
Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

author:Cake cold Xiaomei

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team lost to the Australian team, and the result was really heart-wrenching.

Let's be specific, this game is really thrilling, especially our Zhang Ziyu, who almost used all his strength and scored 42 points, but still failed to lead the team to achieve a reversal.

It's really uncomfortable to be alone! When I saw this, I couldn't help but ask, "Is there anyone else who can stand up?" ”

On the day of the competition, it was a really intense day.

Zhang Ziyu is a lightning bolt on the rebound, whether it is a left rush or a backward jumper, her performance can be described as amazing.

Every time she dribbles and breaks through, no matter how the opponent defends, she always finds that little gap and shoots quickly.

This scoring ability is really staggering.

Unfortunately, basketball is a team sport, and no matter how strong one person is, it is impossible to match the strength of the entire team.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

This time, Zhang Ziyu not only had to face the opponent's strong players, but also had to deal with various difficulties in team cooperation, which was indeed very difficult.

To be honest, the performance of the other players was really a little bit uninteresting.

Everyone worked hard in the game, but obviously the technical and tactical level was not comparable to the Australian team.

Watching them pass the ball on the field, sometimes it's a bit anxious, it's like playing a hand-in-hand game, and I haven't passed a chance for a long time.

On the other hand, the Australian team, every attack seems so methodical and tight, the pass that should be passed, the shot that should be thrown, is not sloppy at all.

At this point, our team is far behind, several opportunities have been wasted, I am so anxious that I want to get into the screen and shout to them, "Steady, find a chance to vote!" ”

Of course, we're not all without bright spots.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

Zhang Ziyu's performance that day can definitely make headlines, but it is precisely because she is too prominent that others are even more unsatisfactory.

I have to admit that except for Zhang Ziyu, who is unsolvable, our team has a big gap with the opponent in all aspects.

This is something that really needs to be paid attention to.

Losing is a real problem, but we also see hope in it.

Zhang Ziyu is such an excellent player, if more players can cooperate with her, our Chinese women's basketball team will definitely have a promising future.

Zhang Ziyu was also tired that day, and in the face of the opponent's tough defense, her shooting percentage was indeed not as high as before.

She still scored 42 points with her unmatched dominance, which is admirable enough.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

It's a pity that in the face of the strong and closely coordinated Australian team, no matter how hard Zhang Ziyu works alone, it is difficult to turn things around.

Her face was firm on the court, but she failed to change her final fate, which is really distressing.

But it also made her realize more clearly that when it comes to such an opponent, it is not enough to rely on individual ability.

I think back then, when we watched the Tigers play, we also laughed in the sea and sighed that the strength of the team was so important.

Looking at our group of youthful women's basketball girls, I can't help but sigh that basketball is really not something that can be played by one person.

Every time I see the team being suppressed by the opponent and unable to breathe, I scratch my ears and cheeks in a hurry.

Passing the ball unreasonably and shooting inaccurately, these problems really need to be improved in future training.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

The coaching staff should also sum up the experience, when Zhang Ziyu is not on the field, how will the team play? You can't always mess up as soon as you lack the main force.

We have to learn to form a complete tactical system, where everyone can take charge of themselves, so that we can withstand the pressure when it is critical.

We still have a long way to go in team basketball.

Even though we didn't win the title on our home turf this time, we can't afford to be discouraged.

The girls have done their best, and we've seen their hard work and hard work.

This failure can only show that our skills are not as good as others, but there is still a long way to go.

Although Zhang Ziyu was unwilling, the tears she shed strengthened her determination to continue to move forward.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

It's a bit of a shame to lose the game, but it doesn't mean the end, it's a new beginning.

It is only after the defeat that we can more clearly recognize our shortcomings and do better in future competitions.

Then again, the Australian team is really terrifyingly strong this time.

Whenever I see their rigorous cooperation, thinking about the looseness of our team for a while, and then combining that gap, this is really a mixed feeling.

This time he failed to fully display his talent, Zhang Ziyu must have felt very uncomfortable.

Originally, she was talented enough, and if she could win this time, she would definitely be able to catch up with the Paris Olympics.

But that's the way it is, if you miss it, you don't come back.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, let's learn from this battle, sum up experience, and don't let the next time be missed.

Women's basketball girls, don't be discouraged.

Although you lost this time, your fighting spirit is commendable.

There are many opportunities in the future, as long as we continue to improve ourselves and team tactics, we will one day stand on the highest podium.

Behind every failure, there is an opportunity to grow.

Every game is a process of improving yourself.

Although there is still a long way to go, as long as we persevere and continue to work hard, we will surely achieve greater victories.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

We didn't lose unjustly in this competition.

Zhang Ziyu has done his best, and the problem of teamwork has also been exposed.

We have to learn from our failures and find ways to improve ourselves and try to play better in the next game.

It's not terrible to lose, it's terrible to lose but you don't know how to reflect and don't know how to forge ahead.

