
Mandarin is popular, why learn Cantonese?

author:Five sheep city


I often hear a saying that everyone just speaks Mandarin, how convenient it is to communicate! Why is there any need for the next generation to learn Cantonese?

If we simply consider the communication function, in fact, we can use English directly, and we don't even need to learn Mandarin in a minute, is it more convenient to communicate with countries around the world?

However, the function and meaning of language have many aspects, in addition to being a tool for communication, it is also a carrier of culture, and it is also the identity of ethnic groups.

Mandarin is popular, why learn Cantonese?

As Cantonese has a longer history, the pronunciation is more varied, the vocabulary is richer, and the expression will be more precise and vivid, which can be seen from the football commentary alone.

And the Chinese culture we often talk about is not only Mandarin culture, because the history of Mandarin is only a few decades, just like Tang and Song poems, and even Lu Xun and Zhu Ziqing's articles, they are definitely not written in Mandarin. Therefore, more culture is carried by the languages of various ethnic groups in China, among which Cantonese culture is a very important part.

If Cantonese disappears, then Cantonese opera, Cantonese ancient speaking, Cantonese cross talk, Cantonese comedy, Cantonese pop songs, Cantonese movies and TV dramas, etc., will also disappear, and the creators and performers will also lose their jobs. As Russell said, it is necessary to know that the diversity and polymorphism is the source of happiness.

Mandarin is popular, why learn Cantonese?

We are Chinese, not just because we are yellow-skinned, black-haired and black-eyed, but we also use the Chinese language and love Chinese culture. By the same token, if we don't know Cantonese and don't like Lingnan culture, can we still claim to be Cantonese?

The premise of patriotism is to love one's hometown and parents, if a person says that he is patriotic, but does not love his hometown and parents, will you think that he is hypocritical?

Mandarin is popular, why learn Cantonese?

So, learning English and Mandarin can take you further, while learning Cantonese will keep you from forgetting where you started.

Dear friends,

Why do you think the next generation should learn Cantonese?

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