
The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

author:Dongdong speaks of ancient and modern
The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?
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The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

On an ordinary street in Sichuan Province, the eyes of passers-by are invariably attracted by a special figure. It was a boy who looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, but his face was covered with criss-crossed tattoos, which formed a strong contrast with his immature age.

This boy named Xia Chaoyong uses his appearance to tell an untold story.

People stopped to watch, their eyes filled with surprise and confusion. Some people whispered, some shook their heads and sighed, and more people were curious about the story behind this teenager.

Xia Chaoyong walked quietly on the street, as if he was used to the reactions of the people around him. His eyes revealed complex emotions, including rebellion, helplessness, and a hint of imperceptible loneliness.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

This 14-year-old boy seems to have experienced a life unimaginable to ordinary people.

In 2006, in a poor town in Sichuan Province, Xia Chaoyong was born. However, the world did not prepare warm gifts for his arrival. For as long as he can remember, Xiao Chaoyong has lived in a family full of quarrels and violence.

His father had a short temper and yelled at his family; The mother is often out of control due to mental illness, and the atmosphere in the home is always shrouded in a layer of gloom.

Xiao Chaoyong curled up in the corner, covering his ears with his immature hands, trying to block out the harsh quarrels. He longs for the love of his parents, but he can only find a gap in the endless disputes.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

Despite this, this stubborn little boy still struggles to grow up in this thorn.

Fate always seems to refuse to give up. When Xia Chaoyong was 4 years old, his mother suddenly ran away from home, leaving a wound that could not be healed. Soon after, the father brought back a new woman.

Xiao Chaoyong naively thought that maybe this "new mother" could bring some joy to the family. However, reality shattered his illusions severely.

The stepmother had no mercy for the non-biological child, and abuse soon became a part of Xiao Chaoyong's daily life. What's even more heart-wrenching is that in the face of his stepmother's behavior, his father chose to watch coldly.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

Xiao Chaoyong began to understand how insignificant he was in this family.

In this dark world, the only light came from his grandmother. This gray-haired old man walks 11 kilometers of mountain roads every day to send Xiao Chaoyong to school.

On the winding and rugged mountain paths, the grandparents and grandchildren depend on each other. Grandmother's wrinkled face always had a kind smile on her face, giving Xiao Chaoyong the only warmth and strength.

However, even at school, Xiao Chaoyong failed to find peace. He became the target of bullying by his classmates, and his originally cheerful and lively personality gradually became taciturn.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

Whenever the school bell rings and the other children run to the arms of their families with joy, Xiao Chaoyong is always alone, silently waiting for his grandmother's arrival.

In this way, in the indifference of the family, the abuse of the stepmother, and the bullying of classmates, Xia Chaoyong's childhood was like a nightmare with no end in sight. A wall was built inside him to keep everyone out.

The once innocent little boy gradually disappeared in the grinding of the years, and was replaced by a teenager who was wary and distrustful of the world.

Such a growth environment is like a time bomb, buried in Xia Chaoyong's heart. It will one day explode and push this young life to make a life-changing decision.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

When Xia Chaoyong was 11 years old, the long-standing pain finally reached a critical point. One cold night, he quietly packed up his few belongings and gently pushed the door open.

Looking back at this place full of painful memories, Xia Chaoyong gritted his teeth and embarked on an unknown escape path.

Xia Chaoyong, who stepped into society for the first time, soon encountered a survival dilemma. He had a pitiful amount of change in his pocket, which was quickly spent. With no identification, no livelihood skills, this skinny figure looks out of place in an unfamiliar city.

Hunger became his regular visitor. Xia Chaoyong began a life of begging, living under the eyes of strangers with pity or disgust. When begging couldn't fill his stomach, he had to rummage through garbage heaps for food scraps.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

Every bite is accompanied by a collapse of self-esteem. When night comes, the park benches and the shadows under the bridges become his shelters. Cold, hunger, and fear are his companions every night.

During these difficult days, Xia Chaoyong traveled to many places and finally came to Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province. This bustling city has given this rural teenager infinite impact and yearning.

The bustling crowd on the streets, the colorful neon lights, and the various alluring aromas in the air all made Xia Chaoyong feel both novel and terrifying.

In Chengdu, Xia Chaoyong came into contact with tattoo culture by chance. The patterns that were permanently left on his skin seemed to give him the illusion of being in control of his own destiny. He began to develop a strong interest in tattoos, although he did not know it at the time, and this interest would completely change the course of his life in the future.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, when Xia Chaoyong was passing the time in an Internet café with the help of free WiFi, the patrolling police noticed the young man with a young face.

Out of duty, they contacted Xia Chaoyong's father.

When his father rushed to the Internet café, Xia Chaoyong had a glimmer of hope in his heart. Maybe the father will forgive himself for missing him? Maybe this encounter will be able to repair their broken relationship? Once again, however, reality ruthlessly shattered his illusions.

When the father saw his son, instead of showing the slightest concern, he became furious. In full view of everyone, he brutally tied Xia Chaoyong to the back seat of the motorcycle, ignored the exclamations of the people around him, and galloped away.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

This scene not only shocked everyone present, but also left an eternal shadow on Xia Chaoyong's young heart.

This cruel treatment not only left a deep scar on Xia Chaoyong's back, but also deepened his despair for his family. The wounds healed a little, and he fled again, this time, he vowed in his heart that he would never look back.

In the days that followed, Xia Chaoyong experienced more hardships and even suffered a near-fatal kidnapping. But with his wit and the acumen he honed on the streets, he finally escaped.

This experience made him realize that he had to become stronger and more vigilant in this complex world.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

In this way, a teenager who was supposed to study happily on campus continued to struggle and grow in the cruel reality. Each blow hardened his mind and kept him further and further away from the normal track of life.

