
The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

author:Dongdong speaks of ancient and modern
The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter
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The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

In June 2022, a peaceful cemetery in Jiangxi Province was suddenly shattered. Xu Xiaoqin, a mother who has experienced many vicissitudes, is standing in front of her husband's grave, her eyes full of pain and determination.

With trembling hands, she directed the excavator to slowly approach the tombstone. The surrounding workers looked at each other, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

Xu Xiaoqin took a deep breath and said softly, "I'm sorry, Lao Yang, forgive me for being selfish." Then, she nodded firmly and motioned for the workers to get to work.

As the first shovel of soil was lifted, Xu Xiaoqin's tears finally burst out of the embankment.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

Behind this seemingly incredible move is a mother's persistence and despair for 11 years. Xu Xiaoqin's trip was for one purpose: to remove her husband's remains and extract DNA samples to increase her hopes of finding her missing daughter, Yang Ziyi.

At this moment, her heart was bleeding, but she still held on to the faint light of hope.

May 2011 was supposed to be an ordinary day. Thirteen-year-old Yang Ziyi, as usual, got up from the warm bed in the morning light.

She quickly groomed and pulled her jet-black hair up in the air, revealing a childish and bright smile. At this time, she did not know that this would be the last time she would be at home preparing for school.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

Xu Xiaoqin had already gone out to work, and Yang Ziyi locked the door of the house alone and set foot on the way to school. Her brisk footsteps echoed through the streets of Leadshan County, Jiangxi Province, passing by the elderly who were exercising in the morning and the office workers who were hurrying away.

On the way, she came to her friend Wang Tingting's house as usual, but found that the other party was still asleep.

Yang Ziyi, who continued to move forward, received a call from her classmate Zhang Bei, and after a brief conversation between the two, she dialed Zhang Bei's number again and asked for help to bring some breakfast. This ordinary phone call turned out to be Yang Ziyi's last communication record.

When the morning dawn gradually rose, the classroom was full, but Yang Ziyi's place was empty. At first, her classmates thought she was just late, but as time passed, unease began to creep through the class.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

Until noon, Yang Ziyi still did not appear, and her mobile phone was never connected.

At the same time, Xu Xiaoqin was nervous at home. She had already prepared a delicious lunch for her daughter, but she couldn't wait for the door to open. Her inner anxiety drove her to call her daughter's phone, only to hear a cold shutdown tone.

Finally, the call from the school teacher shattered Xu Xiaoqin's last luck. "Yang Ziyi didn't come to school today, and her classmates said they didn't see her." This sentence was like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly pushing Xu Xiaoqin into boundless panic.

Suddenly, Xu Xiaoqin felt that the world was spinning. She held on to her trembling body and immediately rushed to the police station to report the crime. As she ran, her daughter's smiling face kept flashing in her mind, praying in her heart that it was all just a misunderstanding.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

The reality is far more cruel than imagined. A preliminary police investigation revealed that Ms. Yang was likely kidnapped. This bad news was like a hammer, knocking Xu Xiaoqin down in the abyss of despair.

In this way, an ordinary school day turned out to be the last recorded day in Yang Ziyi's life, and it also became the starting point of Xu Xiaoqin's long road to find a girl.

The news of Yang Ziyi's disappearance was like a hammer, completely shattering Xu Xiaoqin's life. However, in the midst of great grief, she did not choose to give up, but resolutely embarked on the arduous road of finding a woman.

Xu Xiaoqin decisively put down her work and devoted all her energy to the search for her daughter. She joined a team of anti-abduction volunteers and began a long and difficult journey.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

From Jiangxi to Guangdong, and then to Fujian, Xu Xiaoqin's footprints have spread to many provinces and cities.

Every time she goes to a city, Xu Xiaoqin will choose the most prosperous area to "set up a stall". She tirelessly recounted her daughter's story to passers-by, hoping to find even the slightest clue.

Most of the time, she can only receive sympathetic glances and kind blessings.

The long-term rush has gradually overdrawn Xu Xiaoqin's body. Her once-sturdy legs became heavy, and every step felt like pins and needles. Eventually, doctors diagnosed her with severe necrosis of the femoral heads in both legs, which could have been devastating if left untreated.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

Faced with high surgical fees, Xu Xiaoqin was in a dilemma. Over the years, she has spent all her savings on finding her daughter, and now she struggles to finance even the most basic medical expenses.

However, she knew that she could only continue to search for her daughter if she remained in good health.

On this long road, Xu Xiaoqin has also encountered heartbreaking misunderstandings. In 2014, Yang Ziyi's QQ account was suddenly launched in Hunan.

Xu Xiaoqin was overjoyed and immediately contacted the police to go to the location location. However, what awaits her is another cruel disappointment - it turns out that someone has stolen her daughter's account.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

From ecstasy to despair, Xu Xiaoqin's heart was ruthlessly torn apart again.