I hope that in the future games, the girls of the women's basketball team can continue to work hard, go all out, and win with strength and team spirit.

After another failure like this, perhaps Zhang Ziyu and her teammates will be more determined to move forward in their hearts.

If this defeat is a reminder of reality, that's a good thing.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

Only by facing the reality and acknowledging the shortcomings can we find the direction of improvement.

In every game in the future, as long as Zhang Ziyu and her friends are more united and determined, I believe that they will be able to break into a new world.

Come on, girls, the future is yours!

In this way, looking at our women's basketball team, we must not only look at individual heroism, but also look at teamwork.

The road ahead is long, but as long as we persevere, we will one day reach the other side of our dreams.

Whether it is Zhang Ziyu or any other team member, your dedication and hard work will become the cornerstone of future victory.

Let's look forward to that day sooner rather than later!

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

This competition, although defeated, it is still glorious! Women's basketball girls, come on, we will definitely be even better in the future! The strength to not admit defeat is our spiritual pillar, and the girls fall down and get up again, it's no big deal.

Especially Zhang Ziyu, she is our "scoring machine" and "rebounding king", and her sweat and tears are the most valuable wealth of the team.

watched her overcome obstacles on the court, desperately grabbing, and every score was earned with sweat and hard work.

For her, it's all a step to growth.

Although the result of this competition was not ideal, our girls must have learned a lot from it.

You said that this valuable experience is not something that every player can easily get.

Zhang Ziyu's performance has made everyone see her potential, and I believe that she will become more mature in the training again and again.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

Let's talk about the future direction.

This competition allowed us to see the gaps, but also pointed the way forward.

The coaching staff needs to make some adjustments, for example, to develop more detailed tactics for different opponents, improve the overall coordination of the team, and ensure that each player can find his or her own place on the field and play to his strengths.

Zhang Ziyu's singles ability is unparalleled, but team basketball requires every player to have a say and a chance to shoot.

Another point is that psychological construction is also very important.

The competition is not only a contest of physical strength and skill, but also a psychological confrontation.

Seeing Zhang Ziyu shed tears after the game, I really felt a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

Her dedication and hard work are undoubtedly huge, but the psychological quality of each team member needs to be further improved.

Only with a stable mentality can you play at the level you deserve on the field.

I remember a coach once said, "Mentality determines state."

This sentence couldn't be more appropriate on the basketball court.

In terms of team building, what we need is closer cooperation and trust.

You look at the Australian team, everybody trusts each other, they support each other, the whole team is like a high-level machine, but what about us? Many times it looks more like a temporary patchwork, lacking tacit cooperation, which is what we need to improve.

As long as everyone communicates and cooperates more in their usual training, this tacit understanding can be cultivated.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

Zhang Ziyu will definitely work harder after this competition, and her future is limitless.

But her power alone is limited.

Every member of the team needs to improve themselves so that they can really play as a team.

As the saying goes, "everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high", only when the whole team works together can it be possible to defeat strong opponents in future games and win more honors.

Of course, we can't underestimate the strength of our opponents.

The strength of the Australian team is obvious to all, and we have benefited a lot from their overall tactics and on-the-spot adaptability.

If we lose the game, we have to be convinced, and we have to study hard.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

There is no enemy in the world that cannot be defeated, only a team that is unwilling to learn and grow.

Every failure is an opportunity to learn.

Then there is the issue of our own physical strength and physical resistance.

Look at Zhang Ziyu, when facing the Australian players, it is obvious that there are a lot of challenges in terms of physical confrontation.

Improving physical fitness and enhancing physical confrontation ability is also an important part of improving combat effectiveness in the future.

The training team needs to strengthen this aspect of training in the usual training, so that every player can cope with the high-intensity game and not be suppressed by the opponent's physical fitness.

Here I have to praise the fighting spirit of these girls.

Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points, with 1 dozen and 5 with the team, and lost to Australia to recognize the reality!

In any case, the kind of "unyielding" energy shown by our women's basketball girls in the game is really touching.

This spirit is our most valuable asset and the most important driving force for the development of the team.

No matter what the result of the game is, as long as we have this spirit, we are not afraid of losing or falling.

Let's talk about hope for the future.

Zhang Ziyu's performance this time makes us see hope and the future of the Chinese women's basketball team.

She is our pride and the hope of our team.

I believe that under her leadership, more young players will thrive.

What we have to do is to continue to support them, keep encouraging them, and make them more and more courageous in future competitions.

Come on, girls! Although this race was lost, it did not mean the end, but a new starting point.

There is still a long way to go, and as long as we continue to work hard and sum up lessons and lessons, the future will certainly be even better.

I hope that Zhang Ziyu and her friends can show their strength in the next games and play the style of our Chinese women's basketball team!

The outcome of the game is only temporary, but our fighting spirit and teamwork are eternal.

Every game is a growth, and every failure is a learning.

I believe that in the future competition, Zhang Ziyu and her friends will be even better and bring us more surprises and touches.

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