
5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

author:Buchanan Balls


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5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Text: Buchanan Balls

Edited by Buchanan Balls

Marriage should be the destination of love. But in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, the married life of some celebrity couples is jaw-dropping. Derailment? Doesn't matter! Sleeping in separate rooms? Be accustomed to something! Living together for 20 years without a license? So what!

Wait, did we misunderstand something? Could these seemingly deviant behaviors be just another way for celebrities to pursue true love?

Today, let's take a look at the married life of these "wonderful" celebrity couples and see what tricks they are playing. Perhaps, we can find some unexpected wisdom in marriage?

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Zhang Jiani buys chao: The dream of a wealthy family is shattered, and love has deteriorated

The love story of Zhang Jiani and Mai Chao has made many people envious. At that time, the two of them were simply a model couple in the entertainment industry!

But who would have thought that this pair of golden boys and girls would end up like this?

Back then, when Zhang Jiani first married into a wealthy family, it was called a spring breeze. gave birth to two cute babies for Mai Chao, and the little life was beautiful.

But the good times didn't last long, and this man who once swore that "only death can separate us" was actually revealed to be cheating!

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license
"I couldn't believe my eyes at the time," an insider broke the news, "Mai Chao and that girl spent 4 hours in the hotel, can this still be innocent?"

As soon as this news came out, the Internet was fried.

More than 70% of netizens expressed their disappointment with Maichao, believing that he had failed Zhang Jiani's trust.

But Zhang Jiani's response was unexpected: "I can afford to love it, and I can let it go." In just six words, she expressed her sadness and helplessness.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think that Zhang Jiani is too cowardly and should bravely stand up to defend his rights and interests: "What age is it, and you are still swallowing your anger?" Divorce! Hurry up!"

Some netizens also expressed their understanding of Zhang Jiani's choice: "She is the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family, and there are many things to consider." For the sake of the children, for the sake of the family, why put up with it?"

Some netizens think that the whole thing is full of commercial flavor: "Why do I think this is hype? For the sake of popularity, the current celebrities have made any tricks. "

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Some netizens even began to question the entire relationship between Zhang Jiani and Mai Chao: "Will it be fake from the beginning?" After all, the wealthy and the celebrities just take what they need. "

In the face of disturbing comments, Zhang Jiani has remained silent. But her silence has aroused public curiosity and speculation even more.

This wealthy marriage, which was once regarded as "inspirational", finally could not escape the fate of "car accident".

I have to say that the life of a wealthy family is really not easy. On the surface, it is glamorous, but behind the scenes, there are all kinds of dirty things. Zhang Jiani's experience may sober up many girls with "wealthy dreams", right?

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Rainie Yang and Li Ronghao: Sweet long-distance relationship, a new definition of love

If you want to say that the sweetest couple in the entertainment industry, Rainie Yang and Li Ronghao can definitely be ranked first. The love between these two people is so sweet that it hurts people's teeth!

However, their married life was unexpectedly "unusual".

Do you still remember Li Ronghao pulling Rainie Yang at the concert and "popping" her face? That scene, tsk, envy others!

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

On September 19, 2019, Rainie Yang announced in a high-profile manner that the two had obtained a license to get married. Since then, the couple's affection index has not dropped.

"Li Ronghao is really romantic," a friend in the circle revealed, "you know what? He persevered for ten years and posted a Weibo to Cheng Lin every year to celebrate her birthday. Moreover, he also wrote the song "Umezi Sauce" especially for her. It's so sweet!"

is such a sweet couple, but the life after marriage has surprised many people.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

First, they chose Dink. In this society where "raising children is everything", this decision is undoubtedly against the current.

Second, they live apart for many years. Rainie Yang is Taiwanese, and her career and family are there. Li Ronghao, on the other hand, is mainly active in the mainland.

According to statistics, the two get together less and leave more every year, and the average time they are apart is more than 300 days.

Such a way of life seems to many people to be incredible. But for Rainie Yang and Li Ronghao, this is the best state of their love.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens expressed their support: "This is the real love!" It's not about sticking together all day, it's about achieving each other and trusting each other. "

Some netizens also expressed concern about this: "Can a long-distance relationship really last long?" I'm afraid that after a long time, the feelings will slowly fade. "

Some netizens think this way of life is cool: "Don't be bound by tradition, live your own way, this is the real trend!"

