
Resolutely oppose rumor-mongering, and strongly condemn the smear behavior of arbitrarily spreading rumors that Chinese hospitals only look at money!

author:Flying Fish Life

Recently, the remarks about Chinese hospitals only looking at money have been widely circulated on the Internet, and we strongly condemn this malicious rumor-mongering. As part of the mainland's medical system, Chinese hospitals have always adhered to the original intention of treating patients, serving the people wholeheartedly, and will never refuse any patients because of monetary interests.

Resolutely oppose rumor-mongering, and strongly condemn the smear behavior of arbitrarily spreading rumors that Chinese hospitals only look at money!

First of all, China's medical system bears a solemn social responsibility, and medical staff treat life as a mustard and always maintain a high sense of reverence for patients. Whether rich or poor, noble or commoner, they can all get the same high-quality medical care in Chinese hospitals. This is the foundation of trust that our healthcare system has built over the years. Any attempt to distort Chinese hospitals into dark institutions chasing only money is a slander and slander against hospitals and their medical staff.

Resolutely oppose rumor-mongering, and strongly condemn the smear behavior of arbitrarily spreading rumors that Chinese hospitals only look at money!

Second, China actively promotes a sound medical insurance system to provide everyone with equal access and ability to seek medical care. The establishment of the medical insurance system aims to protect the people's health rights and interests and realize the rational allocation of medical resources. Through the health insurance system, poor people and residents of poor areas can also enjoy high-quality medical services. This is an important part of the mainland's healthcare system, and it is the best proof that Chinese hospitals refuse to focus only on money.

Resolutely oppose rumor-mongering, and strongly condemn the smear behavior of arbitrarily spreading rumors that Chinese hospitals only look at money!

Whether it is in the prevention and control of the epidemic or in the daily medical services, Chinese hospitals have demonstrated extraordinary professionalism and humane care. During the fight against the new crown epidemic, Chinese medical workers gave up their small homes for everyone, charged forward, and fulfilled their duties. They are willing to give without pay. Many ordinary angels in white have paid for their lives and kept their promises to their patients. These touching deeds fully prove the goodness of Chinese hospitals, and completely break the false narrative that hospitals only value profits.

Resolutely oppose rumor-mongering, and strongly condemn the smear behavior of arbitrarily spreading rumors that Chinese hospitals only look at money!

Thirdly, we should face up to the individual problems and shortcomings that may exist, but this does not deny the essence of Chinese hospitals in saving lives and helping others. Whether it is a doctor or a nurse, they are burdened with great responsibility and pressure. The imperfection of the hospital management system, the limitations of the working environment, and the misconduct of individual medical staff all require us to think deeply and make targeted improvements. However, this phenomenon is only a minority, and it cannot be generalized, let alone negate the efforts and contributions of all Chinese hospitals.

Resolutely oppose rumor-mongering, and strongly condemn the smear behavior of arbitrarily spreading rumors that Chinese hospitals only look at money!

Therefore, we call on the general public to have a correct understanding of Chinese hospitals and not be confused by unfounded remarks. In today's information-based society, each of us should have the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood, not only to believe in the spread of positive energy, but also to actively participate in the action of spreading rumors and defending rights, and to deal with those malicious hype and distortion of facts.

Resolutely oppose rumor-mongering, and strongly condemn the smear behavior of arbitrarily spreading rumors that Chinese hospitals only look at money!

In short, the fact that Chinese hospitals do not recognize money is in front of us, and the medical system has always been based on the original intention of treating patients and serving the people wholeheartedly. We resolutely oppose any ugly behavior that attempts to stigmatize Chinese hospitals and distort the facts, and at the same time call on the general public to be rational, not to be affected by rumors, and to continue to contribute to the development and progress of hospitals. Let us work together to protect the Chinese hospital, which is an upright and hopeful fortress, and work hard to build a healthy and harmonious society!

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