
The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

author:A small space in Aoyama

"Cheng Huan Ji" began with a family banquet full of gunpowder between the Xin family and the Mai family, which was thought to be just an ordinary family gathering, but it unexpectedly became a stage for Xin Jiali to show arrogance.

As soon as Xin Jiali appeared as the eldest daughter of the Xin family, she immediately became the focus of the audience. Her words were sharp and with contemptuous eyes, and her dislike for the Mai family was clear. She laughed at the Mai family for being restless and trying to climb the high branches, and her expression was enough to form a complete set of mocking emojis.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

Xin Jiali's words and deeds seemed to be shouting silently: "What kind of thing is your Mai family, and you are worthy of marrying our Xin family?" "。

The development of the plot reveals the true face of Mak Chenghuan's mother, Liu Wanyu. When her daughter gets the inheritance, she is arrogant in the hotel, causing trouble, showing off her wealth, showing the appearance of a villain.

He Saifei's superb acting skills make the characteristics of this character vividly depicted, and the image of an ordinary person who gets carried away after winning the lottery or suddenly getting rich is perfectly presented, and every time she appears, the audience's blood pressure seems to rise.

In contrast, the performance of Yao Zhiming, the actor in the play, is particularly eye-catching. He did not receive the greatest inheritance from his own grandmother, but he behaved very decently. He not only accepted this arrangement, but also offered to get along with Mak Chenghuan.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

As time passed, the relationship between the two was also quietly heating up.

This family dinner not only shows the personality characteristics of the characters, but also lays the groundwork for the later plot. On the surface, Xin Jiali seems to be a careless and inexplicable person, but in fact, her words and deeds have deep meanings.

This seemingly ordinary family gathering is actually a well-designed prologue, and the real drama has just begun.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

As the plot of "Cheng Huan Ji" deepens day by day, family relationships have become dazzling, and the essence of each character is gradually revealed in the seemingly trivial life. These complex family relationships are like a mirror, clearly showing the different shades of human nature.

Mak Chenghuan's mother, Liu Wanyu, seems to have become unrecognizable after her daughter received the inheritance. She was full of ambition in the hotel, pointing fingers, and the villain's triumphant appearance made people frown.

He Saifei's superb acting skills vividly interpret this role, every time she appears, the audience's blood pressure seems to rise, if it were not for the fact that she is the protagonist's mother, the audience would even worry that she might fall into the "pig killing plate" and pit all the inheritance of the Mai family.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

Their behavior is in stark contrast, one is Mai Chenghuan, who is frustrated on the surface, and the other is Yao Zhiming, who accepts calmly and treats feelings sincerely. Although Yao Zhiming did not receive his grandmother's largest share of the inheritance, he behaved unusually well.

Not only did he accept this arrangement, but he also offered to get along with Mai Chenghuan as time went by, and the relationship between the two was quietly heating up, showing a healthy and positive relationship.

However, the sister-brother relationship between Mak Chengzao and Mao Yongxin has brought controversy to the family. The development of this relationship is relatively sudden, and the lack of details makes it difficult for the audience to resonate.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

Mao Yongxin was divorced as soon as she appeared, but Mak Chengzao showed an extremely affectionate appearance, and the audience couldn't see the foundation of their previous relationship, nor did they have any sense of substitution, and this relationship seemed a little inexplicable.

Mai Chengzao played by Zhang Yao, although his acting skills are a little jerky, his image is quite in line with the young man who has just graduated. Mao Yongxin played by Xu Lingyue, as a full-time housewife divorced setting, her clothes are fashionable and young, with temperament, and Mai Chengzao is a good match, but the plot support is not enough, and this relationship drama seems a bit far-fetched.

In this intricate family relationship, Xin Jiali's performance is different. seems to be reckless and speaks nonsense, but in fact, his heart is extremely clear and calm. From ridiculing the Mai family at the beginning, to later co-planning the marriage banquet with Mai Chenghuan's mother, every step she took was full of deep meaning.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

These intricate family relationships deeply show the greed, generosity, rebellion and tolerance of human nature. Everyone is running for their own interests, but only Xin Jiali can always stay awake in the chaos and become the final winner.

This plot not only enriches the content of "Chenghuan Ji", but also lays the groundwork for subsequent development.

The plot of "Cheng Huan Ji" ushered in a major turning point at this stage. The Xin family, who thought it was smooth sailing, is now in a crisis and has to use money to ask for help from the Mai family, who was once looked down upon by them.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

This turn of events can't help but remind people of the tricks of fate and make people deeply feel that the world is impermanent.

The Xin family's business was in dire straits and had to seek help from Mak Chenghuan. This plot reveals the real problems faced by the family business, and also reflects the elevation of Mak Chenghuan's status after inheriting the inheritance.

For Xin Jiali, in the face of this dilemma, although she still maintains a sense of superiority on the surface, she has begun to re-evaluate the value of Mak Chenghuan in her heart.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

However, the real turning point came at the moment when Xin was hospitalized. When Mr. Xin faced a high-risk operation, Mak Chenghuan decisively signed his name on the surgical consent form.

This move not only showed Mai Chenghuan's courage and responsibility, but also won the favor of Mr. Xin, making her gain a firm foothold in the Xin family.

Xin Jiali stood at the center of these events, her eyes were complicated, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. In the eyes of outsiders, this may be a crisis for the Xin family, but in the eyes of Xin Jiali, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

She seemed to have anticipated all of this and was making her own plans in private.