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Some netizens even began to reflect on their own emotional outlook: "After reading their stories, I suddenly felt that love should not be bondage, but freedom."

In the face of various voices, Rainie Yang once said in an interview: "Our love does not need to be understood by others. The important thing is that we trust each other and support each other. "

The celebrity couple interpreted the phrase "love is not about giving up everything, but about achieving each other" with practical actions.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Their stories may give some inspiration to people who are in love or are married: love can take many forms, and the key is to find the one that suits you.

Tao Hong Xu Zheng: An open marriage in which each plays its own game

Speaking of Tao Hong and Xu Zheng, many people's first reaction may be: "Oh, it's that couple who 'play their own games'!"

That's right, this star couple who got married from "Spring Splendid Pig Bajie" can be said to be quite "avant-garde" in their lifestyle after marriage.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Recalling that year, the little dragon girl played by Tao Hong was smart and cute, and Zhu Bajie played by Xu Zheng was cute and cute. The two sparked in the play, and they also fell in love outside the play.

At that time, many people still felt that this was a bit inconsistent with CP: "Tao Hong is so beautiful, how can he fall in love with Xu Zheng's 'Zhu Bajie'?"

But it turns out that love is so wonderful. After the two got married, they were once regarded as a model couple in the entertainment industry.

However, over time, it became apparent that the couple's married life seemed to be a little "different".

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license
"Xu Zheng has been photographed sharing a room with beautiful women many times," an insider in the entertainment industry revealed, "and there is never a shortage of female companions in bar KTV." But the strange thing is that Tao Hong doesn't seem to care at all. "

According to incomplete statistics, Xu Zheng has been photographed at least 5 times in "intimate contact" with other women.

Faced with this situation, Tao Hong's attitude was surprisingly calm. She even said in an interview: "Marriage itself is a conspiracy, and there is a common will to move forward."

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

As soon as this sentence came out, netizens were stunned.

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens expressed puzzlement about Tao Hong's attitude: "This is too free, right?" Aren't you really jealous at all?"

Some netizens also think that this is a high-level marriage state: "Open marriage is very common abroad, maybe this is how they get along."

Some netizens expressed dissatisfaction with Xu Zheng's behavior: "No matter what kind of marriage it is, cheating is wrong." This is disrespectful to the partner. "

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Some netizens even began to wonder if this was a marketing tactic: "Could it be for hype?" For the sake of popularity, the current celebrities have made any tricks. "

In the face of disturbing comments, Tao Hong and Xu Zheng both chose to remain silent. But their silence seems to confirm the saying that "each plays his own game".

This kind of "open marriage" is still relatively rare in China, but here Tao Hong and Xu Zheng, it seems to have become a norm.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

I have to say that the woman behind the director is indeed very powerful. Tao Hong's way of doing things may make many people feel incredible. But who's to say it's not a form of wisdom?

Carina Lau and Tony Leung: A model couple who sleep in separate rooms

Speaking of Carina Lau and Tony Leung, they are the "fairy couple" in the entertainment industry! The love story of these two people can be made into an idol drama.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

However, their married life has once again refreshed people's perception of "happy marriage".

Recently, Carina Lau's news of celebrating Tony Leung's 62nd birthday has been on the hot search again. Looking at their still sweet interaction, many people sighed: "This is true love!"

But you know what? This couple, who are known as a model couple in the entertainment industry, have been sleeping in separate rooms since marriage!

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license
"Carina Lau has a serious cleanliness fetish," revealed a friend who knows the two well, "and even her best friend can't stand it." But Tony Leung has always tolerated her, and even offered to sleep in separate rooms. "

It is reported that the two have slept in separate rooms for more than 10 years, but their relationship has not diminished at all.

This way of life seems very strange to the outside world, but Carina Lau and Tony Leung enjoy it.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Carina Lau once said in an interview: "Chaowei knows me very well and takes care of my little emotions. We slept apart, but our hearts never separated. "

As soon as these words came out, it was really touching!

