
Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

author:Coke talks about the past and the present
Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

In 2014, Interpol issued a red notice that shocked the Chinese business community. The name on the wanted notice is Liu Bo, a legendary figure who was once hailed as a business wizard.

Liu Bo's life is like a drama of ups and downs. At the age of 34, he fell in love with the popular actress Xu Qing, and spent a lot of money just to smile at the Pomeranians. With the "Inherited Books" project, he made a profit of 200 million yuan in one fell swoop.

However, the gears of fate are quietly turning in the dark. When the East Window incident happened, the huge debt of 4 billion yuan pushed him into the abyss from which he could never recover.

It's a story of talent and destruction, ambition and fall. Let's unveil Liu Bo's legendary and tragic life picture together, and get a glimpse of the brilliance and depravity of genius.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

In Zhuzhou, Hunan, an ordinary worker's family, an extraordinary child was born. 14-year-old Liu Bo was admitted to Wuhan University with amazing wisdom and became a local legend.

His father was a train driver and his mother was a railroad worker, and despite his low level of education, he was immensely proud of his son's achievements. This precocious genius seems to herald the beginning of an extraordinary life.

Liu Bo, who is thirsty for knowledge, did not stop there. After graduating from university, he chose to continue his studies at the Hunan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and pursue a master's degree. At the same time, his love for literary creation never waned, and at the age of 20 he joined the Writers' Guild and showed a multifaceted talent.

At the age of 24, Liu Bo, who graduated with a master's degree, joined the newspaper "News Bild" and served as deputy editor-in-chief. However, the title did not shackle his ambitions. He turned his attention to marketing and showed what he did best.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

Under his leadership, the local newspaper has a circulation of more than one million and has become a dark horse in the local media industry.

At this time in China, the spring breeze of reform and opening up is blowing in the coastal city of Hainan in the south. The perceptive Liu Bo smelled the breath of opportunity. He resolutely resigned from the "iron rice bowl" in the eyes of his parents and went to Hainan alone.

Despite their apprehensions, the parents knew that their son's vision had gone beyond their imagination.

When he first arrived in Hainan, Liu Bo did not act rashly. He judged the situation and made full use of his professional advantages, first joining the "Hainan Special Zone Daily", seeking asylum and business opportunities at the same time.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

Soon, he extended his tentacles to the pharmaceutical industry, and with the background of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he made a name for himself in this field.

However, shopping malls are like battlefields. Liu Bo understood this well and began to borrow a lot of money, obtaining funds from banks under various names. His business expanded rapidly, involving a variety of industries such as real estate.

In just a few years, Liu Bo, who is only 30 years old, has become one of the multimillionaires, which is undoubtedly an eye-popping achievement in that era when "10,000 yuan households" are still rare.

Liu Bo's rise is like a dazzling meteor across the night sky. His intellect, drive and ambition paved the way for him to the pinnacle of business. However, is the end of this road really as bright as he expected? Over time, the answer will eventually be revealed.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

Liu Bo, who has been up and down in the business world for many years, although his net worth has reached 10 million, he has always felt that he lacks a kind of social recognition. What he longed for was not only the status of a businessman, but also the reputation of a "Confucian merchant".

With this in mind, Liu Bo began to plan a grand cultural project, "The Collection of Books".

This ambitious project aims to bring together classic works from ancient and modern times, both Chinese and foreign, into a single volume. Liu Bo invested 10 million as start-up capital, an astonishing figure, enough to show his determination.

He invited more than 2,000 experts and scholars at home and abroad to participate in the work of collating manuscripts.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

However, Liu Bo knows that a great book needs not only content, but also a resounding name. He set his sights on the master of the academic world, Mr. Ji Xianlin.

The addition of Ji Xianlin will undoubtedly add unparalleled weight to this series of books.

With sincere respect and generous funds, Liu Bo visited Ji Xianlin. Although Ji Xianlin had insight into the essence of Liu Bo's businessman, he was moved by this grand plan and finally nodded in agreement.

This move laid a solid academic foundation for the "Inherited Books".

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

But Liu's ambitions didn't stop there. He decided to follow Ji Xianlin to pursue a doctorate, trying to make a career in both business and academia. Although Ji Xianlin no longer recruits doctoral students, he gave Liu Bo a chance: if he can be admitted to Peking University, he will accept him as a student.

Liu Bo's perseverance is once again amazing. He was really admitted to Peking University through his own efforts and became Ji Xianlin's close disciple. This experience not only enriched Liu Bo's knowledge, but also added an academic aura to his business empire.

The marketing strategy of "The Book Collection" can be called the pinnacle of Liu Bo's business talent. He positioned this set of books as a high-end product, and each set sold for nearly 100,000 yuan. In order to increase his value, he first gave books to celebrities for free, and then used his connections in the media to carry out large-scale publicity.