This stage of the plot development not only shows the challenges faced by the family business, but also reveals the complex reactions of human nature in the face of profit. The rise of Mai Chenghuan, the crisis of the Xin family, and Xin Jiali's secret planning all indicate the development of the plot in the future.

This series of events is tantamount to the best stage for Xin Jiali to show her extraordinary talent. What kind of wisdom and scheming is hidden under her seemingly courageous exterior, which is gradually being revealed.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

In the plot development of "Cheng Huan Ji", Xin Jiali's wisdom and skill are gradually revealed. In the midst of a series of crises, she showed astonishing insight and resourcefulness, and the way she responded showed her skill.

When Xin Jiali learned that Xiao San was pregnant and broke into Xin's house, the whole family panicked. However, Xin Jiali surprisingly remained calm. She did not commit violence against Xiao San, but vented her anger on Mai Chenghuan.

It seemed impulsive, but it was actually a deliberate decision she made.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

Xin Jiali thought far-reachingly, she knew that if she hurt the pregnant mistress, she would only let the other party take the opportunity to win sympathy. On the contrary, looking for Mai Chenghuan to vent his anger can not only vent his emotions, but also will not bring any negative impact.

Just like the original text: "After beating the pregnant junior, the junior can sell even more miserably, and when the time comes, they have a family of three, and there will be no chance" This move can be described as extremely clever.

Subsequently, Xin Jiali and Mak Chenghuan's mother carefully planned a wedding banquet. It seems to be just a celebration, but in fact it is a scam carefully set up by Xin Jiali. She invited everyone and pushed Mai Chenghuan and Xin Jialiang to the front of the stage.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

As the original text said: "If Mai Chenghuan agrees, she will have a brother and daughter-in-law who has a soft personality and can handle it; If you don't agree, it's the current plot, Mr. Xin couldn't stand the stimulation in the first place, and directly caused hemiplegia due to illness.

Xin Jiali is worthy of being a family elite with both wisdom and skill. She makes dangerous moves, but she can do it step by step, and she is extremely accurate. With her own strategies and means, she successfully solved the problem of the junior and created a situation in her favor through the marriage banquet.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

This series of events shows the shrewd calculation behind Xin Jiali's seemingly rampage. Behind her innocent eyes, the hidden thoughts are probably only known to herself. Her behavior shows how a wise woman can use her wisdom to maximize her own interests in family disputes.

Her performance, as the title of the article says: "She who seems to be on a rampage, and her IQ is not online, is the real winner."

The plot of "The Legend of Cheng Huan" took a dramatic turn at this stage. Xin Jiali's carefully planned wedding banquet was like a bombshell, completely changing the pattern of the family.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

As Xin Jiali expected, the marriage banquet intensified the family conflict and made a major change in the situation. Mr. Xin, who couldn't bear the stimulation, was aggravated by the stimulation of this banquet, and eventually became paralyzed.

This sudden event became the fuse for the change of the family pattern.

Xin Jialiang, the heir of the Xin family, who was originally given high hopes, became weak and weak, lost motivation, and fell into a depression after his father fell and lost his biggest supporter.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

He no longer had the strength to compete with Xin Jiali, and completely withdrew from the competition for family power.

At this critical moment, Xin's mother stepped forward and took over the company. On the surface, this could disrupt Xin's plans. But in reality, this creates a bigger opportunity for Xin.

As stated in the original article, "Xin Jialiang has lost his competitiveness. Her mother has entered her old age, and Xin Jiali is the only one who can support her in the future. "My mother was too old and frail to be a long-term leader in the company.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

As a result, Xin Jialiang's competitiveness was lost, and the company's future naturally fell on Xin Jiali's shoulders.

There was also an unexpected benefit to Xin's mother taking over the company. If her mother didn't let go of the divorce for a day, the mistress outside would be fine, and this move successfully prevented the mistress from entering the family further.

This turn of events is like a delicately designed chess game. Every step seems to be out of order, but in fact it is under Xin Jiali's control. What kind of schemes and calculations are hidden behind her seemingly innocent eyes, perhaps only she knows.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

In this family turmoil, Xin Jiali was originally just an outsider, but as things unfolded, she gradually became the core of the entire family. The wisdom and skill she showed became the secret of winning in this undercurrent family game.

Looking back on Xin Jiali's growth process in "Cheng Huan Ji", I can't help but sigh at the drama of fate. She has evolved from a young lady who was forced to marry high to a wise woman who can control the fate of the entire family, and Xin Jiali's process is a legend.

As described in the original article: "Xin Jiali's situation was actually quite bleak at the beginning, but after this operation, her life was really completely changed. She was given a cold reception by her in-laws because she married into a wealthy family, and she could only do nothing at home every day.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

What's more valuable is that Xin Jiali not only successfully took over the family business, but also completely got rid of the shackles of her in-laws. She doesn't have to cater to anyone anymore and can live life as much as she wants.

Ms. Sun's success is not accidental, but stems from her unique wisdom and courage. The calmness and sobriety she showed in the face of adversity is unimaginable, and her every decision is made after careful consideration.

She is like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, blooming the brightest light in the face of adversity.

The female characters in this drama "clearly fight for their own interests", which is really lovely. Xin Jiali's story is undoubtedly the most exciting stroke of "Cheng Huan Ji", and it is also the finishing touch of the whole drama.

The Great Reversal! "Chenghuan Ji" seems to be on a rampage, and she is the final winner when her IQ is not online

Her story shows how a smart woman can get the most out of herself in complex family relationships and become a real winner.