During his wandering journey, 12-year-old Xia Chaoyong met a skilled tattoo artist. This encounter seemed to be arranged by fate, bringing a dramatic turn to the trajectory of his life.

The tattoo artist was keenly aware of the enthusiasm for the art of tattooing in the eyes of the teenager and did not hesitate to extend an olive branch to him and invite him to become an apprentice. For Xia Chaoyong, who had nowhere to go, this was undoubtedly a rare opportunity, and he gladly accepted it.

From then on, Xia Chaoyong began his tattoo journey. At first, he just experimented with simple patterns on his arms and legs. The pain of every needle tip piercing his skin made him feel a strange relief.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

Over time, his body was gradually covered with various intricate tattoos. In the end, even his face was not spared. Those intricate patterns seem to tell his inner story, his rebellion against the past, and his hope for the future.

However, these tattoos also presented him with a new dilemma. People began to look at him in strange eyes, and some even avoided him. What was once a fair-skinned and immature boy has now become a formidable existence.

In the conservative atmosphere of his hometown, Xia Chaoyong felt more and more uncomfortable.

With a yearning for a wider world, Xia Chaoyong decided to go to a more inclusive big city. He chose Shanghai in the hope of finding his place in this cosmopolitan city.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

Covered in tattoos and looking forward to the future, he stepped on the train heading north.

In Shanghai, Xia Chaoyong unexpectedly discovered another talent of his own - short video creation. At first, he tried to live stream on the online platform out of curiosity.

Unexpectedly, his unique appearance and tortuous experience quickly attracted a lot of attention. From a homeless teenager who no one cared about, he turned into a well-known Internet celebrity.

During this time, Xia Chaoyong tasted success for the first time. His monthly income reached 20,000 yuan, which is undoubtedly a huge amount of money for a teenager who once struggled with food and clothing.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

The sudden wealth made Xia Chaoyong a little overwhelmed. He began to indulge in a lavish lifestyle, as if to make amends for the sufferings of the past once and for all.

However, the good times were short-lived. Due to some misconduct, it may be that the content is not suitable or violates the rules of the platform, Xia Chaoyong's account was closed. Overnight, he was back to nothing.

He has no education, no skills, and tattoos all over his face make it difficult for him to find a normal job. What was once a brief splendor seemed like a dream.

Standing on the bustling streets of Shanghai, Xia Chaoyong felt unprecedentedly lost. His life seems to be an absurd drama, from a child from a poor family, to a homeless teenager, to an Internet celebrity, and finally back to the original point.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

Those tattoos, which were once his weapon against fate, have now become the biggest obstacle to his integration into society.

Xia Chaoyong began to question his choice. Those patterns that are deeply embedded in his skin are his talismans or shackles? He longs for change, but doesn't know where to start.

Just as he was about to fall into despair again, the gods of fate seemed to favor him again, and an unexpected person reached out to his aid.

Just when Xia Chaoyong was at a low point in his life, a tattoo cleaning master named Li Wei appeared. Li Wei happened to see Xia Chaoyong's story on the Internet and was deeply touched by this young man's experience.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

As a professional tattoo cleaner, Li Wei is well aware of the negative effects that tattoos can have on minors. He is determined to lend a helping hand and help the lost teenager make a fresh start.

With the help of Li Wei, Xia Chaoyong came to Qingdao. The tranquility and inclusiveness of this seaside city gave him a respite. With the assistance of a team of professionals at the local hospital, Xia Chaoyong began the lengthy process of tattoo removal.

The process is not easy. Each laser treatment is accompanied by severe pain, as if you are reliving the pain of the original tattoo. But this time, there is hope in the pain.

Xia Chaoyong gritted his teeth and persevered, because he knew that this might be his only chance to take off the shackles he had put on himself.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

After months of hard work, most of the tattoos on Xia Chaoyong's face were successfully removed. While there are still some marks that need to be covered up with concealer, his appearance has changed drastically.

When he first saw his rejuvenated self in the mirror, tears flowed uncontrollably.

In this process, Li Wei not only gave Xia Chaoyong technical help, but also gave him emotional support. A deep relationship was established between them, and Li Wei even regarded Xia Chaoyong as his own.

This unexpected warmth made Xia Chaoyong truly feel the love of his family for the first time.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

Xia Chaoyong, who was reborn, seemed to see the dawn of hope. He began to plan his future and think about how to reintegrate into society. Li Wei also expressed his willingness to continue to support him and help him find a suitable job or continue his studies.

However, fate always seems to like to joke. Just when everyone thought that Xia Chaoyong had finally ushered in a turning point, he made a puzzling decision that once again made his life trajectory take a sharp turn.

To everyone's surprise, after successfully removing most of the tattoos, Xia Chaoyong came up with the idea of getting tattoos again. He decided to travel to Beijing in search of a new tattoo opportunity.

This decision was like a bombshell, causing huge shocks and controversies around him.

The 14-year-old boy was kicked out of the house by his father with a tattoo on his face, and he couldn't find his class, is he okay now?

One can't help but ask: what drives a newborn teenager to embark on this thorny path again? Behind this decision, is it rebellion, or is it some kind of attachment to the self? Perhaps, for Xia Chaoyong, tattoos are not just a decoration, but an identity and a way of survival.

Xia Chaoyong's story is not only a personal tragedy, but also triggers us to think deeply about many issues such as minor education, family relationships, and social tolerance.

In addition to criticism and questioning, do we need more understanding and care to warm those lost souls? How should society help marginalized teenagers like Xia Chaoyong to find their place again? These questions are worth pondering for everyone.

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