness in their later years.

2. Greed and jealousy: Greed and jealousy can fill a person's heart with pain and suffering, affecting an individual's mental health. In old age, old people may suffer from illness and jealousy from past greed and jealousy.

The hundred-year-old monk said: The old man died of illness, most of which is related to these "karma".

3. Laziness and arrogance: Laziness makes people lose motivation to live, and arrogance makes people lose the respect of others. In old age, old people may suffer from illness because of the laziness and arrogance of the past.

4. Unfilial piety to parents: Filial piety is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and unfilial piety to parents will lead to the breakdown of family relationships, causing the elderly to suffer from loneliness and illness in their later years.

5. Disrespect for teachers: Respect for teachers is the basic morality of life, and disrespect for teachers will affect personal growth and interpersonal relationships. In their later years, they may suffer from illness because of their past disrespect for their teachers.

The hundred-year-old monk said: The old man died of illness, most of which is related to these "karma".

The death of the elderly is mostly related to these "karma".

We must face up to our past, repent and rehabilitate, cherish cause and effect, and do good deeds to accumulate virtue in order to look forward to the beauty of the next life.

We should also care for the elderly around us, give them enough respect and love, so that they can live a happy and peaceful life in their old age.