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens expressed great envy: "This is the real soul mate!" I don't care about the form, I only care about each other's feelings. "

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Some netizens also expressed puzzlement about this: "Won't sleeping in separate rooms affect the relationship?" I think it's safer to sleep together. "

Some netizens think this method is great: "Each has a private space and can maintain a relationship, which is simply the ideal state of marriage!"

Some netizens even began to reflect on their marriage: "After reading their stories, I suddenly thought, maybe my husband and I should also try to sleep in separate rooms?"

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

In the face of various voices, Tony Leung said lightly in an interview: "The most important thing in marriage is mutual understanding and respect. Our way may be unusual, but that's our happiness. "

This celebrity couple proved with practical actions that the happiness of marriage does not lie in the form, but in how close the hearts of two people are.

Their stories may give some inspiration to those who are struggling in marriage: don't be bound by traditional ideas, and find a way to get along with each other that suits you is the king.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Wu Junru Chen Kexin: Cohabitation for more than 20 years without a certificate

Speaking of Wu Junru and Chen Kexin, many people's first reaction may be: "Oh, it's the couple who have never been married!"

That's right, this old couple and wife, who have been in the entertainment industry for many years, still remain "unmarried".

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Recalling that year, Wu Junru appeared by chance in the movie directed by Chen Kexin. Who would have thought that this would be the right thing to see?

The two people slowly came into contact and gradually developed feelings. After the relationship was confirmed, they lived together in a high-profile manner.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

However, what everyone didn't expect was that they had lived here for more than 20 years, but there was no news of their marriage.

"Chen Kexin and Wu Junru have been living together for 23 years," an insider revealed, "They also have a lovely daughter." But it just doesn't get a certificate, which makes many people very puzzled. "

According to statistics, the time spent together by the two has exceeded the marriage age of 90% of married stars in the entertainment industry.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Naturally, this situation has led to a lot of speculation. Some people say that Chen Kexin is a "scumbag" and is unwilling to be responsible; Some people also say that Wu Junru is too casual and doesn't care about a certificate.

But the truth is unexpected. In an interview, Chen Kexin reluctantly said: "It is Wu Junru who doesn't want to get married, not me."

As soon as these words came out, it really surprised the people who eat melons!

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens expressed their support: "Marriage is just a piece of paper, the important thing is that two people are happy together."

Some netizens also expressed concern about this: "Will not getting a certificate affect the child?" After all, there is still a difference in law. "

Some netizens think this method is cool: "Don't be bound by tradition, live your own way, this is the real trend!"

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Some netizens even began to reflect on their own view of marriage: "After reading their stories, I suddenly felt that maybe marriage is really not necessary?"

In the face of disturbing comments, Wu Junru said with a smile in an interview: "Our relationship does not need to be proved by marriage. Whether there is a certificate or not, it does not affect our love. "

The celebrity couple interpreted the phrase "love is not a form, but each other's hearts" with practical actions.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Their stories may give some inspiration to those who are struggling with whether to get married: the form is not important, the important thing is whether two people really love each other.

Write at the end

Looking at the married life of these celebrity couples, we can't help but ask: what is a happy marriage?

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

Is it a wealthy marriage like Zhang Jiani and Mai Chao? Is it a long-distance relationship like Rainie Yang and Li Ronghao? Is it an open marriage like Tao Hong and Xu Zheng? Is it Carina Lau and Tony Leung sleeping in separate rooms? Or is it Wu Junru and Chen Kexin living together without a certificate?

The answer is probably that there is no standard answer.

Every couple has their own way of getting along, and as long as they are happy with each other, it is the best marriage.

5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

These seemingly "wonderful" celebrity couples actually gave us a vivid marriage lesson. They told us:

  1. Marriage is not a bondage, but a mutual fulfillment.
  2. Love can come in many forms, but the key is to find the one that suits you.
  3. Mutual understanding and respect are more important than formality.
  4. Don't be bound by traditional ideas, and have the courage to explore the way that suits you.
  5. The essence of love is the proximity of two hearts, not the outward form.
5 celebrity couples have a strange life after marriage, it doesn't matter if they cheat, they still sleep in separate rooms, and they live together for 20 years without a license

So, shouldn't we be more open about marriage? Isn't it time to step out of the traditional box and find a way to get along that really suits you?

What do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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