This limited edition series eventually sold 5,000 copies. Although half of the stock is still in stock, considering the high price of each volume, Liu Bo has already won a big victory.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

According to statistics, this successful marketing campaign brought him a net profit of 200 million yuan, and at the same time won him the coveted reputation of "Confucian businessman".

During this period, Liu Bo seemed to be standing at the pinnacle of his life. He has both a successful career in business and an academic career. However, the wheel of fate is always unpredictable.

Will this good time of fame and fortune become the last glory of his life? The answer will soon be revealed.

While Liu Bo's career was in full swing, his personal life also ushered in a dramatic turn. At the age of 34, he met the popular actress Xu Qing, and a sensational relationship began.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

Xu Qing is not only a star on the screen, but also a "princess" from a prominent background. Her father was Marshal He Long's personal bodyguard, her mother was the chief dancer of the Song and Dance Troupe of the General Political Department, and many relatives in the family served as diplomats.

Such a family background is in stark contrast to Liu Bo's grassroots background.

However, love knows no class. Liu Bo and Xu Qing fell in love at first sight and fell in love in just one week. For the sake of this relationship, Liu Bo made an amazing decision - he resolutely abandoned his original wife and children and devoted all his enthusiasm to his relationship with Xu Qing.

In order to give Xu Qing a warm love nest, Liu Bo spent 30 million yuan to buy a luxury villa in Beijing. His generosity didn't stop there. In order to please his sweetheart, Liu Bo spared no expense to invite more than 20 well-known photographers at home and abroad to take a photo album for Xu Qing, and even invited the literary master Yu Qiuyu to write a preface for him.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

In those sweet days, Liu Bo and Xu Qing were like the protagonists in a fairy tale. They recited poems and painted in the mansion and spent a good time together. Xu Qing also put down her star figure and personally cooked food for Liu Bo.

The happy smiles of the two frequently appeared in front of the media cameras, becoming the focus of envy of everyone.

However, this seemingly perfect love is built on a huge lie. In Xu Qing's eyes, Liu Bo is not the rich man rumored by the outside world, but a simple and low-key doctor of Peking University and a proud protégé of Ji Xianlin.

Little did she know that Liu Bo's wealth came from huge debts and high-risk investments.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

This vigorous relationship finally broke down. Before Liu Bo got into trouble, the two had broken up peacefully. Despite this, Xu Qing later said in an interview that she never regretted falling in love with Liu Bo, and even said such embarrassing words as "If he were still in the world, I might choose to marry him".

Liu Bo's emotional experience is like a microcosm of his life - under the glamorous surface, there are unspeakable hidden worries. He paid a huge price for love, but in the end, he couldn't escape the end of his dream.

This experience may also have laid the groundwork for the tragedy of his future life.

In 2003, cracks began to appear in Mr. Liu's carefully constructed business empire. This once powerful business elite is now facing the biggest crisis in his life.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

The police summoned Liu Bo on suspicion of fraud, and at the same time, a suffocating figure surfaced - 4 billion yuan. That's the huge amount of debt Liu Bo owes to major banks, not to mention the countless other forms of guarantee liability.

In the face of such a huge debt, even a shopping mall veteran such as Liu Bo has felt unprecedented pressure. His business empire is like a castle built on the sand, seemingly glorious, but in fact crumbling.

Years of high-risk investments and massive borrowing finally exploded at this moment.

In a desperate situation, Liu Bo made a decision that would change his life - to escape. He left China on the pretext of going to Japan for medical treatment, and never set foot on his homeland again.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

What was once a high-spirited business wizard is now a fugitive from the world.

In his days abroad, did Liu Bo ever recall the trajectory of his life? Have you ever regretted your risky decision? These questions may never be answered.

But what is certain is that he must have experienced a huge drop from the clouds to the bottom.

In 2014, Interpol placed Liu on a red notice. This means that he will face hunting all over the world. What was once a business elite is now a fugitive in hiding.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

Liu Bo's life fell from the altar in this way and became a sad warning record.

In 2017, Liu Bo, who was adrift overseas, passed away quietly in a foreign country at the age of 53. This once genius boy and business wizard finally ended his legendary life in such a sad way.

Liu Bo's story has left us with a profound inspiration: if talent is used properly, it can achieve brilliance; If it is used to defraud others, it will come at a heavy cost. His life is like a flash in the pan, gorgeous but fleeting.

Today, Liu Bo has been dead for many years, but his story is still being discussed. Some people lament his talent and sigh that such a business wizard ended up like this; Some criticized him for his fraud, believing that he was to blame for his end; There are also people who lament the impermanence of fate and think about the true meaning of the value of life.

Liu Bo: At the age of 14, he was admitted to Wuhan University, and at the age of 34, he cheated on Xu Qing, making 200 million yuan but became a wanted criminal

In any case, Liu Bo's life has staged a great drama for us about talent, ambition, love and destruction. His story reminds us that talent is important, but integrity and integrity are just as important.

The life of this tragic figure is worth pondering.

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