Despite the difficulties, Xu Xiaoqin never gave up hope. She insisted on tidying up her daughter's room every day, as if Yang Ziyi might push the door in at any time. Her daughter's comb has become her most precious treasure, and whenever she misses it, she will gently stroke the comb, as if she can feel her daughter's temperature.

In order to expand the dissemination of missing person information, Xu Xiaoqin also tried new methods such as live webcasting. She learned how to use a smartphone and post missing person videos on major social media platforms.

From 7 p.m. to 1 p.m., no matter how small or small the audience is, she will patiently tell the story of Yang Ziyi, hoping to arouse more people's attention.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

In the past ten years, Xu Xiaoqin has traveled all over the mountains and rivers, but she has never been able to get her wish. Her legs were scarred, and the wounds in her heart were even more difficult to heal. However, her eyes remained steadfast, because she knew that as long as there was a glimmer of hope, she would never give up looking for her daughter.

For Xu Xiaoqin, the road to find a woman is not only a physical trek, but also a spiritual baptism. Her story illustrates the greatness and tenacity of motherhood, and also arouses social attention to the problem of child trafficking.

Although Xu Xiaoqin's road to finding a woman is difficult, it is not lonely. As her story spread widely, more and more people were touched by this tenacious mother's love and reached out to help, injecting warmth into this long journey of searching.

In the days when Xu Xiaoqin was running around various cities, there were often enthusiastic citizens who took the initiative to help. Someone gave her directions, someone helped distribute leaflets, and someone offered free room and board.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

These seemingly insignificant kindnesses are like starlight in the dark, illuminating Xu Xiaoqin's way forward.

The support of the volunteer team has given Xu Xiaoqin great strength. These volunteers not only assisted her in conducting field searches, but also taught her how to use online resources more effectively to expand the scope of searching.

Their professional knowledge and rich experience have provided valuable guidance for Xu Xiaoqin's search for women.

With the popularity of the Internet, Xu Xiaoqin's story has attracted widespread attention on the Internet. When she needed a high-cost surgery due to illness, netizens spontaneously organized a fundraiser.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

In just a few days, the cost of the surgery was raised. This love from strangers not only solved Xu Xiaoqin's urgent needs, but also gave her the courage and strength to continue searching.

The power of social media has played a huge role in this search for women. Every time Xu Xiaoqin releases a missing person video, it will be forwarded and shared by countless netizens. Some netizens even spontaneously organized "online searching" activities, using big data technology to assist in searching for possible clues.

This modern way of tracing people greatly expands the scope and efficiency of searching.

What's even more gratifying is that some parents who have experienced similar experiences and successfully recovered their children have also joined in to help. They not only shared their experience with Xu Xiaoqin and gave them moral support, but also called for "no abduction in the world" on various occasions, which aroused widespread concern in society about the problem of child abduction and trafficking.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

These success stories give Xu Xiaoqin hope and make her believe that a miracle will come one day.

Xu Xiaoqin is faced with a difficult choice: should she continue to endure severe pain to find her daughter, or should she pause the search for surgery? This decision kept her awake at night and struggled internally.

She is well aware that every day of delay may miss the opportunity to find her daughter, but a colleague's words woke her up: "Only a healthy body can continue to search."

With the help of all walks of life, Xu Xiaoqin successfully completed the operation. Even during the postoperative recovery period, she did not stop looking for a girl. Lying on the hospital bed, she still insisted on recording and posting a video of looking for her daughter, telling her thoughts about her daughter in a weak voice.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

After recovery, Xu Xiaoqin seems to have gained a new life. She learned to use the live broadcast platform, and every night from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., she tirelessly told netizens the story of Yang Ziyi.

Her persistence has touched countless people, and more and more netizens have joined the ranks of looking for Yang Ziyi.

Xu Xiaoqin, who stood up again, had a more determined look in her eyes than ever. She said: "As long as I have a breath left, I will never give up looking for Ziyi."

This renewed power gave her new hope in her search for a woman.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

Xu Xiaoqin's search for a woman continues. After the surgery, she returned to the search with a stronger will. She insists on posting missing person information on social platforms every day, hoping to expand the search scope through the power of the Internet.

Attention from all walks of life to Yang Ziyi's case is still high. The media reports on the latest developments from time to time, and the volunteer team continues to provide support. This seemingly personal tragedy has actually aroused the public's deep thinking about the problem of child trafficking.

At the same time, parents such as Guo Gangtang and Sun Haiyang who have successfully recovered their children are also constantly calling for stronger anti-trafficking efforts to prevent tragedies from occurring.

Their stories gave Xu Xiaoqin great encouragement.

The woman opened the coffin to take the DNA of her husband's remains, and her legs were damaged for many years, just wanting to find her abducted daughter

Although Yang Ziyi's whereabouts are still unknown, Xu Xiaoqin and all those who care about this case are hopeful and looking forward to the day of reunion as soon as possible. This unfinished story is the epitome of thousands of families looking forward to reunion.

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